Moolieloo Member


  • I tried it for a few months awhile back. It didn't do anything for me as far as losing weight, but it did give me energy without jitters, but since I could get that from my morning coffee, I decided it wasn't worth it, plus I don't know what awful things it may be doing to my body...eeek!
  • My frame is quite small and I feel that I look best with no excess fat at 130-135 lbs. Only in the last few years have I gone above that weight, so I decided to start watching what I eat and to make sure I'm eating healthy. I really don't care about my weight numbers so much as how I look and feel. I've only recently (3…
  • My job is quite sedentary, plus I have it set to lose 1.5 lbs a week. When I had it set to lose 1 lb a week, it had the goal at 1390. Maybe that would be more healthy. :)
  • Okay, I'll try that and check my iron amounts in my daily multivitamin. I haven't been tracking my iron intake, but I will see if I can track that through MFP. Great ideas, everyone! Thank you!
  • I was just going to post a question about what could be causing my extreme exhaustion every afternoon that lasts til bedtime. My MFP goal is 1200 calories a day, which I stay pretty close to and I always eat my exercise calories. I am a vegetarian, so I can eat a lot of healthy food for that amount of calories. I'm not…
  • WOW. If you girls are new to running, but have a few 5Ks you've already done, I must be really super new!! I'm doing a training program (kinda like a C25K) and I just finished week 4. I hope to run my first 5K in early May. :)
  • On days like that, I just skip the logging. Give yourself the day off. Come back strong on Monday! Have a great weekend!! :happy:
  • I'm in! Instead of a certain amount of days, I'm going to set a goal of having 80-90% of each day be clean for the whole 30 days. I like to have whole grain cereal or oatmeal for breakfast (which is techically processed, since it comes from a box), but hopefully the rest of the day I can do this! I want to stay away from…
  • I'm right there with ya! I've been so good all week, wake up super early to work out, do my best at that, and this morning I weighed and I'm up a pound from where I was last week. Grrr. It happens to all of us, I guess. Gotta keep our heads up!
  • If you're right-handed, maybe you unconsciously worked that arm harder. It has happened to me several times. I would give it a few days and see if it gets better.
  • I'm in! Actually, I've started this last Monday, and I LOVE it so far! I make a HUGE smoothie with lots of veggies and fruits. The only thing that's processed in it is yogurt. I drink half of it for breakfast, and half for lunch. My snacks are a bowl of oatmeal (processed) midmorning, and a piece of fruit, mid afternoon.…
  • current weight x 7= 980...that can't be right!
  • I eat BBQ flavored sunflower seeds in the shell (I know they have a lot of sodium :tongue: ). They let you have something in your mouth without actually eating much, so very few calories, and they last a long time. Plus they're good for you!
  • Whoa. I guess its a good thing I never ate those exercise calories! I would have gained for sure! :ohwell:
  • I gave it up for two weeks because I could have hot tea with Truvia and have no calories, versus all the flavored cream I put in my giant cup of coffee (about 100 cals!). After two weeks of total exhaustion and crankiness, I went back to my best friend, Mr. Coffee!! I just make the extra calories fit into my day. Its worth…
  • Today I paid attention to the timing of the calorie burn...I had burned around 180 in the first 10 minutes. Thats a little high, but not too much (18 cals a minute) but in the last 5-6 minutes at the highest resistance the machine has, at a steady 4 kph, it says I burn around 100 calories. What do you think of that?
  • Well, I swear by Wheaties Fuel cereal. It must have a lot of fiber in it, cuz it works like a charm!
  • Thank you all for the comments. I figured it was too good to be true! :) I guess I just need to get an HRM, and until then I'll just figure it using the suggested formula. Too was nice seeing "You've earned 811 calories for today"!!
  • Hello, peoples! Congratulations on everyone's amazing ability to keep at it even when it is so hard! I am inspired by you all! I've lost 4 lbs so far this month, so I'm glad about that, but will keep at it even harder to lose 5 lbs in May. I like how some of you have a goal of burning 3500 cals a week. I'm gonna start…
  • I'd like to join if its not too late. You all seem like really nice people and the perfect inspiration! Starting weight: 142 Current weight: 137 Goal weight: 125
  • I'm doing the No More Trouble Zones and I really like it! I just started it last week, so its a little too early to tell how hot it will make me, but I felt sore ALL OVER the first few times I did it, so I know its working all my muscles!