Looking for friends: fit pregnancy

hecham Posts: 118 Member
I just found out this weekend that I am expecting my first baby in September! I am super excited and hope to go through this pregnancy fit, healthy, and happy.
I am not new to MFP. In fact, I've logged consistently since 2010. I am looking for a few like-minded women who are also expecting so we can share fitness goals, exercise tips, nutrition information, and have healthy pregnancies.
Some things I would say describe my health goals:
- Eating whole foods, and limiting fast food or processed foods. I also love cooking at home and trying new recipes.
- Enjoying exercise including hiking, running, walking, yoga, lifting (all of which I hope to continue as much as I can through the pregnancy). I also enjoy staying active in general and can't stand being inactive for too long.
- I make my own health and beauty products like soap, shampoo, deodorant, lotion, so as to reduce exposure to unnecessary artificial ingredients, and I like talking to others about do-it-yourself type projects.

There's more info on my profile page. Looking forward to meeting other fit mothers!


  • hecham
    hecham Posts: 118 Member
    (baby) bump ;)
  • You're welcome to add me if you like - I'm not pregnant yet, but we're actively trying.
  • dmcb24
    dmcb24 Posts: 56 Member
    I am 21 weeks and 5 days pregnant today. I have gained 16 lbs so far , this is my third baby. I have been watching my diet more now because during the holidays I literally ate nothing but cookies. You can add me, I would love a friend to help motivate to eat healthy
  • I sent you a friend request. I'm not expecting yet, but we finally made the decision to start trying for baby #2. I have decide to work on my weight loss aggressively until then and then I am committed to a healthy and fit pregnancy once we conceive.

    With my first baby I didnt gain any weight, I actually lost some pounds....but only because I was terribly sick the entire pregnancy. This time I am praying for energy and that I dont get severe morning sickness.
  • blh0285
    blh0285 Posts: 22 Member
    Please add me! Just found out I'm expecting our second last night. Lol, three pounds away from my goal!
  • lauradoingyoga
    lauradoingyoga Posts: 22 Member
    My husband and I are also starting to try for #1. Looking forward to it, but also looking for motivation to exercise and eat healthy when I know I'll shortly be putting weight on, not trying to take some off.
  • jthoma05
    jthoma05 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 21 weeks first pregannacy and up 15 lbs... my doc told me I should can gain no more than one pound a week for the remiander of the pregancy. I ate a little too much over the holidays and really need assistance staying motivated too.
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    I have my 2 babies, but in for adding on the all natural goodies to make. Good luck with your pregnancy!
  • fava87
    fava87 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, congrats on the positive!!! I'm 18 weeks pregnant. I'm an exercise lover but kinda slacked my 1st trimester, but back on track now. I'm currently into zumba and weight lifting and taking care of my 1yo and 2yo which takes a lot of my energy as well. I'm trying to eat good, lots of whole grains, veggies, fruits and legumes. If your looking for another prego friend your welcome to add me :-)
  • amanduh9911
    amanduh9911 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey! 25lbs down and I just found out I am pregnant with my second child. My first child is 4. I plan to only gain around 15-20 lbs this pregnancy. I was wondering what exercises are still okay to do when pregnant. Can I still do squats and jogging? I have been doing at least a mile on the treadmill daily. Walking around 3-4in at 3mph and jogging for one min. then back to walking. Also, what is a healthy calorie range to stay in to not gain more than 15-20lbs?
  • shrinkwithdanni
    shrinkwithdanni Posts: 14 Member
    I am 21 weeks and 3 days gone this is my first... and so far I lost 28 lbs in the first trimester and have gained 11lbs back. I wasn't active before I was pregnant but have now joined the gym and have been doing yoga swimming and my zumba dvd at home I haven't restricted my diet. I am looking for friends on here so please feel free to add me also and congratulations ladies!
  • Aeromax81
    Aeromax81 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I love 20kg after giving birth to twins in 2011. I'm now 16 weeks and have gained a few kgs simply by me not exercising and eating the wrong foods, don't now if I should be training or counting calories.
  • addmorecloud
    addmorecloud Posts: 78 Member
    I jut got a positive result, about 5 weeks in, so also due in September!
    I try to avoid chemicals too, I use castille soap to avoid sulfates, I'd love to hear what alternatives others have for shampoo.
    Good luck to all those trying to conceive!
  • I'm 20lbs down and just found out I'm 6weeks pregnant with baby #2 =] I'd love to have friends to share exercises/recipes with. I'm hoping to only gain 15-25lbs through out my pregnancy. Feel free to add me
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    feel free to add me!
    We will be TTC #3 soon. I have 2 children, 3&7.
    I gain MAJORLY in pregnancy. I cant say I 'watch' what I eat much. I spen the first 12 weeks vomiting and the next 6 eating what feels right. I gained 60+ lbs the first time, but it mostly all came off within 9 months, and 40 the last time, and again it mostly all came off. In fact, I was back to pre-preg weight but the last few months I've been pigging out so gained about 20lbs

    My goal wouldn't be fixed on a number, but I would like to remain active and work out :)
    I generally eat whole, real food and stay away from all chemicals.
  • phreekles
    phreekles Posts: 216 Member
    Congratulations ad good luck ladies! I too recently found out I'm pregnant with my first (maybe 9 weeks - haven't had scan yet so not sure!) and I'm also due in September. I originally lost around 25 lb in the summer and I have put on about 15 lb back on since then by going off the wagon! So far in the 1st trimester I have been feeling increasingly sick and put off by most foods - I can only keep down carbs and junk food, so I've been trying to keep to wholemeal toast and eggs to be slightly healthy! Has anyone managed a healthy diet in the first trimester? I have been feeling so guilty :(
  • HealthyLeeLee
    HealthyLeeLee Posts: 97 Member
  • roma2011
    roma2011 Posts: 33 Member
    Congratulations! I'm due in mid July, it's my first pregnancy. You're welcome to add me if you like :)

    I was looking at my mfp weight reports earlier today and at the moment I'm the very same weight as when I conceived, but I dropped a few pounds in my first trimester and have started to slowly put it back on again at a pace I'm comfortable with. I'm not really focusing on the weight side of things. Of more concern for me is my fitness. I found that during my first trimester I was completely wrecked after work and also had issues with dizziness in the heat of where we live. As a result I only exercised a handful of times. If my diet had been poor at that stage I definitely would have put on a lot of weight.

    Now that I'm starting to feel a bit more human again (16 weeks done) I'm going to start getting back into the gym. I used to do fitness classes but I don't think I'll do those as there are no pregnancy specific ones here, the class size is large, the trainers a bit crap, and I don't want to hurt myself or my baby. I'm trying to avoid anything that involves much core engagement as recently I can feel the ligaments stretching out. The same goes for taking on a gym based weights program. I downloaded a pregnancy training app that incorporates light weight training so I'm going to stick to the guidance on that rather than trusting some clueless kid in the gym for guidance. I'm quite happy taking it slow and steady with cardio exercise (mostly stationary biking and swimming) for now.
  • california_haley
    california_haley Posts: 220 Member
    Im due June 27th, with our first, and we have a little baby boy.
  • ewhsweets
    ewhsweets Posts: 167 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm 20 weeks! I work out 6 days a week now, during the first trimester I could only manage 3-4 days a week due to exhaustion and nausea. I still run (when it's warm enough), I'm obsessed with Yoga! You dont need a prenatal class! I made up my own - my yoga instructor loved it :) I also cut back my high intensity cardio (Insanity-type videos) to more relaxed workouts, it didn't feel right jumping all over the . I do the Tracy Anderson project a few times a week (it's made for us prego gals) and it's great!