How do you handle stress

I'm a single mom of two girls (6 and 8) and just got a promotion as office manager at work. It's hard enough with the stress of being a single mother and now to add in the stress at work, it's horrible. I was handling it well because I had my comfort food to fall back on, I'm a stress eater.

Today at work I felt extremely stressed, frustrated, anxious then came home to my kids and more built up. Honestly, I want to go eat crap food just because I'm stressed and I know I can't or I'll feel worse.

What do you do to combat stress when you can't turn to food? I don't think I've ever learned how to handle it other than eating...


  • TXEXrunner
    TXEXrunner Posts: 178 Member
    I am certainly no stranger to stress (although different sources than yours). Good for you to walk away from the food temptation! I turn to music - the type that I know will cause me to think about other things besides that which is stressing me. Also I look to do things that are out of my routine and make me focus on the activity at hand (play a musical instrument, watch a movie that makes you laugh, go for a walk, knit, whatever you might have as a hobby). I also find (guy here) going bowling, playing racquetball or going to a golf driving range can be great ways to release energy (and a lot of frustration - if that accompanies your stress)!! Tomorrow is another day and another chance to put today's stress behind. Hang in there!!!
  • ChristineOlivarri
    ChristineOlivarri Posts: 62 Member
    I know stress....5 kids under the age of eight, full time business, husband is only home two weeks out of the month due to his job as a software engineer. It's very hard to balance all that on your own so I feel you regarding kids and work and just the daily stress.

    When I am stressed believe it or not I like to get out of the house and take a long walk, with the kids if I have to. It's something about the scenery and the outdoor air that just calms me down.

    Hope it gets better for you !! :)
  • TwoPointZero
    TwoPointZero Posts: 187 Member
    When I am not paying attention? Definitely eating . . . When I am being a bit more mindful? A few things: mediation, hanging out with friends, but high exertion physical activity always works the best for me. :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I go to the gym.

    Even when life seems too hectic to workout, making the time is never a mistake.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Regular exercise and proper nutrition do wonders for stress....
  • I don't know if this will be your cup of tea, but when I'm stressed out I game :) Nothing like losing yourself in a virtual world for an hour or so :) Something about slaughtering a bunch of zombies seems oddly satisfying after a day of hell.
  • coffeeMAME
    coffeeMAME Posts: 23 Member
    Honestly? If you find something that works, PLEASE let me know. I have always been a HUGE stress eater (pun intended). I've spent about two and a half years dieting, lost 150lbs. And I've just been diagnosed with Panic Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder. My doctor tried to tell me that some people just don't develop it until they are older, but I really really think that it's because I no longer have any output that works. Eating has always been the only coping mechanism I've had. Nothing else I try cuts it.
  • kjm_723
    kjm_723 Posts: 66 Member
    Working out. Never thought I'd say that. I used to hate exercise. But since I started I feel better, less frustrated, less stressed. Today at the end of my workout I spent about 10 minutes walking slowly on the track and just breathing deep and making myself relax my muscles. Last week was really rough for me and that slow walk helped me release a lot of tension that I was holding onto.
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    Working out...find whatever you like and find the best time of your day to do it. The two things that happen are you get a hit of feel good endorphins and you make time for you/value yourself. For me at the beginning of the day is best...Get up while your kids are still sleeping and put on a workout dvd. Leslie Sanson just walk ones are great and inexpensive and at Walmart. Good luck.
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    Zumba for me. Exercise that you will actually do whatever that is for you.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    sex, honestly. Sorry if TMI
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    Whenever I get stressed, I lose my appetite.

    I'll usually take a nap, then head to the gym when I wake up. Working out makes me feel better. And of course after working out, my appetite comes back.
  • I've tried it all. Therapy, mediation, tapping, mindfulness, exercise....I could go on.

    I find when I'm so stressed out I could cry I go and take a bath. Just taking a break lets me refocus. I write a list of everything I'm stressing over. Then I go about doing it at a reasonable pace. To combat everyday stress I like to dance to music, and I honestly do find exercise to help a lot too! And mindfulness while doing the little daily tasks that just add to my stress (such as dishes) helps make them more bearable.
  • Wow, working out seems like common sense and it's something that I didn't even think of. I had the worst stress last night and it finally went away after taking a short nap and watching some TV. That's the first time in my life that I ever felt anything as severe as that and I really need to learn to control it. I've never had the added stress of a high pressure office to run on top of my already stressful life, so it's going to take some getting used to.

    Thank you to everyone who responded. I appreciate the ideas. :)
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    Exercise, seriously.

    For me not cardio, but resistance training, things that make me use my muscles and make them BURN.