For anyone 200+



  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Okay, I am horrible at checking in with groups so giving you all permission to hunt me down and tell me to update stats! :) Feel free to friend me too if you need support!

    I would love to join in as well. My starting weight in May was 238 (my highest weight EVER). Right now I weigh 222. I'm another one who can't believe I weigh more than my husband... and he is 9 inches taller than me and overweight himself so that is unfortunately saying something. :(

    My next mini goal is to get to 219... then to weigh less than my husband (I'm not entirely sure what he weighs but I think it is somewhere between 210 and 220). Eventually my goal weight is 130 pounds (I'm short!).

    Edited to add: oh, not so great day here... but the first time I've been over since being on MFP and I consciously chose to do so so I'm counting that as okay! :)
  • Hello everyone! I am new to my fitness pal. I am 205 pounds. Which is the heaviest I have ever been even with 3 pregnancies. I had a ovarian cancer scare in Jan of this year, it turned out NO CANCER. That was one of my reasons for losing weight. I have 3 kids and a wonderful husband. I want to be a good example for my children and I want to be there for them! Also, two years ago, I lost my 33 year old cousin to breast cancer. She left behind two boys and a husband. So with my cancer scare and her death it has really made me step back and see that I am not healthy! So my goal is to see if I can get down to at least 150 pounds. Once I get down to that, 140 is my ultimate goal! Look forward to support and getting to know everyone!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Hello everyone! I am new to my fitness pal. I am 205 pounds. Which is the heaviest I have ever been even with 3 pregnancies. I had a ovarian cancer scare in Jan of this year, it turned out NO CANCER. That was one of my reasons for losing weight. I have 3 kids and a wonderful husband. I want to be a good example for my children and I want to be there for them! Also, two years ago, I lost my 33 year old cousin to breast cancer. She left behind two boys and a husband. So with my cancer scare and her death it has really made me step back and see that I am not healthy! So my goal is to see if I can get down to at least 150 pounds. Once I get down to that, 140 is my ultimate goal! Look forward to support and getting to know everyone!
    welcome i hope we give you the support you need on the way to reaching your goals :D
  • rlouise247
    rlouise247 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all,
    I've been here for almost two months, gaining and losing the same 4lbs the whole time no matter how much I work out or how little I eat so needless to say I need some support because I am oh so close to throwing in the towel...I weighed in at 231 lbs today and would love to join the group and hear anything you all have to say that might be helpful. My main goal is to get to 150lbs but I really just want to get below 200lbs...its been many years. I look forward to working with you all.
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I was wondering if everyone who is gonna be in this group could send me a message on here with their name, current weight, and goal weight. please and thank you! I know it's technically thursday but I'm only a half hour off from our first weigh in as a goup so i'll do it now.
    CW:258 (bout pissed myself when i saw that lol I havent been that high in over 5 years)
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member

    I'd like to join you all. I have been on MFP a little over two weeks, and lost 5 pounds since starting. 231 is my highest weight. I lost 30 pounds during my senior year in high school, but it was Atkins and...well after that I gained it all back and so much more. It's been six years since then, and my weight has fluctuated a great deal, but not really through any intentional dieting. Basically over this summer I have have just been eating...and eating and eating. I really was getting sick of myself, and just thinking that if I didn't make a change soon that things could start to get really bad. Also, I am currently in a size 18, and I just really don't want to hit size 20.

    Oh, and I've never had a guy friend ask me about my weight...I don't think I seem approachable about that issue ;) But I have lived overseas in a place where I understand the language. Sometimes I would overhear someone say something about me "Wow! Look at that obese foreigner!!!" and I would just confront them wherever it was with something like "Hey! I know what you're saying! What you just said was really rude, if a stranger in my country said that I might hit him!" And well, the more curious taxi drivers would occasionally say something like "So, why are you so fat?" with a strange genuine interest, so I would explain to them that I had three deaths in my family and a close friend in a coma within four months of each other, all in my first semester at college that I spent on the other side of the world from my parents in a state I never lived in before. They usually accepted that...hard not to I guess. It's the truth. And it took me a few years to be able to get to this point where I can start taking care of my body, but I am so pumped about all the changes I've been making!

    So now my goal is to get back to 140, and perhaps a little more after I get there.

