

  • Thanks so much for the posts! JNick. you might want to check into adrenal support if exercise wipes you out like that. Sounds like you might have burnt out adrenals. My husband is 6 ft and weighs 125 lbs. He has no visable body fat, but seems to have all the other signs of low testosterone. Low libido - like he'd be happy…
  • Also, this is the season for Seasonal Affective Disorder, and some folks just get the blues even if they aren't full blown. Maybe some Vitamin D3 (not D2!) or some brief tanning or something like that? {{{hugs}}}
  • Are any of these groups non-competitive? I'd love a group that posted stuff to do and goals like fruit week or whatever, but the posting competition part sent me over the edge and backfired. I am really wanting to get started but truly spend 90% of my day sitting or lying still. I need a slow start with lots of…
  • I tend to struggle with this as well, but I have found it is well worth making stronger connections with other non-drinkers. We go out for coffee or tea instead and talk and laugh. We have Crapfting parties ( you get a bunch of crafty supplies and make stuff with no goal of making anything of value) We have potlucks. I…
  • I had 6 f/v yesterday and I weigh 185 today, 2 lbs lost!
  • Friday's report f/v 4 -carrots, cucumber, mixed pepper/tomato/onion, peach
  • Hello! Let's see, wednesday's f/v - 7 servings total - half a cucumber, I think that is one serving, peach, I went gonzo on the celery and had 8 8 inch stalks trying to stay out of the other stuff, one serving of turnip greens, one serving of carrots. sorry, no exercise.
  • Since I am so sore from all the activity I did yesterday, I tooka day of rest today. f/v 4 cucumber, blueberries, tomato, onion, green pepper mix.
  • Hello! Monday - did exercises, f/v 5- 2 servings of apple, one serving tomato/pepper mix, 2 servings lettuce, Tuesday - f/v 6 servings nectarine, carrot, shish kebob w/zucchini, yellow squash, onion, bell peppers For exercise, I did not do the ones here but I'd like some help recording them. I walked up and down a 40 ft…
  • Hello! Sorry I was missing, I had to do some major driving for custody exchange with my kids. Any excuse will do. My life has just been busy!!! I thought summer would calm things down, but nope! So, today, back on the horse with healthy eating, except I know I am going to have an ice cream cone tonight. We are going to…
  • Am I understanding correctly that you want us to have 100 oz a DAY? that seems like too much for my body. bust 40.25 waist 34.5 abdomen 42.75 hips 46 arm 12.5 thigh 26.25 weight 186
  • Hello! I'm Heather 1- What is your real name? Heather Hall 2- What would you like to get from this team? Get off my tooshie! I have been sedentary a long time 3 - What is your goal for the month? Does not have to be weight related. to move my body and leave my house more 4- What is your goal for this (short) week? try…
  • I would like to be on a team. This would be my first challenge, so I am not sure I'm captain material.
  • I use it as my salad dressing
  • ugh, I meant that to come out warmer, sorry. {{{hugs}}} Mental health ****, including eating disorders are never something to play the blame game with. Its not cuz you are weak or lazy or any of that stuff. It's like telling someone with epilepsy that they could quit having seizures if they just tried harder. both are…
    in bpd Comment by harrietsmama June 2012
  • bipolar or borderline personality? I have both but can give better responses depending on which you are dealing with. It sounds as if in addition to one of those that you have an eating disorder which is very tough to treat. I have been in the hospital with many folks fighting that and it is CRITICALLY important to get…
    in bpd Comment by harrietsmama June 2012
  • I used to swim 6 days a week and I only rarely got it - I put my ears under the warm spray in the shower. my coach swore by putting alcohol on cotton balls in his ears after he swam. If you are already sore (infected) you can do garlic infused olive oil, it works wonders!!! Better yet if you can get to a whole foods or…
  • Me too, as well as Borderline. I don't allow myself to stigmatize myself, but it does make it hard. I just joined and am suffering couch lock. suggestions for starting are welcome ;)
  • ME! Kinda sucks, huh? I have done 4 years of DBT and it made a huge difference for me. I am struggling to get moving without someone holding my hand. I wasn't dx'd until I was about 30, but it is obvious looking back at the destruction. I am also bipolar which can be confusing, a lot of the symptoms can overlap, but now…
  • Hello, I am Heather and I have Bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorder. I have used EMDR, DBT and tried lots of meds. I am still tweaking my cocktail but doing pretty well. I have the major blahs, but no boohoos so while I can hang in this state it doesn't feel good.I am in physical therapy for a fall right now and I…
  • Hello! I'm another June 30th bride! I am not as concerned about how many pounds, I just want to feel healthier and stronger so I can manage the craziness that comes with weddings. This is my second marriage and I want to enjoy it this time!!! I was bridezilla last time and lost so much weight at the end I was exhausted,…
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