Help! Synthroid and weight loss



  • ewoodburn
    ewoodburn Posts: 1 Member
    I have had hypothyroidism for nearly 12 years now and I am also an RN. Depending on what is the cause of your disease will determine if you will be able to get off the meds. In my case, i have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is the most common reason, it's an auto-immune disorder, meaning that your body "attacks" your thyroid tissue. With this type of thyroid disease, you WILL need thyroid replacement for the rest of your life. In my case, I have very little functioning thyroid tissue left, so am on a high dose. I have an AWESOME endocrinologist doses my synthroid. Per my endo, it does not make a difference what time of day you take your synthroid, or even if you have food in your stomach, the key being.... if you take your synthroid at 0800 every am at the same time you eat breakfast, then ALWAYS take it that way, he said you can also take at bedtime too, if that's easier. The reason they say you aren't supposed to take on a full stomach is because the amount of synthroid your body absorbs will be decreased, but if you always take WITH food, and have your regular blood tests and have your dose managed appropriately, then you will be on a higher dose, but will be ok, because some is lost dt the absorbancy issue.

    I have never had any issues with any of the side effects that many of you mention. It may be dt the synthroid itself, as it's name suggests, it is SYNTHETIC THYROID. perhaps your body would do better with a non-synthetic thyroid replacement like Armour? Also, although generics and name brands are supposed to be equivalent, my endo says that the fillers in generic snythroid can cause issues with some people, so that could be the cause also, and maybe you just need the name brand?

    Whatever the case, DO NOT change your med dose or stop taking your meds without talking to your dr, your thyroid hormones are directly or indirectly in control of nearly every function in your body and you could have life threatening consequences.
  • mkathib
    mkathib Posts: 22 Member
    I have been on synthroid for over 19 years now, had thyroid cancer and had my thyroid and two parathyroids removed. Had the radiation treatments etc.. You might be on to high of a to your doctor. Also be pro-active in your care!! Ask your doctor questions and request tests if needed. I was on generic synthroid and never seemed to be just right, finally after talking to my doctor we swithched to brand synthroid, cost a little more but for me it works wonders!! I didn't know that a generic drug can vary 20% high/low......this is FDA approved by the way. What that means is if you are using a generic synthroid and pick it up at the pharmacy today that generic that is bought by the pharmacy by the lowest priced vendor might just be 20% less than the actual might go to the same pharmacy the next month and in the mean time they bought more generic synthroid but from another vendor whose pill is 20% more than the does..that is a 40% varience in just one month!! Google this and you will see, or ask your dr. Pay for the brand name, its constant therefore your levels won't change and they won't be changing your dose every few months! Also, I recently found out that I should have been asking for a PTH blood biggie when they are taking your blood is for your para-thyroid. If your para thyroid is not working correctly you could be having stomach aches from that........make sure to ask for complete thyroid panels to include T4, T3, PTH, Calcium, etc. Last but not least, watch your sodium intake! Don't be down on yourself for not losing...just do what you can do. Your thyroid is a tricky thing and it will most likely take a while for it to get regulated with the synthoid Good luck!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    The pill itself won't make you GAIN weight--your hypothyroidism is what makes weight loss difficult. I have lost weight on every thyroid drug out there (I had a complete TT a decade ago at 13), but depending on the pill, I've lost weight quicker or slower. Synthroid I had the most problems with, and had better luck with Armour and Levothyroxine (a slightly different composition of synthetic thyroid).

    The half life of Synthroid is about two weeks, but blood and brain chemistry really don't kick in for months. I honestly feel your body is either just adjusting to getting what it's missing, or some of your symptoms may be placebo (like improved clarity). I've give it 1-2 more months before you consider how you actually feel on the pills. Thyroid is notoriously slow.

    EDIT: Also, like the previous poster said, brand vs. generic DOES make a big difference (in many hormonal drugs). Look into that too, but again--You need to give your current dose MUCH more time. Rapidly switching doses or drugs once you start treating thyroid can be more detrimental!
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    bump!!! I have gained 8 pounds in 45 days on Synthroid!!! I do not want to keep taking it!
  • My husband had thyroid cancer and is on Synthroid.

    He has always been on the brand name, I believe for the reasons the poster below mentioned but I can't say for sure.

    He takes his medicine as soon as he wakes up in the morning with a glass of water. He waits a full hour before having anything else, including his coffee. He always waited the hour to eat but only in the last few months did he wait to have his coffee. He says there is noticeable difference in the way he feels.

