Calorie Defecits- please help!!

So the past few years has been a struggle in getting my weight to go down at all. It's time I seeked some help.

I used to weigh 13st 7 around 5 years ago. During my final two year of uni I joined myfitnesspall and got my weight to 10St on a 1200cal diet.... Success!!!

When I returned home I got a new job, as a postwoman, walking 8-10 miles a day. My weight began to increase. In 6 months I was at 10St 7. Still on the same diet. So I decided to join the gym in hope to get it off.

Instead the past 3 years has seen a slow increase. I'm now at 11st5 and I'd just love to be back at 10st7. I got a fitbit to monitor my daily calorie expenditure and with the gym and work I burn up 3000-3500 calories a day. About 6months ago I was told perhaps I'm not eating enough. So I went up from 1200 to 1800cal a day. Watching my macros 150g carbs 150g protein 50g fat.
But still no budge at all.
I train 6 days a week typically for an hour. I either do a heavy weight workout, or run 4-5miles, or 30 mon hiit circuit combined with 30min steady state cardio. And then walk averagely 10miles a day.

I have to admit I'm at my fittest ever, and I've changed my shape completely. But how can I get back down to my happy comfortable weight?!?

I so need to finally tackle this demon. Thankyou, Grace.


  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    "I'm at my fittest ever and changed shape completely" -- I would suggest to stay off the scale and start looking in the mirror. If you're building up some muscle, then your weight may very well increase, but it's a good increase.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm going to ask the boring question.

    Are you logging everything and weighing your portions?

    Because there is no way on this earth that increasing your activity (walking 10 miles a day) can cause permanent weight gain if your calories really stay the same. What it can cause, though, is increased appetite, and that can cause portion creep if you are eyeballing your portions (or even if you are using cup measures). It can also cause food amnesia, in my experience - you eat things and then they magically disappear from your memory. I've been wrestling with this recently. The eye is bigger than the stomach, and the brain is very sneaky.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    You're undereating and overexercising to a counterproductive level. The weight increase is not fat. You should not be seeking to lose that weight increase (not knowing your height and age can't comment on your totals, just the recent increase). I would consider seeking in person advice. Your walking alone exceeds MFPs very active setting. Plus gym. And 1800 Cal?
  • grace_eliza
    grace_eliza Posts: 23 Member
    serindipte wrote: »
    "I'm at my fittest ever and changed shape completely" -- I would suggest to stay off the scale and start looking in the mirror. If you're building up some muscle, then your weight may very well increase, but it's a good increase.

    Thanks for the help so far guys!
    Well my shapes changed but I'm not happy with my size. Ive gone up a clothes size, my problem areas have just got bigger.

    As for weighing, I still do, to the point I'm questioning is it too obsessive. I didn't log at all in November and December because of Christmas, and my weight stayed the same! Lol!

    I'm 5ft7, 25 female. As for increasing calories I started at a slow rate. From 1200 to 1800. For a person eating 1200 previously, increasing it beyond 2000 is terrifying!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    What height are you? you sound very active so I'm not sure how you have the energy to function eating only 1200-1800 calories.

    As others suggest, how are you tracking your meals, are you weighing your foods?

    You say you are burning up to 3500 calories, if you're truely eating around 1800 then you would be losing.

    Although you say you are in the best shape ever which is great with the scale being higher than you want it means you will need to eat at deficit if you want to get back down to goal weight.

    Women find it very hard to gain muscle so while you are in good shape I'm not sure its likely you have gained 14lbs of muscle? hoping someone more knowledgeable will step in with proper feedback on that. I know I've been working on a recomp for a year and a half, I've not gained any weight (nor did I want to).
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You are 5ft 7, 1200 cals is too low. Not sure why you are terrified about eating closer to 2000 especially if you burn 3000+ cals.
    I would suggest tightening up your logging, its not obsessive to be aware of how much we are eating but certainly if you want to lose it really is the only way.

  • grace_eliza
    grace_eliza Posts: 23 Member
    edited January 2017
    You are 5ft 7, 1200 cals is too low. Not sure why you are terrified about eating closer to 2000 especially if you burn 3000+ cals.
    I would suggest tightening up your logging, its not obsessive to be aware of how much we are eating but certainly if you want to lose it really is the only way.

    I'm not eating 1200, I'm eating 1800 currently

    And I'm really tight with my logging because I eat near enough the same everyday. 4 meals a day, 3hours apart, because it's how it fits around work.

    If I was to add in more calories where would be the best source? Protein, carbs, fats? My sugar is minimal.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Personally I would say more protein and fats (that keeps me fuller for longer and the protein is great for building/retaining muscle.

    If you are truly eating 1800 you really should be losing that why we always ask about accurate logging. I am currently at maintenance but if I was to eat as little as 1800 I would be losing 1/2lb a week - I'm only 5ft 2. So something is off with your numbers or...

    If you aren't losing weight then perhaps there is some other under lying medical issue - that would be a question for your doctor.