grace_eliza Member


  • I'm not eating 1200, I'm eating 1800 currently And I'm really tight with my logging because I eat near enough the same everyday. 4 meals a day, 3hours apart, because it's how it fits around work. If I was to add in more calories where would be the best source? Protein, carbs, fats? My sugar is minimal.
  • Thanks for the help so far guys! Well my shapes changed but I'm not happy with my size. Ive gone up a clothes size, my problem areas have just got bigger. As for weighing, I still do, to the point I'm questioning is it too obsessive. I didn't log at all in November and December because of Christmas, and my weight stayed…
  • Chesterfield town centre (opposite the cinema), when i'm not at Uni! Not a runner, but want to be. Add away! :) x
  • My paper which is for my blood test shows these codes, some of which youve covered : D1-5, FSH/LH, E2, SHBG, TFTS?? No idea what some of them are.. but I kno theres thyroid in there and the hormone. Don't think I'm being checking for anaemia or celliac, but when I return to the doctors it might be worth asking. Just want…
  • been to the docs. going t have a hormone blood test, and check my thyroid too. but i have to wait until i actually get my period before they can do the blood test accurately :( so for now.. it's just a waiting game! x
  • my bad, maybe i shouldnt have put 'any doctors' in the title. but i just want advice, im going to a doctor anyway but i just wondered if anyone had similar problems. and by the looks of it yes! all if ur advice is amazing, at least im more clued up so i can question these things at the doctors. i started to google things…
  • yeh i hate to admit this, but over the past few years ive definately developed some dark hair patches under my chin. but, im very dark and so is all my family so i cant really put it down to that. its like i find a symptom and then its only 50%. i think im paranoid because my dad had diabetes,and all my life me and my mum…
  • This is massively helpful! I have an appointment for tomorrow, and I'm going to tell him about my diet, but to know of these things is really helpful so I can maybe request some tests. Thanks guys!
  • I knew this would come up. Definately not pregnant, whats Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome? I'm not undwerweight, I've always been overweight and for the first time in my life i'm actually ideal weight with a BMI of 21?
  • Totally hit the plateau.... 3lb from my target! It's that time in my menstrual cycle though where I kind of settle a weight for two weeks. So hopefully, afterwards, I will drop to my target. AND fingers crossed... plateau, forever! Congratulations on your amazing loss! :)
  • Ahhhh more love for myfitnesspal! I know exactly what you mean tho. Unless I'm counting when I was about 12... I have never been this weight, ever, in my life. I mean I'm the one "who struggles with her weight" my family and friends would say. when it comes down to it, i just wasnt controlling what i ate. and myfitnesspal…
  • UK..... Stumbled across some awesome cinema treats in Holland and Barrett today. Stevia dark chocolate bars, 35gram each are perfect just for a choclate fix and Sula sugar free caramel cream sweets, 2 or 3 are harmless! And whats great is everythings on buy one get on half price at the moment and free delivery! Happy as…
  • SO GUYS.... I can't praise FLAXSEED enough!! I posted this thread a few weeks ago and at the time I was taking a laxative just to go once a week. Since then I started with flaxseed.. Eating a Minute Muffin every other day for Breakfast and since then Ive been Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday. I can't express enough how much…
  • thankyou for all your help! gunna try some of the concentrated cranberry, where can i get Colace from tho in the UK?? Thankyou again :)