Low Carb Diet HELP!



  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    You may have a gluten intolerance, have you tried gluten free? I only eat 1/4 cup cooked steel cut oats in the morning, then a brown rice tortilla for lunch. The rest I get through beans, sweet potatoes, fruits and veggies. I feel great without gluten!
  • GBO323
    GBO323 Posts: 336 Member
    Laxatives in the long term don't help the body do what it's designed to do. Kinda like taking antibiotics all the time for a simple cold. It doesn't allow the body to build up its own immunity. Not saying antibiotics are bad...

    Consider some good healthy carbs. I do a high fiber breakfast of 1 cup FiberOne cereal. That takes care of my fiber for the day. Additional fiber later in the day is bonus. That should help move things along.
  • kat65
    kat65 Posts: 124 Member
    You don't want to relay on laxatives. Eventually your body will become used to them and the only way you will be able to go is by using them.
  • grace_eliza
    grace_eliza Posts: 23 Member
    SO GUYS.... I can't praise FLAXSEED enough!!

    I posted this thread a few weeks ago and at the time I was taking a laxative just to go once a week.
    Since then I started with flaxseed.. Eating a Minute Muffin every other day for Breakfast and since then Ive been Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday. I can't express enough how much better I feel!

    So for all you fellow sufferers, thought I'd recommend this. I haven't dropped as much weight but I think thats due to me being lazy the past few weeks and hopefully I'll carry on towards my target from now onwards!!

    Thankyou for all your recommendations :)