Aesto Member


  • Hi. Very similar goals! But I gained the weight because I had a baby. Current weight 161 Goal 140 I'd love support and to help give it Annette
  • Hi I have a two month old. I would love to join. I gained about 40 lbs during my pregnancy and have 20 more to lose. It's so difficult. I'm hoping this will help Annette
  • Hey I am a teacher too!! Let's be friends.
  • Hi! I have been on MFP for about 7 months. I have met my goal but need help maintaining! I don't know everything but I know what worked and didn't work for me. So if any of you would like a friend please add me. I am on here everyday so I comment and encourage a lot.
  • Hi, I am a teacher too. I have been teaching for 5 years. I gained about 15 pounds over those 5 years. After being on MFP I have lost that weight and then some.... Counting calories was the biggest thing for me. I just didn't realize how much I was eating. I also pay attention to my portions now. I know you can do this.…
  • I don't have a formula just experience. I'm 5'6, 26 years old, and weigh 132 (my goal is 130 and I started at 155). I upped my calories from 1200 to 1350 a few weeks ago and I am still losing. I am slowly getting myself to maintenance. Sorry that's not the exact answer you're looking for but we seem to have similar goals,…
  • You don't need weight watchers!!! You have this. It's better. I have done weight watchers about 5 times . I have never been this in shape IN MY LIFE. This is all of the motivation and support you could ever need I promise. If you want some extra support I would love to be your friend. .... I know that many people would…
  • I go all the time. I love it. Get their frozen chicken breasts and tenderloins. You don't even need a knife to eat them...sooooooo amazing! I also love their low calories cheeses.
  • It's so funny that I saw this post. The first person (co-worker) noticed today. I have gone from 155 to 140... so 15 lbs. I think that people notice but don't always say it. Working with 99% women I find myself not sure if I should comment on weight loss. Sometimes it can be a sensative subject. I think some people feel…
  • I would love to be your friend and give support. I have felt like that at times.. so much that I have screamed at the scale haha. Honestly 5 pounds in 3 weeks is not bad though. 2 pounds a week is the top of the recomended (healthy) weight loss amount. I have lost around 13 pounds. If I average it out by weeks I have lost…
  • I still drink wine. I have read about alcohol slowing down your metabolism though. . I try to say no to drinking during the week. On weekends I just make sure to log what I drink. This is supposed to be a lifestyle change ..not a diet. To me that means…
  • I need the same thing. Only a few people comment. Which I love....but I would like more motivation. I'm friending you. :)
  • I think it's great that you are coming back to this. I saw a quote yesterday that really hit/helped me. Maybe it will help you too. "If you're sick of starting over...than stop giving up. " ....well it was something like that. I am going into this journey with that mindset. You can add me. I would love to help support you…
  • I do about 10-15 extra minutes of stretching. I found that after day two I wan't in pain anymore. I am on day 6 now and I already see a big difference in what I am able to do. I am jumping higher, lifing more, and bending further. Before the work out I high kick around my basement and do a few extra "movement" stretches.…
  • that's my drink of choice but remember that's only one ounce (not even a whole shot glass). I have a shot glass with measurments, so I don't overdue it. Hope that helps.
  • I am in a group called 30 Day shred - 2/7 start you should join.
  • Thank you everyone for being so supportive and informative. I feel really excited to start this. We are all here for each other. I can't wait to hear about all your successes through this.... I know there will be many!
  • I am starting today!! We can do it.
  • I have heard that it's hard as well. I am a little nervous. I'm glad we can be here to support each other!
  • I wrote a topic about the same time as you about starting the 30 day shred. No one posted anything hoo. I am starting it tonight. I would love to be friends and support each other.
  • You sound a lot like me too. I usually start a diet and then give up after a week or so. Something feels different this time though. I think having support really helps. You can add me if you want :) P.s I have noticed that I only over eat if I deny myself everyday. I think if you let yourself cheat a little once in a…
  • I eat lots of meat so I can't help you there. Have you tried seafood. I eat a lot of chicken. The trick is to change it up. go out and buy marinades and spices. Try adding it to your salad, veggie wrap, and stir fry. Sometimes when I get home late and don't want to cook a big mean, I make make an omelette with lots of…