    I do know that it took some time for them to get his dose right.
  • bharris78
    bharris78 Posts: 25 Member
    I am also an RN and had thyroid ablation several years ago due to Grave's disease. I FINALLY have an endo. that has increased my Synthroid.I feel much better at a higher does but it does make me hungry....the reason it that your thyroid controls your metabolism and your body recognizes that you are burning at a higher rate.

    The reason you have stomach pain is that if your thyroid levels are low your gi motility is slower. Hence constipation as a symptom of low thyroid function. You body will adjust but don't expect it to be fast. Give it 3 months and have your levels checked and talk to you doc. Low thyroid is worst than taking a supplement and will effect everything including you cbsorption of nutrients.
  • Hi, Over a period of 2 years I gain 30lbs on diet and exercise!!! On a 5 FT person...thats alot of weight. After a few doctors of telling me that my metabolism is caused from menepause and age, I could not accept that. One doctor found out that I had a goiter but my thyroid #'s were all in line as they should be. many biopsies later , I had to have the thyroid out. My sugeon put me on 112mg of Synthroid. I took the generic of Synthrod because of the cost , but did not feel any better. Still tired, hungry all the time. The doctor gave me a sample of Synthroid. After 1 week I started to feel much better. Some people cannot tolerate the generic version.. I take my med before i get out of bed but allowed 1 cup of coffee. It took about 3months before I was able to start loosing some weight very slowly. I am very active and keep my calories to about 1100-1200 daily using fMFP but loosing weight is still a struggle. I have lost 15 out of the 30 and at a standstill now. It has been 1 year since my surgery but feel alot better eating the correct foods.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hi all!
    I have been a MFP member for a while and lost about 30lbs. Then, out of no where, I had zero energy, my hair was falling out, I could hardly think. I had many people tell me "it must be your calories, you are not eathing enough" so I upped my calories. No change. I upped them again. No change. So I finally went to the doctor and turns out even though I lost weight, apparently I have hypothyroidism. She said she was suprised I lost any weight at all! (Trust me that weightloss was hard won!)

    Now I have been on Synthroid (levothyroxine) for about 2 weeks. I have more energy and mental clarity, but unfortunately, I have stomach cramps and bloating to go wtih it, not to mention I am starving all the time. So, because of that-I have also gained back about 8-10lbs. I have lost all motivation to work out because my stomach hurts and I just dont think I can do this anymore.

    Is there anyone out there who has hypothyroidism, who takes this med, and still loses weight?

    I read that you shouldnt eat before a hour when you take the med, then I just read 3 hrs. Which is it? Are there certain foods I should/shouldnt be eating? I cant find anything on the net to help. So damn frustrated!!

    Any help/words of wisdom would be appreciated.

    I take my meds as soon as I get up...even before using the bathroom. I get ready for work, then I sit down and eat breakfast. This is usually about thirty to forty five minutes after taking the thyroid meds. My doctor said not to eat any sooner than thirty minutes after taking it and also don't take any other meds with it. I haven't had any problems and I started out at a dose of .125/day...she has since reduced it to .100/day.
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    The shelft life of my thyroid drugs is VERY short. If you are getting your drugs from a mail order pharamcy - there is no telling how old they are. A retail pharmacy has a higher turnover, and therefore fresher drugs. Try getting a fresh batch of meds. (My mom is a pharmacist and my dad is on thyroid meds)
  • I have been on synthroid for many years. The purpose of taking synthroid is to re-balance your metabolism. Naturally as your metabolism is increased, you may have increased appetitie. The key is to stay on the right balance of nutrition. I am a carboholic and at times crave them. It is a full-time process, but the weight should start coming back off as long as you stay on track. As to cramping, it is vital that it be taken at least one hour before of two hours after eating. Otherwise the effectiveness of synthroid is reduced. Also never take with milk as calcium binds the synthroid and reduces it effectiveness. I always take mine at bedtime and have never had any issues. Any questions...message me...happy to help.
  • nevilles
    nevilles Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Jennifer,

    As you can see, hypothyroidism is a common problem. I'm a physician, and although this is not "official" medical advice (since we have never met), here are some thoughts:

    1. It takes a couple of months for your thyroid levels to become stable on your dose of synthroid. It's normal in that time for you to feel different.

    2. You will need follow up blood work 6-8 weeks to see if your level is right. If it is not, then your physician should change the dose slightly and then blood work again in 8 weeks. This continues until the right dose is found. Everyone is different, so the medicine comes in a bunch of strengths and your physician has to titrate it like that until the right dose is found. Sometimes their first choice turns out perfect. The average woman ends up on about 0.117 mg, or 117 mcg. However, doses from 0.050 to 0.250 are common.

    3. Many people eventually lose some weight on the medicine.

    4. It's normal for your appetite to pick up, since your metabolism is coming back to life. Keep working on the basics, exercise and eating good choices, and your calorie goals.

