3 minor confessions



  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    1. I prefer to be alone most of the time (either reading, doing yoga, or doing zazen).
    2. I hate politicians and politics and I have no intention of voting in the presidential election this year.
    3. It's really easy for me to lose weight {ducks to avoid flying objects}.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Three new ones for me today....not to say the ones I wrote yesterday aren't still in effect.
    1) I bought a guitar a few weeks ago and have been taking lessons. Only my wife (and teacher) know. I won't tell any of my other friends/family until I'm at least competent.
    2) I spend way too much time on MFP while at work - I'm constantly reading message boards/updates.
    3) I like Adele - seems kind of funny that this should be a confession, but there's so many people here that don't like her, I feel like I'm in the minority. I think she has a great voice.
  • thinktank32k
  • jouergal
    jouergal Posts: 40
    1. I don't think this weight is ever going to come off. Afraid of being stuck like this forever.
    2. Wish my husband was more supportive of my new life changes.
    3. Even though I am married, I want other guys to be "checking" me out again.
  • July121980
    July121980 Posts: 37 Member
    1. I like being home by myself during the week while my husband is at work and daughter is at school. It messes up my routine when one of them are home.

    2. A bit of my desire to lose weight is because I want to look as good naked as I did when I met my husband 12 years ago!

    3. This one is really low......I want to wear something slutty on Halloween. I am so envious of those who can and I say stuff like, "What a tramp and why didn't she just show up naked" but it is pure jealousy. I want to wear something scantly clad just once for Halloween before I am too old too! (Hopefully this Halloween)
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    1. I sniff everything and i do mean EVERYTHING
    2. i think i am good looking ( i know horrible and VERY vein)
    3. i fantasize about junk food. :)
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    3. Even though I am married, I want other guys to be "checking" me out again.

    ^^^^ this but be careful i got myself into trouble this way
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    1). My babysitter is really sick so I had to get a sub for my 530 am class and I'm a little relieved about it. (not that she's sick, but that I don't have to get up at 445.
    2). I like to stand in front of the mirror and make muscles.
    3). I get really invested in shows like biggest loser and then get totally pissed when they play the game and keep around people I loathe an vote off the ones that I'm inspired by (like tonight).

    2 & 3 - For sure.
  • Nikki206
    Nikki206 Posts: 69
    I AGREE on the Biggest Loser thing!!
  • jenna_scott
    jenna_scott Posts: 56 Member
    1) My boss had gastric bypass a year and a half ago. She lost almost 100 pounds and now has put 30+ back on, I revel in this for multiple reasons:
    a) I think it is cheating your way to weight loss because most change nothing (except how much they are eating for a few months).
    b) She sits at her desk all day, she never gets up. She actually asks people to bring her food back from the cafeteria.
    c) She will sit and wait in the parking structure for 15 minutes to get a closer parking spot

    2) I always try to leave at least 100 calorie buffer in my goal calories because I am afraid that I haven't measured some things correctly throughout the day.

    3) I am afraid that I stay married just because I don't want to be divorced. I miss the days when I couldn't wait to get out of work just so I could see my husband.
  • thuitema84
    thuitema84 Posts: 27 Member
    1. I cant stand my sister
    2. Part of my weight loss is revenge
    3. I snuck some french fries 2nite (still have remaining calories)
    p.s. that felt better

    This made me chuckle...I think your confessions are pretty real -- thanks for putting them out there. :)
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    long story short my sister (not a drug addict), got me successfully written out my mothers will and stole money from the funeral. She is not my favorite person, when I left NYC, I told her I felt sorry for her.I stated she wasnt an addict because you'd expect that from them. She is just a greedy, selfish person.

    Wow......so sorry to hear that! I understand and would feel the same way.........I dislike saying "I hate so and so", personally, but there are just times when I do feel that way and can't help it. I know there's one person I dislike and one I hate.........dislike--past roommate for lots of reasons.........hate is girlfriend for "women" reasons. Meaning that she did the most scornful calculating thing she could think of, I told her I disliked it that she did those things, therefore she decided........instead of understanding and saying Im sorry.....she decided to be insecure and jealous. Oh well.

    I hope that you find positiveness in not only the support here, your weightloss journey, but in your life as well........I've found that all of those things are interconnected. If you have positive support that's great, but if on the other side of things, you have a couple negative environments---be it at work or home or even school (if you are in college or someone who is going back to college), its definitely hurtful to your weightloss progress and emotional status as well.
  • Nikki206
    Nikki206 Posts: 69
    1. A non water drinker naturally, I am actually starting to prefer it instead of diet dr pepper.
    2. When I look in the mirror I definitely am not comfortable with the body I see but somehow the image I see in the mirror is smaller than what I see in pictures.
    3. I am a night owl. Sometimes I am still up when hubby leaves for work.

    OMG! I have thought the same thing with the mirror thing!!!!
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    1) I hate it when I look in the mirror and see someone totally different than the person I see in pictures. I take pictures of myself trying to find the person I see in the mirror.

    2) I spent over an hour this morning reading this thread sitting on my butt in the recliner because I don't feel well today.

    3) I'm worried that I won't reach my goal weight and if I do, won't be able to maintain it.
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    1) I sleep in my birthday suit and always check myself out in the mirror when I wake up to see if I can see the changes in my body
    2) I have low blood pressure and a relatively low core temperature
    3)I'm lighter now than when I entered the military, but am still 6 pounds heavier than when I got my first license 4 years ago
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    1) i am a reality show junkie..my faves are jersey shore, because i love the drama:wink: & the first 48..the minds of people are intriguing
    2) i often eat foods without logging it..i dont want my mfp friends to know i over eat that often:embarassed:
    3) i watch cartoons when my kids are at school or in bed..mainly sponge bob:tongue:
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    i don't know why but you not liking babies made me laugh. Strange reacton, right?
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    1.) Is losing weight so people notice her
    2.) I hate looking at herself in the mirror even though I'm thinner and people go "woo, lookin' good!"
    3.) Organic sea salt potato chips are my weakness.
  • SchollinJ
    SchollinJ Posts: 22
    #2 heck yes, I tried to quote the women who said she grocery shops in work-out clothes so she feels obligated to buy healthy items, I am going to try this:)- that's awesome!
  • letsgorinn
    1.I ate Ben & Jerry's last night.
    2. I haven't worked out in 2 days.
    3. I should be working on my Criminology paper.