    Well, I know Friday is yall's weigh in day. I will weigh in in the morning, but I already weighed in on tuesday, so I don't really expect much to happen for this week's group weigh in.
  • thickntired
    thickntired Posts: 76 Member
    Hi all, I'd love to join you. My current weight is 288, highest being (gasp!) 315. I did recently lose down to 242 but gained it back after giving into soda and holiday treats. So mad at myself over that. I'd love to join in the supporting and cheering people on here. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I have no idea what I will weigh tomorrow but I'm sure I'll still be 288 since I am starting over today, but hey you never know. I could be down a pound or two. Weirder things have happened. :-)
  • corena
    corena Posts: 141 Member
    Good morning friends, my weighin this morning was 213.4 That is a week loss of 2.2 lbs and a total loss of 7 lbs. Not alot but it is a start. Thank you for the support.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I weighed in at 214.2. Thats a 1 pound loss this week and a 29.7lb loss overall (so close to the BIG 3-0 it isnt funny!). Its not the best but I am very happy with it. I have been struggling mentaly this week with my weight. I am super happy to see some kind of loss this week! I think this might have been what I need to push me on hard again for the next few weeks.
  • I was wondering if everyone who is gonna be in this group could send me a message on here with their name, current weight, and goal weight. please and thank you! I know it's technically thursday but I'm only a half hour off from our first weigh in as a goup so i'll do it now.
    CW:258 (bout pissed myself when i saw that lol I havent been that high in over 5 years)

    My name is Emma, current weight 220, goal weight 136 (I have a looong road ahead!)
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I was wondering if everyone who is gonna be in this group could send me a message on here with their name, current weight, and goal weight. please and thank you! I know it's technically thursday but I'm only a half hour off from our first weigh in as a goup so i'll do it now.
    CW:258 (bout pissed myself when i saw that lol I havent been that high in over 5 years)

    My name is Emma, current weight 220, goal weight 136 (I have a looong road ahead!)
    Thank ya miss! ang I think we all feel that way but hopefully if we stick together we can do it!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Weigh-in this morning was 222.2 (down .4 pounds from Tuesday). I started at 238.4 and have an overall goal of 130... total weight loss so far is 16.2 and I have a ways to go here as well.

    I usually do weigh-ins on Mondays so will probably carry over my weigh-in from then for this group... weighed early today because I am headed out of town and won't be here on Monday! :)
  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    I weighed in already this week, and it hasn't changed as of today! But my initial weight was 285, my current weight is 275 and my goal weight is 135 :o)
  • dmhaag
    dmhaag Posts: 172 Member
    I am not new to the site, but am new to the posting community. I weighed in this morning at 280 (I saw that you all weigh in on Fridays). I started 8 months ago at 325, but have a long way to go to reach my goal weight of 170. My husband has been pretty supportive, but I decided it certainly couldn't hurt to have some group motivation. I hope you don't mind if I join you all.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Welcome aboard and AWESOME job so far!
  • Hello everyone! I am new to my fitness pal. I am 205 pounds. Which is the heaviest I have ever been even with 3 pregnancies. I had a ovarian cancer scare in Jan of this year, it turned out NO CANCER. That was one of my reasons for losing weight. I have 3 kids and a wonderful husband. I want to be a good example for my children and I want to be there for them! Also, two years ago, I lost my 33 year old cousin to breast cancer. She left behind two boys and a husband. So with my cancer scare and her death it has really made me step back and see that I am not healthy! So my goal is to see if I can get down to at least 150 pounds. Once I get down to that, 140 is my ultimate goal! Look forward to support and getting to know everyone!
    welcome i hope we give you the support you need on the way to reaching your goals :D

    Thank you! :0)
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    I weighed in this morning with no change from earlier this week at 225.2. Anyway, not disappointed or anything, it's what I expected since I have started a new muscle building workout and for a little while your fat burning can't outpace your muscle burning.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hey everyone! this week has been good to me! lost about 3lbs so far (and the week isn't over yet!). happy friday to me!! haha

    here's my stats:
    starting weight: 260 (8/1/10)
    current weight (as of this morning): 252.6 (8/13/10)
    goal weight: 160 (for now, might lower it to 150 depending on how i feel when i get there)

    7.4lbs so far! i'm so happy! and it hasn't been that hard so far! i can't believe how much i'm able to eat and still lose weight. i am so happy.

    hope everyone is doing great!
  • Hi everyone! Would love to join your group, i currently weigh 215.2 as of last Tuesdays.The last month all i seem to do is lose one week and gain the next ,i want to stop this and get out of the 200's once and for all.My husband has never seen me under 200 and we have been together for 17 years so it time.
  • rlouise247
    rlouise247 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, weighed in today at 232 :explode: 3lbs heavier than when I started in June....Goal weight is 150lb. 33lbs will get me below 200 which is my first major goal...
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