Less Than Him



  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I am really worried about my weigh in tomorrow. Normally I step on the scale every day and Thurs is a good inkling of what friday will bring, but this morning I was just barely below last weeks weight. That doesnt seem right givne my workout schedule. UGH!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I am really worried about my weigh in tomorrow. Normally I step on the scale every day and Thurs is a good inkling of what friday will bring, but this morning I was just barely below last weeks weight. That doesnt seem right givne my workout schedule. UGH!
    aww im sorry maybe its just like water weigh?
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    (sneaking in here just to say that this thread is awesome and makes me feel not so bad about not losing anything this week) ... back to my lurking :)
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    SW 215.2 (from beginning of thread)
    CW 205.1 (last week 206.5)

    I gave away 1.4 pounds this week (lost implies they are missing and i dont really want to find them again). Current Mini goal has been moved by .4 pound (6 weeks to halloween so goal is to give away 6 more pounds).
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Well since starting this I gained ten pounds sadly and got up to 265 but today I'm 361.4 so that's better but not good!
  • ok ladies I'm back I fell off the wagon for a couple of weeks endulging my self with a bunch of bad bad foods and then of course ToM had to visit me so for the whole time I endulged myself some more! But no more I'm done and I need to start losing weight again! On a good note I weighed myslef today and everything I did bad and wrong I didn't gain ne thing nor lose ne thing either but hey I'm fine witg that..today me and the hubby are joining this sports and field/fitness center! The only downfall to this place is it's an hour a way from my house...but it's like a dream gym and the price of it it's really really cheap so it kinda balances itself out...i figured maybe since I'm paying for something it might force me to go workout instead of sitting on the couch eating and watching tv. Oh and then there is also this thing I might do where my county in my state is doing a biggest loser equalivant I might do that I have to look into it more but other than that hope everyone enjoys there weekend! :heart:
  • dmhaag
    dmhaag Posts: 172 Member
    I've had a pretty good week this week. I have actually been in 2 states other than my own for the previous 2 weeks for work, and I ate really badly those 2 weeks. It's hard to stay true to your diet on the road. But I was strict this week, and I am down to 271. I was at 274.6 before my work trips when I weighed on 8/27.
  • i forgot to weigh myself this morning so i'm gonna weigh tomorrow. :)
  • corena
    corena Posts: 141 Member
    Sorry I did not post Friday, weighed at 213, but had computer problems that prevented me from posting. Got a compliment from a gal friend that I have not seen for a couple of months and she said she could tell I had lost some inches, so that helped me on the confidence side. Doing the Biggest Looser Fitness Program, enjoy it so for along with my walk every day so wish me luck. Hate my scale tho, seems to never let me get below 213, but the clothes say different so I refuse to give up. Thanks to all for the support and lets all hope for a good week.
  • hey everyone!

    forgot to post my weight but i'm still down 11lbs... (up 1 from my counter-boo). however i did have a pretty bad weekend, so i'm happy i maintained my weight this week. i'm shooting for 2lbs this week. i think i can, i think i can..... :)
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I am hoping to put in a strong week this week (eating wisely and exercising). I want to make more headway on my quest for 'One'derland
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I am hoping to put in a strong week this week (eating wisely and exercising). I want to make more headway on my quest for 'One'derland
    I wish you the best of luck!
  • I am hoping to put in a strong week this week (eating wisely and exercising). I want to make more headway on my quest for 'One'derland

    good luck girl! you can do it! i think i'll be doing backflips once i get to 'one'derland! still got quite a ways to go. :)
  • dmhaag
    dmhaag Posts: 172 Member
    Well I gained a pound this week up from 271 to 272, however I did go way over my calories on Wednesday. My husband took me to The Melting Pot for our anniversary. I ate really well yesterday...just not enough to make up for Wednesday :). Hope everyone had a good week!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Last week I made some gain on my quest and hoping it stays through this week. Its been kinda up and down with the scale all weekend. Its funny, I have been doing this for about 6 months now and I still am trying to figure out what works best for my body.
  • I lost 3lbs this week! WOO HOO! :) I switched around my calories (actually added more) and it worked. It definitely feels good to know I'm still on the right track! Only about 5-5 1/2lbs til I reach a 20lb loss! So excited!

    Hope everyone has a good week!
  • corena
    corena Posts: 141 Member
    Congrats to everyone for the continued support, I do not know what I am doing I guess. This is the 3rd week that my weight has not moved but .2 oz. Can't even get 1/2 oz. But I feel good and the clothes make me feel better being smaller in size, I am not going to give up, just have to try something different. This I am not taking in enough calories, I never even get close to what I am supposed to have!! Will try again this week. Good Luck to all!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Glad you arent giving up Corena, and grats to you Amy.
  • zolamercedes
    zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Ladies!!! Sorry it's been a while... I was out of town twice and then I started a new job, so I've been running around like a chicken without it's head. BUT I am so excited!! I weighed in today and am at 212!! I've been eating waaaay better... no fast food, even though I still have the cravings, but I've been allowing myself a tofutti cuttie ice cream sandwhich for dessert almost every night to let me think that I am being bad, but I still am under my calorie goal every night. I am at the end of TOM so I am hoping it isn't a trick. For some reason my weight goes down during TOM, but I've been really good, so I hope this sticks.

    Keep on keeping on ladies... eventually it will click into place!!!
  • Hey everyone...

    Sorry it has been a while. I fell off the wagon!! I was getting sick along with the dieting so I wasn't sure what was going on with me. So, I stopped the diet to see if that was making me sick and that wasn't 100% it. So I am now BACK and ready to lose this weight. I am glad to hear that everyone has been doing so well. I have lost some weight I am about 205-203. I got back up to the 207-209 when I stopped.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    When are we doing our weigh in now???

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