


  • farmmandy
    farmmandy Posts: 11 Member
    Two things that help me!!! First, walking or running. I find that if I take an hour a day, most days of the week, I can cope! It is worth every minute!!!! Secondly, get your thyroid checked!!!! I truly believe that I had been treated for anxiety/panic attack for close to ten years before my thyroid issue was discovered! I am a new woman!!!!!
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    In for advice on this. I suffer from all kinds of anxiety. I'd talk to a doctor......if I was so damned scared what they may say. The thought of admitting it out in the open like that makes me feel physically ill.

    A good doctor will tell you there are no stupid concerns or embarrassing concerns. He or she is a healthcare professional. I was nervous too but I did it, and amazingly the world didn't end. I know what you mean but talking to a healthcare pro is the best thing you cando to help yourself long term.
  • I have been diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder and it got very, very bad a few years ago. Natural remedies didn't work for me so I'm on medication for it. Best decision I've ever made, I combined meds with seeing a psych and now am on a low enough dose that I get anxious, but it doesn't stop me doing things. (I literally couldn't go to work or out because of it)
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    Wow, some of the posts in this thread are exactly how I would describe my own panic attacks and anxiety. I have several anxiety disorders, mostly related to social situations or when something happens that I did not plan and I have no control over the outcome. I am on 2 daily meds and have a "go to" on hand that can really stomp out a panic attack pretty quickly should it get too bad. I'm so sorry that so many of us deal with these disorders, they are upsetting to life in general.

    My advice is pretty much the same as what's already posted. As long as you don't feel like you're going to hurt yourself and need immediate help, make an appt with a doc. Tell them what you've told us and hopefully they will listen and do something more than just the fluxotine (sp?). My Ativan has literally saved my life, so to speak, on more occasions that I care to shake a stick at. Try yoga or take some really long walks with soft music so you don't have to listen to the outside world while you try to cope and calm down. Good luck hun and many many hugs to you.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like to. Support is a wonderful thing!
  • jlwbeans0823
    jlwbeans0823 Posts: 178 Member
    This may sound too simple or silly, but I high as it takes. Slowly and with deep breaths. I would talk to your doctor as well. I really feel for you and hope that your situation improves.
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    In for advice on this. I suffer from all kinds of anxiety. I'd talk to a doctor......if I was so damned scared what they may say. The thought of admitting it out in the open like that makes me feel physically ill.

    Actually talking about it will make you feel least that was my experience...sharing that fear with someone I absolutely KNEW wasn't going to go blab to anyone else was a relief. Also, not one time did my doc ever say I was 'weird' 'abnormal' 'stupid' or anything negative, matter o' fact I got a lot of positive encouragement, and not just 'cause "that's his job" either.
  • Is it fine to add GABA with your anti depressant?
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Oh, I feel for you.
    I used to get back to back panic attacks all day, for well over a year.
    It was exhausting and frightening, so much so that I ended up going to hospital a few times initially as I thought I was dying.
    I couldn't breathe, my arms would go numb and I would be crawling around the floor not even able to cry, just panicking and desperate.
    They mostly disappeared after I moved away from my ex, and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and put on thyroxine.
    I do believe that hypothyroidism can sometimes cause panic attacks so do get that checked into if you haven't already. I also found that even though you feel you cannot breathe, making yourself walk about can help as walking sort of forces you to breathe differently. And basically, distraction, get writing or try and sing or somesuch.
    Feel free to add me and message me anytime you are panicking and I will respond if I am around.
    I have issues with depression and anxiety, alongside on and off battles with bulimia/binge eating.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Heading off to bed but had to post this. It helped me learn how to deal with/reduce/control anxiety. The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. You can get it at Barnes & Noble or Amazon. It leads you through identifying sources of anxiety and how to work through panic attacks, etc. I highly recommend it.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Thank you so much for the kind words and support, everyone, and I am truly sorry for the struggles other people are going through xx
  • mag2906
    mag2906 Posts: 57 Member
    Not strictly weight loss related but I need some support. I have moderate depression and anxiety.

    Sorry to hear that :(

    I've been having mild to heavy anxiety all my life (depends on situation I'm dealing with).
    Just few months ago I discovered Jamieson "Relax and Sleep" pills.
    I take 2 pills before going to bed. It helps you calm down and make falling asleep easier.
    What I noticed is that the following day I'm much calmer and my "regular" every-day anxiety is gone.
    I'm extremely introverted and have had social anxiety since childhood. Now, it's under control (most of the time anyway) but that low level anxiety was never gone - until I started taking "Relax and Sleep" pills.
    Maybe it's something worth trying?