    5. It doesn't really matter what time you take the medicine, as long as you are consistent. Morning, evening, before bed, doesn't matter. Just take it on an empty stomach, as in 1 hr before eating or 3 hrs after. Again, doesn't matter which one.

    6. If you miss a dose, take it when you remember. If you miss the whole day, it's ok to take two the next day. But try not to make that a habit.

    Over time the side effects will settle down. Experiment with different times of day until you find what works best for you.

    Hope this helps.

  • I was diagnosed with hashimoto's at the age of 30 after having gained and gained and finally hit my top weight of 263 pounds. I had seen a few doctors who put me on synthroid and it never worked for me. I had tried the Body for Life program, working out 6 days a week and sticking to the diet religiously and had lost nothing. I tried acupuncture and natural supplements. I just gave up. Then I found a doctor who wasn't even an endo but a GP and a naturopath. He put me on Armour thyroid and a low calorie diet along with vitamin supplements after checking to see what I was deficient of (Vitamin d, vitamin b and magnesium). It was the combination of being on the right amount of medication and the low calorie diet that worked for me and I lost 70 pounds. I moved away from Florida and have yet to find another doctor who was willing to prescribe an amount of hormone based upon my symptoms and not just my bloodwork (I have psoriasis that worsens whenever my levels are off, and I get sever exhaustion and brain fog). I have been up and down since then, and I am on way less armour than I used to be with this new doctor (I also found that my levels were crazy and all over the place during and after both my pregnancies) but I am determined to lose weight and be at better shape at 40 than I am at 37 (I am currently 231 pounds). I highly recommend finding a doctor that is willing to prescribe armour and get your thyroid antibodies checked to make sure you just have hypothyroidism and not hashimotos which is an auto immune disease that causes hypothyroidism. According to be thyroid scan, my gland looks like swiss cheese!
  • SLE0803
    SLE0803 Posts: 145 Member
  • Hi,

    I take it every morning, for the past 10 months. I was surprised to find out I had hypothyroidism too, but looking back, the symptoms were pretty clear.......dry skin, foggy memory, brittle hair and 20 lbs weight gain in less than a year.
    My doc told me to take it on an empty stomach, so I take it first thing in the morning before my shower, and then I wait an hour to eat. Sometimes it's more like 45 minutes.

    Get your blood levels checked every 3 months to ensure they've got you on the right doseage. The first 3 months are an adjustment period, but it sounds like your metabolism has really responded, if you are hungry all the time! Just ride it out, lose some weight, stay active, and hopefully your body will sort out whatever was going on. After a while (year or more) you could try going off the meds again, under your doc's supervision.

    Anyway, it looks like you've got some good advice here. Best of luck.
  • farmmandy
    farmmandy Posts: 11 Member
    I began name brand Synthyroid the last week in April of this year. I felt mentally better 2 weeks later. I joined Weight Watchers on May 19th. I had been exercising and eating right before and would gain weight or stay the same. Now, 4 months later, I am down 37 pounds!!!! I feel better than I have in 10 years. The pharmacist told me she only allows her mother to get the name brand also....
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    I take it, and I've lost 31 pounds no problem. that was my symptoms too, my hair was falling out and mostly I couldn't think clearly.
    I've never had a stomach ache by taking it. I take it an hour before I eat in the morning.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    The shelft life of my thyroid drugs is VERY short. If you are getting your drugs from a mail order pharamcy - there is no telling how old they are. A retail pharmacy has a higher turnover, and therefore fresher drugs. Try getting a fresh batch of meds. (My mom is a pharmacist and my dad is on thyroid meds)

    Are you on Armour? Short shelf life makes sense to me there, but what about other thyroid drugs? This is news to me--I get 90 day bottles, so now I'm wondering about this!
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    My doctor told me to take my Synthroid first thing in the morning on an empty stomach with bottled or distilled water. Not to take any other pills for at least two hours. And not to eat for at least an hour.

    Unfortunately, I'm having more trouble losing weight now that I'm on it than I did before.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Bump! Hoping to be put on meds next week by a new endo and want to have more info!
  • i am also a 3rd shifter, i take my synthroid (namebrand 100mcg) as soon as i wake up. I shower and get ready for work which is usually about 30-45 minutes, then i eat my dinner/breakfast whatever you want to call it. I have been on thyroid meds on and off since i was about 14 (34 now) and i see my endocrinologist twice a year. I've lost 36lbs so far since march and i have never had stomach cramps, but it will take a few weeks for your body to adjust to taking the meds, or maybe you need to be on brandname meds.