Upcoming Weekend???? Need Advice.

Hi. so I'm going to a Wine Walk this weekend. It's on Saturday and it consist of walking through town and tasting different wines through out. I need some advice....I'm not going to be able to keep track of everything all weekend. So should I just not log for the weekend or write it all down and do it when I return on Sunday??? I will try to follow my eating as close as I can but with eating out you know how that goes??? Any advice would be grat.



  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    I would write it down because you will be more accountable that way. It might be good to enter it in later because then you can see how much/calories you think you ate versus what you really did. I'm always surprised by it and it helps me stay on track. Sounds like a really fun weekend :)
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    I say take a free day--don't go overboard but don't stress out if you eat or drink a little too much. Try to take the healthier road when possible and consider it a day off. Start fresh on Sunday monitoring your calories and hopefully the walking through town will help. Sounds like a good time so I hope you enjoy it!
  • Moolieloo
    Moolieloo Posts: 28 Member
    On days like that, I just skip the logging. Give yourself the day off. Come back strong on Monday! Have a great weekend!! :happy:
  • mclark1588
    mclark1588 Posts: 28
    hey thanks for the advice so far...I'm leaving on Friday afternoon to head there. I will take healthy snacks and do my best. Start fresh on Monday sounds good. I will work it out. Any more advice is welcome. Thanks.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Sounds like a lot of fun.I would love to do that!!! Is it possible to maybe pack one or two meals and snacks and just eat one meal out. I usually bring my mini ice chest with me and pack it up. But I always allow myself one meal out. That way you can set/track/log food before you even go. Also I bring lots of water! Protein & breakfast bars (Ilove luna bars), nuts, fresh fruit and even low fat cheeses & whole wheat crackers. (babybel, low-fat string cheese and laughing cow). Just a thought!!!
  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    Great timing - I just dealt with this same "dilemma" over Memorial Day w/e. Do not be concerned about logging what you eat/drink.
    When you are faced with a choice, and there will be many - think about it. Food EX: will you have the cheeseburger or grilled chicken sandwich? (pretty easy - but you also need to keep wiser choice in mind) We walked an incredible amount which helped with excess calorie intake. I opted to drink water every other beverage. I said I would get "plastered' otherwise. It was really to help keep tummy filled with H2O vs "vino". Enjoy and cut yourslef some slack. It is important to do what you enjoy and socailize with others as well. Good Luck- you can do it!