how can i make brown rice taste better?

so i love white rice, but hear that's best if i stay away from anything 'bleached' and eat the wholegrain brown rice. i bought some and HATE the flavor and esp the smell! (reminds me of the scent of bird food for some bizarre reason lol) any one add anything to their rice? or can i just stick to my white? thx!


  • Canned tomatoes
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    You heard wrong, eat white rice, it's delicious
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    You heard wrong, eat white rice, it's delicious

    ^ this. Nothing wrong with white rice.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I actually prefer brown rice. It has a nuttier flavor and a chewier texture. Maybe it's an acquired taste...
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Add bacon, lots of bacon
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    There's nothing wrong with white rice. But brown rice is nutritionally superior. Here's a couple good reads on it.

    When all else fails, A-1 sauce covers the taste of just about anything. :smile:
  • voodoocupcake
    voodoocupcake Posts: 9 Member
    As people have been saying, there's nothing wrong with white rice. However, if you want to eat brown rice, using it in a recipe with strong flavors will cover the rice flavor. Something like curry or gumbo would be good. You can let it sit overnight before eating to let the flavors blend more. You might also try adding salt into the water in which you boil the rice so that the rice will absorb a little of it during cooking.
  • squeakyfish
    squeakyfish Posts: 109 Member
    I used to really dislike it, but for some reason, I actually like brown better now. The change just happened this year. I have no idea why...I like to use chicken broth instead of plain water and mix in a bunch of caramelized onions with it.
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    shot in the dark, Curry powder, add some shrimp...
  • Shellz31
    Shellz31 Posts: 214 Member
    You'll probably start to like it over time. It's like switching from skim milk to 2% (or from 2% to skim milk), at first you hate the taste of the new kind of milk, then after a while your palate get accustomed to it and suddenly you hate the taste of the milk you used to prefer.

    I agree white rice is not unhealthy, and I enjoy white rice and brown rice depending on the recipe. But brown rice does have much more natural (not fortified) nutrients and more fiber. Also it has a little more protein and potassium, but that all does come with a few more calories.
  • For brown or white rice: nasi goreng paste, a few frozen veges, and stir fry. Add some chicken and omelette if you can spare the calories. Yum
  • I usually add loads of salt to my rice, but I don't know if that'll work for you since I like brown rice. Try eating it with scrambled eggs or tomatosauce or just spices in general.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    add whiskey
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    It can be cooked in beef or chicken broth instead of water
  • Add a little butter and stir fry with onions and some other veggies. Butter makes everything better :)

    Although not technically a rice, you could also try wild rice.
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    Peas, sweetcorn, chilli powder.

    I sometimes stir peanut butter through mine.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    There's nothing wrong with white rice. But brown rice is nutritionally superior. Here's a couple good reads on it.

    When all else fails, A-1 sauce covers the taste of just about anything. :smile:

    Brown rice is not "nutritionally superior".
  • I'm in the habit of eating brown rice when I make teriyaki salmon, so my point is you could just add a sauce to it based on what you are cooking with it or just in general
  • Oh and white rice is a refined will break down faster and you'll get hungry sooner. Brown rice is a whole grain that takes longer to break down so it should keep u full longer. If you wanna eat white rice, i think it's a good idea to eat it with something that is high in whole grains or fiber so you still have something to keep you full.
  • addmorecloud
    addmorecloud Posts: 78 Member
    My husband and I live in Asia where white rice is really cheap but brown rice fairly expensive. We mix them half and half, technically brown rice should have more water or longer cooking or something, but we cook them together and it comes out fine and tastes really good.