Ladies, I need advice on birth control



  • addmorecloud
    addmorecloud Posts: 78 Member
    I was on Yas (pills) for years and didn't have any issues with weight gain, mood swings, cramps, etc. I just got off of it a couple of weeks ago and am scheduled to get a copper IUD because I want to stop messing with my hormones. Seeing if it helps to eliminate migraines. Also... Hormonal birth control tends to bring my sex drive down. Plus I'm 32 & smoke, which puts me at risk for blood clots. But as far as BCP, I was happy with Yas.

    Yas may have caused your migraines! I had terrible ones at least twice a week when on Yasmin. I stopped taking it and didn't get one for nearly two years! Now I only ever get them when stressed or from lack of sleep.

    Check this site out
  • starartist
    starartist Posts: 24 Member
    Yes. That pill gave me crazy cravings as well! It increased my appetite so much!
    I'm on LoEstrin 24Fe as well, my pharmacy hasn't mentioned it going out yet. Wish it would though. It hasn't hurt my weight loss, held steady for a yr, and now started losing, but the stupid pills give my TOM 2x a month, every other week! Takes will power not to cave to the cravings!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I take yaz, I love it
  • wlaura88
    wlaura88 Posts: 69 Member
    Honestly, different birth control medications affect everyone differently. It seems like a lot of people like the Nuvaring, but I gained weight terribly on it. I also had issues with the patch. I loved Yaz, but after all the scary health stuff that came out on it, I got nervous and went off of it. Now, I'm on Seasonale, which I love. I seem to respond better to pills, others may respond better to the implants or other methods. It all depends on the person.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I'm on Jolessa. It's one of the 3 month pills. I've been on them for 5-6 years and a 28 day pill for 5-6 years before that. I LOVE it. On the 28 day pill (I was on 3 types over the years) I had 5-6 days of bleeding and awful cramps preceded by 2-3 days of insane mood swings.
    The first year of the 3 month pill (I started on Seasonale) I would spot a tiny bit in the middle of the pack but nothing a liner wouldn't take care of. Now I don't have any breakthrough bleeding and just 4 days of spotting, a few hours of mild cramps and 1-2 days of moodiness every 3 months.
  • sedentarygeek
    sedentarygeek Posts: 55 Member
    I was on Junel, but now I'm on Gildess which is pretty much the same as Junel. It's a low estrogen type of birth control. I haven't gotten any weight gain from it and it helps with my mood swings a lot. The only time I really get mood swings is the weekend before my period. PMS It comes like clockwork
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I got my tubes tied. Best thing I ever did!!
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I'm on LoEstrin 24Fe as well, my pharmacy hasn't mentioned it going out yet. Wish it would though. It hasn't hurt my weight loss, held steady for a yr, and now started losing, but the stupid pills give my TOM 2x a month, every other week! Takes will power not to cave to the cravings!

    You do understand that you can ask your doctor to switch your birth control WITHOUT it having to be pulled from the market, right? I'm on LoEstrin and it's great for me. I don't understand wanting them to pull it just because it doesn't work for you. If that were the criteria, most of the BC listed here wouldn't be prescribed because it didn't work for someone somewhere.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I've been on the pill Demulen for years. No issues, no mood swings, lighter TOM, I can lose weight. I don't have a problem with taking a pill daily but I know some people don't like to/forget.
  • my doctor didnt want to switch me. it is true that is discontinued found that out today. will be discussing better options with the doctor.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    My 2 year old is not only our daughter she is the best form of birth control ever. Sleeps right in the middle.
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you so much for the responses everyone! I guess it will be a bit of trial and error to see what works with my body :)
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Yaz & Yasmin were almost pulled this year because of a 74% increase of risk for blood clots. It was decided to just stick that bit of info in the warnings. [edit I guess that was covered, oh well]

    My friend, aged 36, had one this year.

    There are some really thin Japanese condoms that are not as intrusive as regular ones. If you're in a committed relationship, there's also the (wildly unpopular, I know) diaphragm.
