

  • I had a lot of success with online dating, and unlike a lot of the people here, I did a lot of work to make it successful - I wrote messages, initiated contact, etc. - and went on many dates with great guys. That's how I met my fiance and we've been together for 6 years and getting married in September. Keep trying and…
  • Incredible! You look stunning!
  • Thanks again for the continued replies. I am definitely going to implement some of these strategies!
  • I think the holidays can be very difficult. I lost my mom 5 years ago and I still struggle through the holidays without her. I find comfort in continuing the traditions she started with us around the holidays, but that also makes me miss her. I try to keep myself busy - work, working out, time with friends - but sometimes…
  • I use 93/7 ground turkey in package - not tube - all the time. I substitute it for everything I'd use ground beef for - tacos, ziti with meat, meatloaf, meatballs, and even hamburgers on occasion - and most people don't even notice the difference. I find that when I put in my normal seasonings - anything with garlic - I…
  • It's also a big problem for me. I find myself wondering why I'm so hungry and why I want junk so badly and then I check a calendar and cha-ching, PMS! I try to tell myself that my period isn't an excuse for the junk. I'll let myself snack more than normal, but sometimes I break, but I think being aware of the change helps…
  • Thank you all for the replies; you all had some great ideas. I'm going to try to really zero in on what I want and then truly enjoy it instead of filling it in with other things only to cave later. Thanks again!
  • As friends, you can see each other's updates and diaries if you share them. Great job on the weight loss so far! Would love some new friends!
  • Getting married on September 21, 2013! Would love motivating friends, too! :)
  • I've been up and down with weight for years, and I find that shirts are rather forgiving - I dont wear skin tight clothes normally, so a little baggy here and there isn't too big of a deal for me. I wear my pants as long as I can and I have a variety of sizes in my closet. I also found that skirts or dresses are very…
  • I'm looking for new, motivating friends too!
  • I like what other people said - that it's one day - not a whole week or two. I think if I can stick with that mentality, I'll be in good shape (pun intended!) I would like to eat, and enjoy what I'm eating, without going overboard. If the scale stays the same that week, I'll consider it a success.
  • I also bought the dress in my current size. I figured it's better to have too much material than not enough! And, like mentioned, if something happens and I DONT lose the weight I want, then at least I know my dress with fit. Also, mine is a corset back, so that makes me feel a little better as well!
  • I loooove Starbucks and it is expensive, but if you use a gift card, you can register it and then you start getting rewards. I now have a Gold card (yea, I'm that addicted) and get a free drink after every 12 drinks. I try to limit my Starbucks trips to once a week because even though it's so good, it's also high in…
  • I'm not a huge veggie eater either, but luckily I can eat lettuce, cucumbers, and green beans. However, my mother in law purees veggies and hides them into sauces or foods whenever I'm over. I can't taste the difference at all. I also was drinking V8 fusion for awhile - one glass has a serving of fruits and veggies. You…
  • I'd love some feedback on this topic too!
  • This is my favorite way to eat sweet potatoes as well. I usually just spray cookie sheet with Pam, put the "fries" on the sheet, spray them with some Pam and sprinkle with salt and pepper. They are so tasty! I also like mashed sweet potatoes - I prepare them just like mashed potatoes - with a little milk and bummle and…
  • When I did weight watchers, I did the same thing. No matter what I weighed, after weigh in, I would splurge that night. Sometimes I was in control of it, but other times I went completely crazy and ate everything in sight. I'm still struggling to keep the number on the scale from affecting me emotionally, which is why I've…
  • If you're looking to do something more - you're feeling energized to do more - but your knees are bothering you, I would try something that won't affect your knees so much.
  • I did a duathlon a few years ago and came in 5th to last. It was very difficult and defeating to watch so many people pass me even though I was trying my hardest. If I KNEW I'd be last, I can't say I'd run the race. Wish I could say differently...
  • I also wear 2. I've tried a ton of "supportive" ones in the past and just find that 2 is more comfortable.
  • :smile: I know it's hard, but try not to worry about the size of your pants. Im sure they're fitting better now than they were! If they fit and they feel comfortable, wear them! You're doing a great job losing weight, so don't let this hinder your progress!
  • I wasn't on POF, but I was on match. I met a lot of great guys and had a lot of fun. After I few months, I started dating one guy exclusively and now, nearly 5 years later, we're engaged and getting married in Sept 2013. I've had other relationships from online dating sites as well. I think as long as you're open minded…
  • Does the Polar FT4 come with a chest strap or is it just for the wrist?
  • I always treat myself during the week, so sometimes I'll go over my calories.
  • I've run a couple 5K and 10K and always used headphones. Worse case, I take one of them out of my ear. I did NOT use music for a dualthon I did a few years ago and it was the worst experience ever. For my 1st half marathon in May, I'm definitely using tunes to get me through!
  • Hi Diana, Feel free to add me as well. I've been running off and on for years, but have been doing 5K-10K for the past few years. I'm training for my first half marathon in May and am also trying to juggle healthy foods and running!
  • Lauren - are you in Nj area? Im running my first half marathon that day as well in Long Branch. Im doing my 2nd 7 mile this week. I'm going to add you!
  • I need to set up some good NS goals. Right now, I just want to comfortably fit into all my clothes that are currently a little too tight. I want to run an entire half marathon (scheduled for May 6) and I want all my clothes to be in the 6-8 range instead of 8-10 like it is now. I need another solid non scale goal and I…