

  • Hey Amy, As a spanish teacher also I know how much stress is involved. Only teachers know what other teachers are going through. I find it helps to bring all my food to school, that way I'm only eating stuff that I know what is in it. Suerte!!
  • Exercise is still a problem for me because I get bored so easily. But I have noticed too that I can stay in my calorie limit almost every day now, whether I work out or not. Hoorah!!
  • i just got fitted for my wedding dress and they measure above your belly button, basically at the smallest part of your body, which is nice!! If you are measuring to lose weight, you should probably measure at your belly button, however, which tends to be where the weight is. Don't despair though. When you hear…
  • Hey all! I have a similar question as someone else posted recently, but there haven't been any responses yet so I'm posing it again. I've lost about 3 pounds and have yet to see any real difference in inches anywhere! I'm only about 10 pounds away from my goal weight, but I'm wondering if I'm really losing the weight…
  • Oh my god I just came back from pizza hut and entered my totals, yikes!! At least I worked out hard today but I'm still over my limit. Well, tomorrow's another day, I guess. I feel like I worked for nothing. All that sweat for 5 minutes of pleasure. I guess I'll have to work out tomorrow, even though I've been giving…
  • So sorry to hear about your husband. Anything that you can eat and not worry about is good. I love blueberries when I want something sweet, or extra sharp cheese, you only need a little because the flavor is so strong. Keep posting how you're doing. "We're all in this together".-Ben Lee
  • Getting started is the hardest part! Once I get started I figure, I can do this for 30 minutes. Just get your butt on that machine, now!! (That last part was to me!)
  • hi all! I only want to lose about 10 pounds, which I know I shouldn't complain about, but I've have been eating right and exercising 5 times a week and I have yet to lose a pound! I'm coming up on my fourth week! Any advice? I'm only eating about 1200 calories a day. Help!!
  • And to everyone else having trouble at work, don't even think twice about those girls, just imagine how much better you'll look in that bikini this summer than they will!
  • I have to say that despite some of the negative feedback others have received, everyone where I work tends to eat healthy, even better than me sometimes! That helps a lot. What doesn't help is the fact that my fiance has the perfect body, and I do mean perfect, no fat, sixpack abs, etc. But he loves me how I am and has…
  • I'm not about to put myself through that kind of torture, but it is kinda cool that she's not a small or skinny girl yet she has the perfect body. I never wanna be skinny.
  • I love that this program tracks your carb intake, but how do you find out how many carbs you should be eating a day? Any input on this would be great! Txs.
    in Carbs Comment by bluebell81 March 2009
  • I do! Definitely use it a lot. It's not really going to burn a lot of calories, but it will tone you up, and you can use it to target specific body parts. I usually alternate every other day, but that's just me. I think you will like it. Hope this helps.
  • Hi! I don't have a Wii Fit but I have a good friend who does and she said it's a great workout, especially the hula hoop part. She said she doesn't think it's that tiring for cardio, but it involves core muscles. Hope this helps.