overwhelmed and looking for a friend.

SummerStorm Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Just got back from vacation at the beach. I'm a high school counselor who has the summer off. Took some graduate classes for my pay raise and had to write a paper today on my most diffiult parent, which brought all the negative stuff about work right back. I'm dreading going back to school in a week. My husband is not working right now, and we are SOOOO broke. Just started my period. Went to my friend's boat house yesterday and my 2 skinny friends were talking about their cellulite...ugh! I'm so unhappy about my body. I really need a friend to chat with on face book. Anyone interested? I'm 47 and want to lose about 40 pounds. Two sons, age 16 & 19. Yes, it's 5 a.m. I've been up worrying about this all night. If you can relate to this, please respond.


  • Add me as a friend and check out my friends list, we have a great little community set up x
  • I'm a bit older than you but add me as a friend and we can support each other. My sister (lupuslady) is new on here and looking for friends too...
  • I can relate. I'm a breast cancer survivor of a year and still having surgeries due to surgery that went wrong. :frown: Now, I still deal with our family and the loss of my income over the last year and a half due to my having cancer. My daughter is going to college in just 2 weeks. Our three boys in still in middle and high school so I try to remain positive and know that God is going to take care of our needs. He healed me of cancer so I know He'll take care of our daily needs. In the meantime, I deal with my disconfigured body and deal with being overweight as well. I have lost 22 lbs in just 6 weeks so that's something to look forward to. Mostly, trust yourself that you can do this and know that God will take care of your needs. Try to remain positive as your husband may need that to encourage him to find employment. As you know, you have to remain positive for the kids and yourself. It might be time to visit your OB/GYN to get an antidepressant as well to help you through these low times. Let me know if you wanna chat!!
  • unocentavo
    unocentavo Posts: 82 Member
    Hi and welcome! This is a tremendously supportive site. Glad you're here.
  • dannie926
    dannie926 Posts: 7 Member
    I definately can relate. This year has been one of the hardest years I think I have ever had in my life. I had so many failures in my life. My marriage, my business, started packing on the pounds and was already wellLLLLLLL over 225 lbs, brokenhearted but I decided I wasnt gonna wallow in my misery. Please dont let me make it seem like I just got up one day with my mind made up to be happy and lived happily ever after because I didnt. What I did do was began to change the way I was thinking. I started journal and I have one true find I know I can confide in. I made a point to read positive quotes, I developed a strong faith and prayer life, excerise because its a great stress reliever and got away from negative people that would agree with me when I had a nasty attitude.Im sure they were trying to help but it didnt. I also find great fulfillment in helping others in your community, at church, and actually I want to begin in my neighbor hood. I have a neighboor who lives by herself also and she is in her late 50's early sixties. I watched her struggle to cut her grass one day and when she finished it looked horrible so im gonna do it for her just because. These are just a couple of ideas. Its not easy when you feel like your walking circles in a desert and all you want is a little rain to refresh you. Im on FB if you want to talk. God Bless.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Been there, done that. Feel free to "friend me" on MFP...you are at the time of life when everyone else's needs have come first. I am proud of you for putting yourself on the list! You are going to start the year off on the right foot! Working on your graduate degree and taking care of a family is exhausting! Take a long bubble bath, then get your gameplan down on paper. What do you need to do to be your best? You deserve it!!!!:flowerforyou:
    Fellow educator,
    JUSTFORME2010 Posts: 125 Member
    I am actually the same age and have 3 children of my own. I live in Pa and would be happy to chat with you. I am actually up early today as well waiting to catch the man who will be turning off my water so i completely understand. You are not alone believe me. Glad to talk to you on facebook.

    Debra Donahue Sacco

    Keep your spirits up it will get better. ( at least I tell myself that lol)
  • Welcome! This last year has been the worst in my life. I lost my stepdaughter Tiffany14 in October of last year. You never know how strong God is until he carries you. God is good. He has used Tiffanys death to push our praise & warship band in high gear & they do some traveling to youth events. It has really helped her Dad he plays the drums. I have been out of work for a year the unemployment ran out in June so our savings is gone & we are struggling. Both of us found out a week ago that we are both diabetic,. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Something else to deal with. God Bless you & add me if you wish. Brandy:flowerforyou:
  • corena
    corena Posts: 141 Member
    I too am new here, I also have summers off with my children (girl 13 and boy 9) I have packed on the lbs. I know I am an emotional eater, my oldest daughter (17) ran away last year and still has not returned, it has taken a toll, I feel that food is the only thing that understands what i am feeling. I hope to get some support and make freinds here also. I have renewed energy and will make it this time. Thank you for letting me reply on this thread.
  • islandgirlFL
    islandgirlFL Posts: 1 Member
    I am new as well. I can relate to the "skinny friends" comment. I am here to get myself in shape for a potential college reunion and to start feeling like my old self. I have a business and do most of my work from home so I am hoping to find a "support group."

    We can all do this!
  • houselm
    houselm Posts: 5
    You can add me as a friend . I am retired school counselor and remember all too well the negative parents and how they can drain you. Having them come in and vent is so trying. Ended up putting a mirror behind my desk, amazing how it helped - no one likes to look at themselves when they are angry. Try it
    Good look and Enjoy your last week of freedom
  • cposello
    cposello Posts: 2 Member
    I hear you! I too am overwhelmed...just having had my third son and needing to lose at least 15 - 20 more pounds. I am a teacher and completely get the stress that comes along w/the job. It is no wonder we pack on the pounds!! I am new to this and am not sure how the "friend" link works yet but if you figure it out - feel free to befriend me on here! Good luck on your journey!
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