corena Member


  • Thank you for shareing, You look awsome, You are a great insperation to us all!!:flowerforyou:
  • Well ladies I have been AWOL, and would like to appologize for that. However I have stayed on track. Just got busy, brother in law bought a house and guess who got nominiated to make curtains, clean, and paint the inside, Yep me and not to mention he lives 2 1/2 hours from here so between work and that project i have been…
  • Congrats to everyone for the continued support, I do not know what I am doing I guess. This is the 3rd week that my weight has not moved but .2 oz. Can't even get 1/2 oz. But I feel good and the clothes make me feel better being smaller in size, I am not going to give up, just have to try something different. This I am not…
  • Sorry I did not post Friday, weighed at 213, but had computer problems that prevented me from posting. Got a compliment from a gal friend that I have not seen for a couple of months and she said she could tell I had lost some inches, so that helped me on the confidence side. Doing the Biggest Looser Fitness Program, enjoy…
  • You look amazing. Congrats to you for all your hard work!!
  • Lost 1.5 this week. I know I will eventually make it one step at a time!!
  • Well did pretty good but only lost 1/2 lb, but my "incentive" shorts buttoned, can't zip yet, but getting closer. Yea for the holiday weekend. Everyone have a safe and happy one. We will be BBQing and Pool party.
  • Had a pretty good weekend, probably ate a few things i should not have, but did not over indulge. (daughter (12) made her first cake so we had to eat some of it). Looking forward to a good week and fun long weekend. Have a BBQ and Pool party planned with family and friends so it should be lots of fun.
  • Well I did not gain or lose, from last week, did change my weight on here from the week before tho, forgot to last week. However I did go thru my eating journal and looks like I am taking in alot of carbs so this week i am going to try to reduce the carbs and up the protiens and see if that will get me budging. Hope so.…
  • Had a pretty good day today, I am somewhat frustrated tho. I have a bad habit of weighing myself every morning when I wake up. I have worked my *kitten* off the last 2 days and did not lose an ounce. I have a digital that weights lbs and ounces and did not lose a thing. But I on the positive my "incentive" shorts that are…
  • That is awsome, keep up the good work!!
  • Good morning, sorry posted on the old thread. Did not lose any weight in fact gained a pound. But will keep trying. Daughter has a sleep over at a freinds tonight and son has a friend staying with us. Plan a trip to the lake on Sunday. Probably the last one for the summer. Weight was 214
  • iowabelle, good for you for staying strong and not giving in, although Subway would be a healthier choice than some other places. Todays Weighin, HMMM Don't know what happened, but i Gained a pound. So I am now at 214. But that is ok, i refuse to give up on myself and this journey. Hope everyone has a great day. Off to get…
  • Well I for one hope I am a looser tomorrow, but don't know. Had a good day with food, stayed where i should but did not get any fitness in. School started today, I am a bus driver so being the first day was a nightmare did not get home until late in the am and then had to run back to town to get the rest of the supplies…
  • Good evening friends, I had a great day today, Watched my calories and got in a good workout. Funny but I feel my biggest challenge was making cookies with the kids, but the greatest pleasure was being able to say No Thank you to the offering when they were done. I know this may sound silly, but I feel as if I have just…
  • Thank you for shareing, The change is so wonderful. Keep it up, you are definately an insperation to me.
  • Congrats on taking charge of your health, Welcome to the group and good luck in your journey. Just remember 1 day at a time and we will all get there. Feel free to freind me if you would like.
  • Good morning friends, my weighin this morning was 213.4 That is a week loss of 2.2 lbs and a total loss of 7 lbs. Not alot but it is a start. Thank you for the support.
  • I went to the Dr. for a physical, High blood pressure, and pre-diabetic. I said No No No, and agreed to loose some weight and get in better shape. Have alot of diabeties and heart conditions in my famliy and vowed i would not leave my children early in life and am determined to make a change NOW. Already feel better about…
  • Good morning, I am new to this site and am over 200 lbs also. I started on Monday at 220 and am down to 216 so far, sure most of it is water weight, but would love to join and help support others and be supported. I would love to end up around 155, I know it will not be easy but I know it will be worth it. My husband is in…
  • I too am new here, I also have summers off with my children (girl 13 and boy 9) I have packed on the lbs. I know I am an emotional eater, my oldest daughter (17) ran away last year and still has not returned, it has taken a toll, I feel that food is the only thing that understands what i am feeling. I hope to get some…
  • Hello, I just found this site today, need to lose about 65 lbs, I have little will power so am hoping this will help me stay accountable for my actions. I am excited and motivated to start a life long journey and my husband and children are being very supportative (not had that before) and that helps. Look forward to this…