wackyfunster Member


  • Have read a few studies on this. There are two factors at play. One, people of lower intelligence are more likely to be fat in the first place, which means that in any epidemiological research this connection will appear, but it does not indicate that being fat lowers your intelligence, but rather that being unintelligent…
  • The results are minor, but interestingly this is the only approach other than lipo that actually eliminates fat cells rather than just shrinking them. People who have lost a lot of weight may still suffer from endocrine/hormonal disruptions, as the fat cells remain metabolically active even after they have shrunk through…
  • The average woman in a men's magazine is a size 8, which is very attainable for most women. In women's magazines the average is size 0, which is not. The standards that other women and casting agencies (casting agents being almost exclusively female) have for women are VERY different than the standards that men have.
  • Sure, but not enough to lower TDEE to 100. Even a 40% reduction in BMR is about the limit after months of starvation. An untreated thyroid condition that produced that level of metabolic slowdown would product severe health issues and likely death in a relatively short period of time. Also, Hashimoto's is very manageable.…
  • Lots of confusion here. A 3-day fast works by stimulating production of a variety of proteins that are not typically expressed (FOXO for example) which results in accelerated autophagy and increased cell proliferation (following reintroduction of food). Basically, your body breaks down old/weak/damaged cells, and then when…
  • This is a very common claim, but not one that has ever (to my knowledge) been supported empirically. What happens when you take people who "cannot lose weight" or for whom "CICO doesn't work" and put them in an experimental environment where all access to food is controlled and monitored? Somehow magically they start…
  • Here's one my wife has used with good results: https://imgur.com/DrFEF8P You can go to exrx.net for details and animations of the various exercises.
  • The "detox" claim is questionable, but a 3 day water fast dramatically increases expression of FOXO, increases autophagy, and provides a variety of health and metabolic benefits that are not otherwise easily attainable. In plain english, your body eats the old/bad cells and starts repairing itself in ways that it does not…
  • 1200 calories: 12 oz sirloin 1 lb potato (boiled, steamed, whatever) 10 egg whites (16 oz. carton) 1/2 lb watermelon 1 lb mixed non-starchy veggies That's a total of over 4 pounds of food in a day. I _guarantee_ if you eat that, not only will you not be hungry, but you will probably not even be able to finish it all in a…
  • Exact fat gain is influenced by a variety of factors from thermic effect of food of specific foods, to genetics, to hormonal variations throughout the day, to your current body composition, to activity level (e.g. heavy resistance training will double protein synthesis for ~24-36 hours, so more caloric surplus will go to…
  • Protein intake is too low. Eat a high protein diet and I guarantee you won't be hungry. I am cutting right now, active male, and eat 1350 cals on rest days and have trouble finishing... that's 10 egg whites, 12 ounces of steak, ~1 lb of mashed potatoes. Workout day is still lower than your calorie intake and consists of 10…
  • I prefer black coffee bean extract, or as we used to call it "coffee."
  • No faster weight gain, but may impact sleep quality.
  • What equation are you using for TDEE calculation? If it is not taking body fat into account, then it is probably massively overestimating your BMR. If you are at 40% body fat, you are probably closer to 1300 BMR and 1600-1700 TDEE, which would explain the slow loss. Use the katch-mcardle formula to calculate, as it's much…
  • You will "bulk up" if you do a lot of low-weight, high-rep movements (this leads to type 1 muscle fiber hypertrophy, responsible for improvements in muscular endurance and "bulk"). Switch to a routine involving low-rep high weight movements (fewer than 8 reps to failure) to improve strength and get all the benefits of…
  • It's basically ~3500 calories to build 1 pound of muscle or to gain or lose 1 lb of fat. A muscle DOES only contain ~600 calories worth of protein (plus some glycogen calories), but building muscle is very costly, so does actually take roughly the same number of calories as a pound of fat (per Lyle McDonald). The upshot of…
  • Need more fluids/electrolytes.
  • Too much cardio, not enough protein. Step 1: Full diet/exercise break for 1-2 weeks. Eat maintenance calories, with 0.8g/lb lean body mass protein per day. Step 2: Go back to 1400 calories/day. Do "heavy" resistance training 3 days per week. No cardio. Eat 1.3g protein/lb lean body mass per day (if you are having trouble…
  • I have found that coffee bean extract is really effective for me in terms of waking me up in the morning. I just call it 'coffee' though.
  • In my opinion, in the context of weight loss, the primary purpose of exercise is to ensure preservation of lean body mass. 2-3 days/week of "heavy" resistance training will do this. Cardio can provide a larger caloric deficit, but it is infinitely easier and more time-effective to just do so via diet. Also, recovery…
  • Cold causes apoptosis of white adipose tissue (i.e. permanently kills fat rather than just "shrinking" it). There is a cosmetic surgery procedure that capitalizes on this, but you can accomplish the same thing a lot cheaper via ice baths. Didn't find out about this til I had already reached ~7% body fat, but will…
  • You should bring in one of those portable urinal things and leave it sitting on your desk. Look at it and give you manager a waggle of the eyebrows and a smirk every time he/she walks by. That will either work, or get you fired... either way, it should be good fun!
  • Depends a lot on how your body fat is distributed. I had a ton of abdominal fat when I started getting in shape, and it takes forever for guys to lose fat there, so I didn't start getting good visibility til around 10%, and even at 7% still had some fat on my lower abs (bottom 2 of six pack not clearly defined unflexed),…
  • Per Lyle McDonald (who knows more about fitness and nutrition than anyone on these forums), 10-15% body fat is the ideal range for cut/bulk cycles. Cut til around 10-12%, then bulk to 15%, rinse, repeat. You will probably be pretty skinny at 10-12%, but if you're lucky you can pick up some noob gains during your cut.
  • Came here to say this. strstd.com is a great calculator exrx.net is a great resource in general
  • That is some interesting stuff. For what it's worth, you can supplement ALCAR+ALA+NAC for pennies a day, and not only will it provide enough protection to mitigate damage from virtually all sources of oxidative stress, ALCAR+ALA have been shown to actually reverse mitochondrial damage. Controlling inflammation through diet…
  • Define "normal weight". I have yet to meet someone with type 2 diabetes who was not overweight, so I find this interesting. What was his meal frequency and composition like in the time leading up to the diagnosis?
  • Excuses, vitriol, and lack of personal accountability (I CANNOT resist the evil carb mind control rays! It is not a willpower issue!) The combination seems to generate a large quantity of calories from the ether for many people.
  • And apparently some people like Paleo.
  • I am currently eating paleo as part of an experiment. Things I have noticed: As someone with a family, career, and side business, there is absolutely no way I have time for all the cooking/food prep involved (I have two weeks off now, so have time to actually cook every meal, which is awesome). The food I can make is…