

  • Yep mine is out. Was trying to login my excersize for the day #bummer
  • Me to, feel free to add :))))
  • You all can add me to, I lost a total of 60 pounds and working on the last 15 which is taking soooooooo long. Anyways add me :)
  • Every single day, twice.
  • Mountain Climbers and the infamous burpee's as what was mentioned above. Those are high calorie boost workouts and you can always jump after each burpee is done just for that extra calorie blast.
  • I'll add you as well. :)
  • The dreadful plateau. I think that probably has to the worse feeling in trying to lose weight. You work extra hard all week, you even eat better and yet the scale don't budge. So pretty much just go by your clothes, add an additional 10-15 minutes to your workout and see if that makes a difference. Also I'm told that an…
  • Oh ok. I was googling some sort of break down and someone posted the different segments. I'm just going to have to study them. I know she's good because 10 minutes in and I was already drenched. I'm really excited when I do finally get the all steps.
  • 32 years old .. feel free to add.
  • The only fruits that I've heard that can possibly mess up your thyroid is strawberries. And that happens to be one of my favorite fruits to mix in a smoothie. I do agree that fruits carry a lot of sugar especially those mango's when incorporated into a smoothie. So I say cut the really sugary ones but still eat some sort…
  • First of all my condolences to you. I could not even begin to imagine losing a loved one. Secondly the scale is a no no. I have to learn myself to stay off of it as well as it never really moves especially when I start a new workout program. I was told to go by inches which has been proven to be more effective and accurate…
  • I'm in, after Thanksgiving I feel like a whale. I've avoided the scale but have been working out. I do however plan to workout 6 days a week in Dec no matter what so count me in.
  • Put it this way, it takes literally 3 months of inactivity for the body to show that clearly you aren't working out. So dust yourself off, and try again when you're ready.
  • Woo hoo these are great. That pound of fat was a big wake up call as I'm always complaining about 1 pound lost. Gross how it looks though. The couple looked amazing. Thanks for sharing.
  • When it first came out we brought the wii fit that came with a scale and one game that had boxing, tennis, a really cool "ure in a video game" type game, etc. As much as I enjoyed it playing it the week of Christmas it didn't have me motivated enough to continue. It got really boring, but I bet if I popped it in now I'd…
  • I'm really on and off with Lerazepam as I read online somewhere that it does put some weight on you and lord knows I don't need the extra push for that. I'm supposed to take it once a day for a month but I'm never consistent, just don't want to gain the weight. Hang in there.
  • LOL! I always put 15 pounds lighter then I am on my driver's license. Hey I look at it as motivation and I'll get there.
  • Awesome!! You look so different to. Weight loss always makes one look different in the face. Kudos.
  • I suffer from this to, but I'm going to say this and this only "Yesterday You Said Tomorrow."
  • Ugh I hate that. I use to work at a job where they had monthly celebrations for birthdays and anniversaries and they would order a huge cake, and have a sub shop, or pizza place cater each event. I found myself skipping them towards the end because it was just too tempting. You just gotta remain strong.
  • I love them. I mean when I'm sore I know its working but like I said the scale makes me sick. I alternate them for example, I started with 30 day shred, completed level 1, got bored and started doing RI30 WITH Shred for a week. Then I went and brought Banish Fat, and No More Trouble Zones, both are addicting. "No more"…
  • I hate it and love it at the same time. I kind of wish I didn't have to workout and still remained small. Unfortunately for me, I have to workout or I'll blow up like a balloon. I have bad knees also and realize it triggers more when I do jumping jacks but I kind of just fight right through it. Have you tried Leslie…
  • Gee doesn't it feel like your parents can cut deeper with words then anyone else in the world.
  • First let me start out by saying that store lady was rude. As a matter of fact I probably would have had a b**** fit and asked to speak to a manager immediately. So kudos for handling it the way you did. So I'm thinking hmmm what has anyone ever said to me that was embarrassing and I remember my son was probably like 4…
  • It kind of varies you know what I mean. Like at times, well most of it I eat pretty well and I always eat breakfast, have something light and low in calorie for lunch and a sensible dinner (sometimes). My biggest problem was sweets. And I don't eat much of it accept for the holidays I tend to nibble more then usual around…
  • Congratulations. How did you alternate her workouts? What was your schedule with them? Very curious.
  • ' How many months did it take you to do that?? Congrats :)
  • I use to enjoy morning workouts but then my neighbors downstairs started complaining. I don't blame them, I would get upset to if i heard it at 5AM. I do however, workout Sat and Sunday mornings before breakfast -- just to get it out the way.
  • I don't know if I could not step on the scale its like become a daily routine. I'll try lol
  • Ok I will be purchasing a measuring tape for sure before I pull out my hair and just quit lol. Thanks for the motivation and tips. I was like wait a sec, why aren't I losing with Jillian. I mean her workouts are tough and they are IMHO very advanced. I also was even scared to start training with her but surprisingly enjoy…