farmmandy Member


  • Two things that help me!!! First, walking or running. I find that if I take an hour a day, most days of the week, I can cope! It is worth every minute!!!! Secondly, get your thyroid checked!!!! I truly believe that I had been treated for anxiety/panic attack for close to ten years before my thyroid issue was discovered! I…
  • I'm jealous you had shade and wind!!! It's so hot and humid here in Georgia!!!!
  • I began name brand Synthyroid the last week in April of this year. I felt mentally better 2 weeks later. I joined Weight Watchers on May 19th. I had been exercising and eating right before and would gain weight or stay the same. Now, 4 months later, I am down 37 pounds!!!! I feel better than I have in 10 years. The…
  • I've lost 37 pounds and gone from a tight 18W to a regular 16. This has taken 4 months of hard work :)
  • You have to work through it!!! You can do it! If I can, anyone can :) It's a mind game to. It's that whole no pain, no gain thing.... Don't be afraid to repeat that week either. I'm only on week 6, but I have become so much stronger and have so much more endurance.
  • You can do it! I started chewing gum while I was running and that helped to :) Sounds stupid but I guess it took my mind off of everything!
  • I just completed Week 6 Day 1. The best thing I ever did was repeat week 4!!! I feel like that repeat was when I finally learned to control how I was breathing! Don't give up!!!
  • This has been the only problem I have had since starting on synthroid. I'm right there with you!!!
  • I use spandex shorts or Walmart has Danskin Bermuda length cotton shorts that don't ride up at all! :)