peanut1967 Member


  • I agree with the theory of water storage due to weight lifting. I made a similar experience some years ago - 1-3 lbs plus after working out. It was more noticeable after strength training, but also with heavy cardio training. Each time 1-2 days without working made my weight drop, even without a calorie deficit. According…
  • Hallo, danke für eure Antworten. Ich habe mich entschieden, erst mal mit dem Programm von Mark Lauren anzufangen und mich dann vorzuarbeiten. Ich habe heute mal mit dem Novice Workout angefangen und schaffe nicht mal die geforderten 20 s Mountain Climber am Stück (die anderen Übungen sind okay). Bei mir ist das Wichtigste…
  • Hi, on Zombies Run 5K there are no zombie chases at all. The chases in the main game are random and would not fit in the 5K program. In the main app, zhough, you get Zombie chases on the treadmill if you a) switch "chases" on in the settings, and b) keep your phone in your hand, in a pocket, an armband or whatever. I think…
  • Hi, I've started using Endomondo too, only for indoor workouts at the moment. My Username is Karin W.
  • Hi, we bought the kinect and this game (plus some more kinect games) for christmas and I love it, although it's killing me. Please add me as friend if you like, on MFP and xbox as well. I sent some friend requests on but was not able to send more than one message there - sorry. Gamertag: KarinNPG :)
  • Hey, I just got a kinect and Your shape 2012 and so far I love it. My gamertag is KarinNPG :)
  • Hi, I'm sorry I didn't stop by during the last days, but I just underestimated some things I had to do during the last days. Actually I wasn't able work out regularly, but things are back to normal now, but in this week I'll just try to return to my normal workout routine. Thus, I'll start this challenge one week later…
  • Hey, don't beat yourself up. There's more to life than losing weight and working out, and sometimes there are more important things that get in the way, that's where we fall back in old habits. It has been such a short time, I'm sure no big harm has been done. Just jump back on track and put the past days behind you :-)
  • I agree with everyone else, aou have to give yourself time to grieve. But I also want to add that moving your body can be an instrument to help you through this time. I don't know how you work out, but maybe you just need to change your exercises. A more contemplative way of exercising like running (jogging) or walking…
  • You could just make your own hot chocolate with skim milk and pure cocoa and very little sugar, or take less sugar every time. That would be a dark chocoate. I make it that way for my daughrter with my espresso machine (with the little milk foamer that's part of the machine) and she loves it. A friend of mine makes it with…
  • Wow you all are doing great! I forgot to complete my last week: 08/30: 40 mins Step aerobics 08/31: 95 mins Gym Training (Strength training, C25K-W2D1, biking) 09/01: 20 mins Aerobics 09/02: 100 mins gardening, 105 mins gym training (same as Tuesday) 09/04: 55 mins Aerobics 09/05: 101 mins at the gym (only workout time of…
  • As of today my weight is 213 lbs (96.6 kg), which means I lost 3.9 lbs during the last 2 weeks. Yay! That doesn't make me the winnerf this challenge, but it makes me very happy :happy: Congrats to everyone else! Don't worry to much about the numbers - a loss is a loss! Can't wait to see who won, though :wink: P:S: my…
  • For anyone who likes japanese food (and who likes to cook) a bento box could be a great thing to take food to work. Of course you also can put non-japanese food into it. There hundreds of bento sites on the web which provide a lot of inspiration :smile: (just crossed my mind when you were talking about rice)
  • ok, i've done some internet research (heck, there really is a LOT to learn about strength training ) and opinions seem to differ on this topic. One thing I read a lot is this: crunches/situps are an isolate ab training, it is better and more effective to work those muscles in a complex exercise where the large muscles are…
  • Thanks for the information! I'm a bit confused - I was told at may gym to do crunches (not that many of course), so obviously not all the experts agree on this? It's clear to me why I'm not attracted to planks - it's probably instinct. :laugh: My core is weak, I find most core exercises hard and painful. Maybe I'll start…
  • Thanks for the link, Kevster75. What's the benefit of doing planks? To me they look just like a pushup variation. Do they do anything for your abs, too? I guess I'll stick with the crunches, maybe I'll do planks afterwards :smile: @crooker You can find the 100 pushup program here: On…
  • How great, I'm not alone! :happy: Heyzoos, if you go to the program's site ( ) you will see that they are actually talking about crunches there. At least that's what I call the thing I see on the photo and that is described in the text - crunches. Situps are outdated because of being unsafe,…
  • Hi, I hope everybody is doing well! I completed week 2 today. I felt fine, but during the last weeks my left knee has been hurting. Everytime it happens it's just for a moment, then it's gone. There seem to be special movements like squats and lunges that trigger the pain (and most times I avoid them), but today it also…
  • Hi all, I lost 2.4 lbs (1.1 kg) since last week! Yay! Congrats to all who lost weight and best wishes to all who are not that happy with their loss - just stay patient and keep up the good work. Last week it was me who didn't lose anything, now I'm glad that I just stuck to the plan :)
  • May I join you, even though I'm a bit late? I discovered this challenge only today. I'll get my HRM next week, so until then I'll log my exercise minutes. So far this week I did: 08/30: 40 mins Step aerobics 08/31: 95 mins Gym Training (Strength training, C25K-W2D1, biking) 09/01: 20 mins Aerobics 09/02: 100 mins…
  • I completed week 1 today. It was okay, better than the 2nd workout on thursday (I was tired then) and during the running minutes I increased the pace from 6 to 7 km/h. Pretty slow, but that's the pace that works for me on the treadmill. I'll speed up after a few weeks, I hope. Music helps me a lot! I'm using a podcast…
  • No weight loss for me this time - I hope all of you have better results. I wonder what the problem is, it's definitely not TOM and I'm still at the beginning, it's a little early for a plateau :-(
  • One single day won't have a drastic effect, don't worry about it, just look for the reason. I just looked into your diary and I think you have been eating way too little during the last two days, so eating more might have been just your body demanding what it needed. Or didn't you log everything? Plus, you eat a lot of…
  • I agree with lucifa73 - of course you lose weight with those diets, but you don't learn anything about healthy eating. On the contrary, after depriving yourself over weeks or months eating "repacements" you will crave for normal food ,so most people will gain their weight back, and maybe gain even more than they lost, due…
  • I'm in! I just discovered this thread after doing the first workout 2 hours ago :-) I did it on the treadmill at a slow pace (6 km/h), I hope that counts.
  • I'm in! This morning my weight was 216.9 lbs. Normally my weigh-in is on Friday, so I won't update my weight "officially" on MFP if that is okay.
  • I'm at 218 lbs with a BMI of 32.x Dou you think I could start running? I'd love to but I am not sure if I should lose more weight before start. Of course I'd begin with intervals (1 min. running, 2 min walking and so on).
  • Wow, that's such a great result! I think I would have started to cry ;-)
  • I cook most things from scratch and buy very little preprocessed food (never buy ready-to-serve-meals), no soda drinks, no highly processed breakfast cereals (only oatmeal, sorghum flakes and so on or whole grains that I grind myself). This way I find it difficult to get anywhere near the MFP sodium limit. EDIT: ok, I…
  • Yes it works! You get what you put into it, but in addition you get a lot of support and motivation. Just try it, log everything, exercise, add friends, participate and you will see a progress :-)