    I'm not taking any prescription drugs except for Ativan which I take 1-2 times a month prior to social events that I know will freak me out. :)

    Hope that helps.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Aww hugs, I'll pray for you. Sorry, I just don't know much about depression or anxiety and I wouldn't feel right offering any advice except you should talk to a professional. It can be treated! You can do it.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I feel your pain. I have terrible anxiety and have talked to several doctors and all seem to blow it off. None of them will help me. I have a hard time keeping calm any given time of day but find I often cry with my anxiety. I usually feel better after a good few minutes of crying and feel like I can breathe again. Convincing myself that my anxiety is unnecessary does nothing for me.

    Sad but that's all that's been getting me through rather than holding it all in.
  • keliana1
    keliana1 Posts: 14 Member
    Sorry to hear you're dealing with this. Anxiety can really suck, but thankfully there are ways to cope. Hopefully the Fluoxetine will deal with both your depression and anxiety. Docs are less inclined to prescribe benzos (xanax, valium, etc) because they are addictive and can get out of hand, so they use the anti-depressants as those have also been found to be effective. If not able to get a therapist, or possibly as an adjunct, you can check out some online resources and apps. A free app that I like is Do As One -One Breath. It's a way to get your breathing under control. My favorite free online resource is From there you can download podcasts for stress, depression, anxiety, pain, sleep and many others; all free. It's a good way to get out of your head for a bit until you're able to be there without the anxiety.
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    I had panic attacks in my late 20's. It felt as if my skin were burning, could not get enough air, and could not slow down. I was diagnosed with anxiety/depression. I started taking medication, which helped, but I could not take it when pregnant, so I stopped. I was actually ok once I had my kiddos until my divorce, and then the anxiety (mostly about money, being a single mom, etc.) got to me so I went back on the medication. I just recently stopped the medication, and have been fine. I still have anxiety, but no depression and I am able to manage the anxiety with breathing, exercise, and some other tips people have shared. For me, positive self talk is key...just tell yourself all is ok, life is good, everything will work out. Anxiety has this awful tendency to build, grow and take on a life of its own. I find the key is to nip this in the bud as early as you can.

    I think if you are to the stage of a panic attack, it's serious and going to a doc is important!

  • LuckyMe381
    LuckyMe381 Posts: 105 Member
    I had HORRIBLE anxiety about 2 years ago and it still comes and goes as it pleases...i'm not 100% sure what brings it on bu after TONS of TESTS and bloodwork and all that good stuff the doc put me on meds that make me feel llike a dead person walking.....I have learned to cope with it without meds....I have never heard of anyone dieing from a panic attack so it doesnt really scare me as much anymore....I have just learned to live with it and not let it get in my way of whole family has it and so i've grown up with it and know how it works and some of my family wont even leave the house...i refuse to let it get the best of me.
  • Lkagno
    Lkagno Posts: 1
    Hi--I'm a psychologist who treats anxiety and I have also, myself, had a panic disorder. I'm glad folks have been helped by meds, and there's something to be said for 'whatever gets you through', but research shows that anxiety tends to bounce back when the medication stops. The route I recommend is first have your thyroid levels checked as that can give you symptoms of anxiety. Second, all the research shows exercise (cardiovascular stuff--walking, aerobics, swimming) is hugely effective in alleviating both anxiety and depression for most people. Unfortunately, regular old "talk therapy", while it's helpful in many ways, doesn't do much for anxiety disorders like panic disorder and OCD, so third, I'd STRONGLY urge you to try a behavioral approach (effective in stopping panics in 80%+ of people, without medication). You can find a therapist who's really qualified to treat anxiety/panic through the American Assn. of Behavior Therapists. I wish you much success in conquering this problem. Anxiety feels awful, but it's not truly dangerous. God bless you all.
  • I haven't read what other people have said, but during an actual panic attack it's hard to focus on what you should be doing. For immediate relief, I've been given a few is to sip on ice water, another is to disctract yourself with something like a long relaxting bath, another is to take a benedryl if you really need to (maybe not during your bath) :smile: . I don't recommend the benedryl for a long term fix obviously, but it's hard to be panicky when you're tired. It might help you until you can actually get in to see a therapist.

    Just one more thing, while your primary care dr can prescripe anti-anxiety medications, if you're having a hard time with panic attacks it might be a good idea to see an actual psychologist. They are trained in the many types of treatment options and medications. For primary care dr prescribed me a med for panic attacks I was having years ago (not able to breathe like yours). When I finally saw a psychiatrist because I wasn't getting relief, he told me that the dosage of medication my primary had me on was like trying to put out a forrest fire with a water pistol.

    Giood luck to you...deep breaths in through your nose and out your mouth.
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    I don't have time right this minute for in depth reply so I'm bumping so I can find this later.
  • kattbyrd67
    kattbyrd67 Posts: 39 Member
    My daughter had terrible anxiety attacks, to the point that she would be unable to go to school. She started taking "Happy Camper," which is an herbal supplement we found at our local health food store. It helped her, but it could have been a placebo effect. Also, I don't know if you could mix it with anti-depressants, but I suspect not since it contains St. Johns Wort.
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