lilred806 Member


  • I was researching skin issues this past week and there is some connection between low Vitamin B and skin rash. I am not sure about the Keto connection as I am just beginning my journey again.
  • Congratulations on not giving up and trying again and again. I once read a statistic about people trying to quit smoking..the more times they try to quit the more likely they were to have success. Hopefully each time you learn something new. I agree that journaling/researching yourself can be helpful in identifying…
  • People always seem confused about true weight gain and water weight. The other problem is an obsession with the scale. The scale can be helpful but if you freak every time it goes up you are probably going to have a cow when you see what weights will do the first couple of weeks. The weight gain won't be fat but with your…
  • SW: 183 CW: 173 GW: 168
  • This video pretty much sums up most things that I have problems with. I think it is straightforward and really works. After you do what it says and the longer you do it the easier it gets.
  • I read the new rules for lifting books. There was some skimming and reading. Then I joined a group about 5x5 lifting. I read about a couple of those programs. I then downloaded the free apps for those programs. I watched YouTube videos a bunch on form and then last week I went to the gym and tried out my first workout. I…
  • I am an apple shape and also find it difficult to find fitting clothes. Usually to find jeans they are tight in the waist leaving me with major muffin top or they are super baggy in the butt and thighs. I occasionally find something that sort of works. I just began lifting a little bit and working out and when I took my…
  • Check out this topic. It was very eye opening to me. I didn't realize how big tummy tuck scars are. I have had 2 c-sections and I thought those scars were a bummer. Yes these girls bellys look flatter but it kinda looks like Frankenstein. I am not…
  • Lara bars, Carrots and hummus, dark chocolate, yogurt, fruit , spoon of peanut butter, and all kinds of yummy things that are in a portion that is 200 calories.
  • The elliptical does that to me.
  • I like carrots and hummus. I like the sabra roasted pine nut hummus. I eat dark chocolate every day. My taste buds have changed over the years and I prefer "healthier" foods. Of course this past weekend I had a snickers because it fit into my goals for that day. It wasn't as good as I remembered them. I had raisinets…
  • I am having the same problem with my scale. The reason I am not changing is because I don't want to spend money on one right now. If I was to get a new one and if told me I weighed more it would have nothing to do with what I accomplished I would assume it was calibrated differently. I use the gyms old fashioned scale…
  • I met my husband when i was 17 he waited two years before we got engaged then we were engaged for 2 years. So when we got married we had been together for 4 years. We have now been married 12 years. My parents dated for a few months when my grandmother said the two should just go get married already. There was no official…
  • I agree with other posters that say it is probably just people getting used to your new shape. However I do remember when my husband was training for a marathon he got really thin and because he was doing so much cardio and little strength it made him look a bit hollow. He added in some strength training and it helped…
  • I use raw local honey to sweeten things sometimes. I haven't gotten into the artificial sweeteners because I never liked the taste. I have a beekeeper friend and I find it fun to try different kinds of honey.
  • Fighting a cold or other sickness?
  • Most places don't take the risk of testing things on breastfeeding moms. So companies just say not safe. It's your kid so you can take a risk if you want for diet pills or you could just go with the safe tried and true method of creating a deficit and sticking to it. My personal preference is to reduce risk where I know…
  • Congratulations on not gaining for 12 days! If you are crying looking at the scale you probably need to stop looking at the scale and get some goals that don't involve the scale. If you must weigh maybe try 1 time a week. It would probably be helpful to see a doctor to discuss your goals and your thyroid.
  • Agree with others about finding support but as for healthy foods. Full fat yogurt, avocado, full fat cheeses and eggs (if you eat them) are all healthy when included with other healthy foods. I really like the for healthy meal ideas. I really like the peanut butter butternut squash recipe.
  • Zumba for me. Exercise that you will actually do whatever that is for you.
  • Please don't wear running tights. If you wear them wear them under some regular athletic shorts. There is a lot of hip gyrating in my class and it would be odd if a guy was wearing tight shorts. My husband rides bikes and has done some duathlons and I would not let him wear his bike/tri/running shorts to Zumba. A spin…
  • I am 5'3 and losing a pound a week at 1500. I eat my exercise calories back. Of course I am 30 pounds overweight.
  • If swimming isn't your strong point you could also do a duathlon instead or do a race like Morgans Triathlon that involves kayaking, biking and swimming. Having a new child in the family can make it tough. We used to take our little guys with us when we ran and that way it didn't take away from family time too much. A…
  • I am interested in this info too. I have done a couple of sprint triathlons but haven't in a few years. I was thinking of trying one this year. Op there are some races that have a mini triathlon early in the season that are good for an extra practice before a larger race later in the season. One here is like a 250m swim, 7…
  • I put breastfeeding in as an exercise for 500 calories when I first started. Mfp automatically gives less calories for "exercise" as you lose weight. So as I went longer and my little one ate less then I got less calories for it. I would also suggest reading some of the information on tdee and such. I am much happier…
  • Get some good music, books, etc on your listening device of choice and walk lots. Also I liked Leslie sansones Walking DVDs for when going outside wasn't an option and I got bored with the treadmill. Good luck! You can do this.
  • I go to a ymca and take Zumba there. I love it. On the days when I don't feel like doing anything I still feel like going to Zumba. The classes can vary depending on instructors and even how much I put into it. I hurt my knee , not Zumba related, and did everything low impact for a while and so it was easier. Now I am back…