Exercising before breakfast



  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    Hmm, I have always heard that working out on a totally empty stomach burned muscle, not fat. While the study you posted is VERY small (and limited), I might have to do some more research. I recently have started eating just a little bit before working out. I do 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter on one slice of toast with coffee and 24 oz of water before working out. Then, after my workout, I officially have breakfast. I also workout in the evenings a couple hours after dinner.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I think more extensive studies have found it doesn't matter when you exercise you gain the same benefit. I generally like to exercise in the morning b/c I like getting it done and out of the way for the day....but I don't always do it first thing. Like today for instance, its flippin' cold (34 this morning...which might not seem bad except it was just close to 80 last week...so it IS) and I am overly sore from the last two days workouts....so I stayed in bed. I will walk at lunch with my neighbor like I always do on M-W-F, then I'll run 2 miles after work and maybe bike for 30 minutes...it's a run 2 miles or cross train day for me...I'm thinking of doing both (I'm an over-achiever...which might be why I am so sore lol)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Hmm, I have always heard that working out on a totally empty stomach burned muscle, not fat.

    I have heard the opposite and in my personal experience, fasted exercise seems better for me.

    Not exactly scientific, but it's working for me.
  • marikevr
    marikevr Posts: 389 Member
    If I get up and run immediately I manage quite easily without breakfast for anything up to about a 10km run. But, if I've been awake an hour or so I need to eat before setting out.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I don't eat until 6pm most days since I'm fasting so all my workouts are before I have breakfast. I also tend to have better workout on an empty stomach.
  • jhunny31
    I use to enjoy morning workouts but then my neighbors downstairs started complaining. I don't blame them, I would get upset to if i heard it at 5AM. I do however, workout Sat and Sunday mornings before breakfast -- just to get it out the way.
  • samuraidoctor
    samuraidoctor Posts: 29 Member
    Interesting posts. Here's my addition:

    1. Studies have shown that people who eat just one meal a day tend to be fatter than those who eat more. (just had to get that out of the way)

    2. Different levels of exercise burn different types of fuel preferentially. If you are exercising at Phil Maffetone's MAF level and going for a long, slow aerobic fitness work-out, you can easily do this off the fat of the land, so to speak (depending on whether you have fat in your land or not). If you exercise above this level (closer to your maximum heart rate) you will preferentially burn sugar. When you wake up, you have some glycogen stores in your liver (about 100 gm), and some in your muscle, which is quickly converted to sugar. If you are exercising for an extended period of time in this zone, you will blast right through that. I suspect heart rate increases sooner when exercising at this level while fasting because the body is more stressed.

    3. I have observes that some people, no matter when they get up, just can't eat without nausea until later in the morning. They are probably wise to avoid eating if they must work-out. I have observed, though, that it is a good idea to drink some water before exercising in the morning. After all, the reason I personally weigh myself first thing in the morning, is that it's my driest and lowest weight of the day. Unless you've had water through the night, you're probably a bit dehydrated.

    4. On a personal level, I find I do my best work if I've had something to eat before exercising. I try to make it at least an hour before and make it relatively small volume and well balanced. I also go for more complex carbs, like nuts, so the sugar release is slow through the work-out, and will sustain me.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Interesting posts. Here's my addition:

    1. Studies have shown that people who eat just one meal a day tend to be fatter than those who eat more. (just had to get that out of the way)

    even more studies show that people who eat a caloric surplus tend to be fatter regardless of how many meals or what time they eat during the day
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    I fall into that category that can not eat for the first couple of hours in the morning without feeling sick. I also need to complete my workout in the morning as I find if I don't it likely will not get done. I have eaten and then done a later workout in the morning and those times I find that I am sluggish and feel sick during and after.

    I do have a bit of water before I go, but I usually roll out of bed, grab the dogs and hit the road....works best for me, but everyone is different.
  • Makes sense to me. I feel great when I get on the treadclimber for 10-15 mins before breakfast. I do a regular workout later in the day but that morning workout wakes me right up and makes me feel good through out my day. Thanks for sharing!