Less Than Him



  • BeaFit
    BeaFit Posts: 17 Member
    I would really like to join this community because this is a key motivater for me. Started out smaller now living 50 pounds larger than him and working hard to turn that around. How can I join?
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I would really like to join this community because this is a key motivater for me. Started out smaller now living 50 pounds larger than him and working hard to turn that around. How can I join?
    u just did... tell us your starting weight and goal weight. weigh in's are friday welcome to the group! :D
  • AfroGeek
    AfroGeek Posts: 18
    My weight on Friday was 252.4. I don't know what it was the previous Friday, but I think I'm down a couple of pounds. I weigh in every day, but the 30 day progress report doesn't seem to give you your daily weight. I've been doing pretty good with the food, but have slacked off with my exercise the last couple of days. I'll have to get moving today.

    Progress, not Perfection!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    My weight on Friday was 252.4. I don't know what it was the previous Friday, but I think I'm down a couple of pounds. I weigh in every day, but the 30 day progress report doesn't seem to give you your daily weight. I've been doing pretty good with the food, but have slacked off with my exercise the last couple of days. I'll have to get moving today.

    Progress, not Perfection!

    If you have been recording your weights in the check in section, go there and choose to "edit previous entries" and you will be able to see the date of every weight previously recorded.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    How was everyone's weekend?
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hey guys!

    i had a great weekend! i had a few friends in from out of town so i showed them around all weekend. i was so worried about blowing my diet this weekend that i actually really behaved myself and lost 2 more lbs! woot! i'm now at 10lbs lost, which was my goal for august! i'm gonna try for 2 more by the end of the month, but i'm so happy! one mini-goal down! next up: lose another 15 (hopefully 20) by halloween. i definitely think i can do this! thank you all for your support. you guys seriously have kept me going!

    i hope everyone else had an awesome weekend! :)
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    today was a killer lol I did lunges and squats in my life fitness class. I still walk a little funny :P Though i'm hoping tomorrow's meditation lol Did get the cute guy to talk to me a little today :smooched: (even though it was a few words) Ok so yesterday i ate pizza and weighed myself I was 248... waited a while i was 247 and before i went to bed was 246. I dont get it?!?!
  • So sorry I haven't been around much the past week. Had an awfully irritable week and then my anniversary was on Sunday. I did weigh in on Friday and was down 1.2 lbs from my lowest so I lost the 5.9 lbs I'd put on the week before.

    I didn't log at all the last 3 days and am sure I went over my maintenance even, but I'm not upset about this because I'm sure I can correct everything by friday and see a loss!

    Friday we had a joint birthday party for my daughter and my hubby's niece, so it was homemade food, hot dogs, cheese ball (which is a HUGE weakness of mine!!) I'd have eaten more but they ran out of crackers Then that night when we came home hubby and I were starved. Neither of us had the energy to cook anything plus that it was like 80% humidity in our house. We went to Taco Bell.

    Saturday we went to the Museum walked around for a couple hours and caught the planetarium show, which was so cool since I've never been to one before. We were going to go to get Chinese but hubby decided he wanted to try out the brewery. So we went to the brewery and we were really bad....we had potato nachos. Yup potato "fries" with nacho goodness on top! They were SOOO good and SOOO bad!! Then I ordered a steak but only ate half which was about 4.5 oz so not bad for that. But I ate my potatoes and vege's. I also had 2 beers! Which is so not like me, I'm not much of a beer gal, but this was super yummy and my hubby seemed to be pleased that I was "having a beer with him" Then we went home had a couple glasses of wine some bed pilates and watched a movie....it was a great day.

    Sunday we went to church THEN went to Chinese.... I had every intention of getting back on track but that didn't happen. So we went to Chinese and I was SO looking forward to it, because I'm not gonna treat myself there very often right now. So I let hubby order because he is a huge asian food eater. Well we got Crab Rangoons, YUMMY!! fried tofu with peanut sauce, blecht!! and he ordered me cashew chicken. I normally get Sesame Chicken. And I REALLY didn't like the cashew chicken. I had 1 bite and then picked out maybe 6 tiny pieces of chicken and was done. I ended up eating the rest of my steak from the night before and having some fruit salad. Then we went to the jewelry store to "look at" wedding bands. We hadn't gotten ours yet because we couldn't afford them last year when we got married. So we walk in and the lady smiles at my husband and says "how can I help you?" so we start looking at rings, I wanted to look for him first, so we pick out one we really like for him and she looks up and says, with a HUGE grin on her face, "so can we look at yours now?" I was a little perplexed. So we walk over and she pulls out this ring and it matches my engagement ring PERFECTLY! (we had my engagement ring specially made, like we designed it) SO I was so stoked....and I put it on and it fit and my husband says "well I guess it's meant to be!" I just turned and kind of GAWKED at him. and he just smiled..... ANYWAY so I got my wedding ring yesterday...if we are friends on fb I took a picture and uploaded it there. Hubby still won't admit that he planned it, or maybe had looked before hand, but it's all very conincidental! He just smiles and says, 'it was meant to be' whenever I ask him if it was planned!! Then we had our cake and a bottle of champagne saved from our wedding. I did have TINY piece of cake because I was scared it would be freezer burnt, but it wasn't, it was yummy!

