For the girls, or any doctors? :)

Hi there,

It's not necessarilly diet related, but, I don't know if my diets affecting it. I've always had really irregular period, 30 days, then 45 days, then 28 and so on.. impossible to predict when it's gunna come!

But, they seemed to have now stopped?! I havent had a period for 60 days, so i've missed two. I don't know if i'm anaemic and I need to eat more iron? Or if it's just my body!

I know I should go to the doctors, but I went last year about it and all they did was test me for STI's on 3 seperate occasions and then nothing was solved!

Thanks, Grace x


  • Kejlina
    Kejlina Posts: 31 Member
    Pregnant? Polycystic ovarian syndrome? Birth control? Underweight or not enough calories?
  • grace_eliza
    grace_eliza Posts: 23 Member
    I knew this would come up. Definately not pregnant, whats Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome? I'm not undwerweight, I've always been overweight and for the first time in my life i'm actually ideal weight with a BMI of 21?
  • kirstyg1980
    How many calories do you eat each day - being to low for a long time can stop them

    Also if you are intermittent fasting this can lead them to stopping eventually as well
  • Little_Laura_K
    Little_Laura_K Posts: 57 Member
    I would go and see you GP you don't want you cycle messed up. I've just stopped my birth control to free my body from it so i'm new to periods again lol.
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    Polycystic ovarian syndrome is

    You can have PCOS whether you are thin or overweight. Though it is more common with overweight people. I had been undiagnosed until Feb 2012 when i saw a Reproductive Endocrinologist RATHER than an ob/gyn. I DO NOT have PCOS ovaries (tiny pearls of cysts on my ovaries)- I do have high testosterone and low blood sugar. I am on 1500MG Extended Release Metformin, which is the common medication for PCOS.

    You COULD also have Endometriosis. That can cause irregular periods. I have an Endo filled cyst on my right ovary. (again undiagnosed until Feb 2012- the OB was telling since 2006 that it was a Dermoid Cyst but clearly he was WRONG)

    Sorry to hog there for a minute, but youll need to go to the dr. While not everyone has textbook 28 day cycles with ovulation on day 14, you should still have at least semi regular periods.
  • grace_eliza
    grace_eliza Posts: 23 Member
    This is massively helpful! I have an appointment for tomorrow, and I'm going to tell him about my diet, but to know of these things is really helpful so I can maybe request some tests.

    Thanks guys!
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    I agree with the above posters that it can be PCOS. People with extremely low body fat can miss ovulation as well. If you've noticed hair where it shouldn't be (more than 1 or 2 ) like on your chin, back, chest nipples that is one of the signs. PCOS can present differently in all people but can seriously affect things like diabetes (insulin resistance) and fertility. Best to go to your doc, just like you're doing!!! Good luck!
  • grace_eliza
    grace_eliza Posts: 23 Member
    yeh i hate to admit this, but over the past few years ive definately developed some dark hair patches under my chin. but, im very dark and so is all my family so i cant really put it down to that. its like i find a symptom and then its only 50%.

    i think im paranoid because my dad had diabetes,and all my life me and my mum have tried so hard to prevent me going down the same path. i'm now at the similar age he was diagnosed and things like this worry me!

    Just need to doctor to either find the problem or put my mind at rest though.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    There's a reason it says this at the bottom of the page. Random internet people are not doctors and can give harmful advice. Go to your doctor. This could be something serious. This could be something not serious. I have no way of knowing and neither does anyone else through a computer screen.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Are you lifting any weights?
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    yeh i hate to admit this, but over the past few years ive definately developed some dark hair patches under my chin. but, im very dark and so is all my family so i cant really put it down to that. its like i find a symptom and then its only 50%.

    i think im paranoid because my dad had diabetes,and all my life me and my mum have tried so hard to prevent me going down the same path. i'm now at the similar age he was diagnosed and things like this worry me!

    Just need to doctor to either find the problem or put my mind at rest though.

    Im not sure but i dont think diabetes can cause irregular/stopped periods. **and if you were referring to PCOS with the sugar issues, it doesnt mean you have diabetes if you have it

    and Elisabat- seriously, she was asking for advice...surely she knows we arent drs and dont pretend to be!
  • Everythin2Lose
    Having the same issue, I came off the Pill last September (as it was the cause of my Deep Vein Thrombosis). Finally started to get regular periods as of May- I started this health regime early August and since mid-august (where I had about a 2 day period) it has GONE completely!

    I spoke to my doctor Monday about it, who said due to the restricted calories (1200-1500 per day depending on exercise) and 6 days a week of exercise (inc strength training, cardio and classes)- it has messed up my hormone levels and my body isn't able to keep up my period at the moment. He didn't seem all that stressed, and honestly I'm loving it (except I still get the PMS and bloating). If it doesn't come back in about 6mths he has asked me to come back and we might check all my levels- I expect to maintain my current calorie intake and exercise regime for another 6mths roughly- so I'm hoping my body adjusts eventually to it.

    Although he recommended doing pregnancy tests once a month to confirm that side of things as well...

    Hope this helps.. :happy:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Just go to your doctor. It could be lots of things.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    This happend to me last month hunni I was 2 weeks late its I went the doctors they said us because my body's had a big lifestyle change an I'm excising more xxxx
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,080 Member
    This happened to me while I was losing. I think it was just related to the calorie restriction
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    weight loss can affect some gals cycles...see your doctor to be safe
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    i had this problem for a while, but it was about a year after having my tubes tied and i guess that is quite common and eventually just went back to normal even before i got to the specialist. but what ever the cause for you it definately requires a trip to your doctor. if your iron gets too low you will be light headed and kinda dizy feeling :)
  • grace_eliza
    grace_eliza Posts: 23 Member
    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    There's a reason it says this at the bottom of the page. Random internet people are not doctors and can give harmful advice. Go to your doctor. This could be something serious. This could be something not serious. I have no way of knowing and neither does anyone else through a computer screen.

    my bad, maybe i shouldnt have put 'any doctors' in the title. but i just want advice, im going to a doctor anyway but i just wondered if anyone had similar problems.

    and by the looks of it yes! all if ur advice is amazing, at least im more clued up so i can question these things at the doctors. i started to google things before posting on here but it just frightened me to death. this is a much nicer way to discover things! thanks guys xx
  • bonita071
    bonita071 Posts: 42 Member
    You could have PCOS .I had periods normally and suddenly they just stopped and would pop up at random times .I went to the gynocology and was diagnosed with pcos last year.
  • grace_eliza
    grace_eliza Posts: 23 Member
    been to the docs.

    going t have a hormone blood test, and check my thyroid too. but i have to wait until i actually get my period before they can do the blood test accurately :(

    so for now.. it's just a waiting game! x