

  • One MFP'er said a margarita and a week of no responsibility........TOTALLY and another agreed with the original beer idea.........hell yeah!! LOL!! I got another..........a week of eating nothing but chocolate, cake, ice cream, and/or candy without ANY reprocussions!! :)
  • Beer pusher!! LOL!! Just teasin' and yes.......always a good time for beer.......unfortunately, it doesn't help the weight loss process......
  • And you as well.........you can do it!! I have faith in you.......
  • Good vibes flowin' to you as well!! You both will find something!! Keep your chin up!! :)
  • YYYYYYYUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMM!!! Would SO go in on a tub of cookie dough ice cream with you so we both could be bad together so you wouldn't feel too bad about eating it.....LOL!!
  • Youre welcome!! :)
  • *drool* LOVE dark chocolate!!
  • I feel you.....sending good vibes your way :flowerforyou:
  • What about a challenge? My family and I always had a challenge before swimsuit season and also before we got to see everyone so that we'd all be amazed at how everyone looks....ect...... You could have points for every time they work out and you could have weekly challenges. The thing is is that you'd have to go by the…
  • Because its fun to? :huh:
  • Yeah.....and I totally think its stupid that we can't say ANYTHING against the mods on boards. No matter what we feel about their rulings on certain threads ect. I mean who here wants to be mean to the mods anyway? I know that they pretty much have a job that is voluntary and sometimes........with disgrunteled…
  • I got one........ currently not done today, but its when I have a headache that it gets me........ Chocolate!! Any form of chocolate!! YUUUUUMMMMMYYYY!!! That used to be my thing when I had headaches........chocolate, coffee, and headache meds! It would totally work like a charm!! Now I suffer as I try to let pain meds do…
  • I have many..........the one I want to use might be TMI so I will stick with.......... ROOT CANAL Never had it done, never want to, and hear it hurts like hell.........
  • The one that is higher in calories..........depending upon how many calories I had. I would never go with the double sodium at all.......do we have to pick one or the other? Cause if I could pick a third option that is both low in cals AND sodium, I'd choose that one.........
  • Soooooo what's the story Snow? What's this thread about cause I don't see anything here.........and I clicked on it cause curiosity got to me..........
  • All great answers so far!!! :)
  • Thats stupid.........what you do and take are your own personal business between you and your doctor.........it has NOTHING to do with your work
  • Okay.......first, I have to say to Snake Darling, your pup is ADORABLE!!! What breed is he/she and her/his name? On topic: I think that its not just men.........its everyone. We aren't in tune with getting to know a person first before any judgements take place. Therefore our looks--face and body-wise are our "in" even if…
  • Dear.....don't be afraid, we are here to help and support!! YOU CAN DO IT!! Look at me.........I have been heavy ALL my life at a weight of 250 or more (highest was 257 when I started), and now I am down to 237 (ugh, I gained.....was at 235.....all time low and managed to go up instead). I get like #3 sometimes, but…
  • Wow......so sorry to hear that! I understand and would feel the same way.........I dislike saying "I hate so and so", personally, but there are just times when I do feel that way and can't help it. I know there's one person I dislike and one I hate.........dislike--past roommate for lots of reasons.........hate is…
  • Righteous Brothers "Unchained Melody" LOVE IT
  • Aww, don't worry about the fry thing.......its a better day tomorrow! :) And what's with #1? Any reason or is too long of a story to tell? (maybe it'd help getting it out? not tryin to pry........just simply curious and you can tell me you don't wanna answer and thats okay by me.......)
  • 1. I hate Conan O'Bryant (or whatever his name is) Show 2. Am addicted to Cinnamon Fire Jolly Ranchers 3. I can say with honesty that I LOVE my job
  • Actually, no.....it isn't........but then again, it may be pointless to point this out...........
  • And honestly, on her behalf, no matter if she was in the wrong or not for saying what she said (which I believe she was wrong for saying anything against your intelligence), its not narrow mindedness assumptions. I simply would call it a lack of looking at oneself in the mirror and realizing no one is perfect and so…
  • LOVE Monty Python!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!
  • Depends on what kind of staring it is...........if its creepy or if its more of a glare like they are pissed off at you when you've done nothing to them then I would feel totally uncomfortable and want to get away from them as soon as I could. If its a nice kind of staring........for instance, if someone was staring and…
  • The way I see it is this..........if they are looking at you, they are only looking at pure awesomeness as they probably can't jog for as long as you can nor as fast. If they can, its because they don't have the determination and strength that you do to take control of your weight here and now without tanking it. If they…
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