    So that was my weekend.....sorry to give micro details but I had such a wonderful, fun weekend I wanted to share it all!!!
  • ok so this weekend i fell off the wagon ate wendys sat. night..bc well really i shouldnt have but it was late and didnt pull ne thing out for dinner..sunday went to a water park didnt have ne body call me fat this time but it was fun i started out good then ended the night with a slice of pizza today did good i just didnt exercise but tomorrow is a whole new day and im gonna work my butt out bc aunt flow will be visiting very very soon and i know i will prob. fall off the wagon then too..i will try my hardest not to but who knows hope every one will have a good day tomorrow
  • zolamercedes
    zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
    Hey ladies! Hope you all had a decent weekend. Mine was okay. I totally ate too many calories, but I definately tried my darndest to burn them off the same day.

    Today was super weird though. I remembered that my uncle had brought cookies from Hawaii. He gave them to us ages ago. Why did I decide to open them today and eat TWO whole servings with a whopping 300 calories? I have no freaking clue. I started and couldn't stop. The only reason I stopped was because I grossed myself out. After a while I was like yucky WTH did I do? I am wondering if my bad weekend let my sugar and junk cravings go into over drive. I just can't let that happen again. It's okay once a month during the TOM, to go sugar nutso, but not every weekend and spill over into the week. I didn't go over in calories because I worked them off, but it was weird for sure.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    Sorry I wasn't able to post anything on weigh in day. My family went on vacation Thursday, and got back yesterday. It was a great weekend, and the town we stayed in was really lovely.

    We stayed at a Bed and Breakfast that had an amazing breakfast selection, so I knew I was up against serious temptation. Since I couldn't record foods on MFP from my phone, I just googled everything and recorded in a memo, to make sure I didn't go over. I also Woke up at 7:15 each day to go for a 45 minute walk before breakfast. What a great way to motivate yourself to eat well while on vacation! And one day I did my T-Tapp DVD in the afternoon so I got in a little extra :)

    Overall I am very happy with how the weekend went. I ate french fries twice, which isn't the best, but it was within my calories. I generally try to avoid them though. Also, I wasn't able to weight while I was gone, so I weighed on Thursday and...I weighed in at 223! Which is a 2.2 pound loss from last week! So I've lost 7 pounds so far, which I'm really happy with!

    The main thing I'm thinking about right now is buying a HRM because I'm really not sure if I burn all the calories that MFP says I am...and I don't want to eat more exercise calories than I should.

    Well, I'm gonna go off to the gym now! Have a great week!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    So after doing those lunges i mention i was sore well, i didnt go to school today because my thighs hurt so bad when i stand up, sit down or bend my legs! it suck soo bad
  • sooo I'm siitting here at work extermely bored :yawn: .these are the times I wish I had a exercise machine so I could work my butt off in the back but I don't o well!! How is everyones week going?? Don't forget friday is weigh in! :tongue:
  • corena
    corena Posts: 141 Member
    Had a pretty good day today, I am somewhat frustrated tho. I have a bad habit of weighing myself every morning when I wake up. I have worked my *kitten* off the last 2 days and did not lose an ounce. I have a digital that weights lbs and ounces and did not lose a thing. But I on the positive my "incentive" shorts that are hanging in plain site came closer to fitting, so I don't know weather to be discouraged with the scale or excited with the shorts?

    How often do you all weigh?
  • Had a pretty good day today, I am somewhat frustrated tho. I have a bad habit of weighing myself every morning when I wake up. I have worked my *kitten* off the last 2 days and did not lose an ounce. I have a digital that weights lbs and ounces and did not lose a thing. But I on the positive my "incentive" shorts that are hanging in plain site came closer to fitting, so I don't know weather to be discouraged with the scale or excited with the shorts?

    How often do you all weigh?

    i will occaisionally will weight my self everyday but not to often bc u can get discourage also when u weigh urself do it the same time everytime..but thats what happened to me last week so this week i have been down in the dirt but not going crazy with food i just havent been motivated to work out...so i kjnow this week i know i prob wont be losing ne thing...but i can be hopeful! =)
  • ok ladies i need some advice...im not much of a water drinker i drink alot of crystal light...how do i overcome this so i can drink more plain water..i just dont really like it yuck! lol but i want to flush out the bad stuff and sodium bc i think thats why i havent really lost ne thing..help!
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    I do flavored seltzer water a lot. I can do about 1/2 of the water as plain water. But yeah, if you're not used to it ~ getting the 8 in is hard.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Might try adding like a piece of fruit to your water? I never really liked seltzer water but you can get 0 calorie fruit soda water at the grocery store.

    I actually do weigh myself everyday but I dont record everyday. I only record on Fridays and just use the daily weigh ins as a reminder of what I am working for. It just renews my drive (most of the time).
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    i weigh myself everyday too but i only record about once a week (or when i lose and get really excited about it lol).

    i used to HATE water.... then i started forcing myself to drink it. now i can't live without it! start out slow, maybe drink a glass or two a day and then keep upping it. or do what i did and chug um down, especially when you think you're hungry. it helps!
  • thank you ladiea for the tips...today was the first day I drank a whole 20 oz bottle of water without putting ne thing in it! I'm so proud of myself I just forced my self and said nope I have to flush the bad out so I can get the good in!!! Now hopefully I can drink more and more and soon not live with out it!!
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