For anyone 200+



  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    ok well fridays work just fine for me :D
  • nic3595
    nic3595 Posts: 7
    I'm new to the site and am so encouraged by all of you on here!! I have always been dieting alone and failed. Most of my friends are really small and eat like machines. I started college in fairly good shape, about 175, then after 2 years of a crazy lifestyle and schedule I'm at my heaviest 235. It's really hard to stay on track! My fiance is only 175 and has to lose weight for the military. We are going to work together, but its so hard when he's in better shape and so much smaller than me!!! I hope checking in here everyday and holding myself accountable will help me slim down and be healthy!!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hi new friends! i'd love to join your fabulous group! my highest weight was 260 :(... i've lost 5lbs so far since starting MFP and my first huge goal is to lose 60lbs and be under 200! i think i'll be doing backflips when i see that on the scale lol! my ultimate goal is to weigh about 155-160. it looks like a lot of you have similar goals as me. together we can totally do this!

    if you're reading this, feel free to add me as a friend! the more the merrier!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    It's great to have you guys join!! And hopefully we will work well together and stay on track :D So far I was thinking weigh in's on friday, does that work for you guys?
  • millerthyme99
    millerthyme99 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, would like to join your group! Weighed in this morning at 229. i have weighed this for about 10+ years. Would love to break 200!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Welcome! and I think using MFP you will be able to break 200 plus you got us as support!!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    How is everyone doing?

    I had an awesome day. I did very well at my first rugby practice in 8 years. I didnt feel like I was in the worst shape, but I was sure rusty. I then came home and tried 30 day shred level 1. I didnt like it at all. I just found the huge selection of workout videos on my fios on demand. So I am gonna try em all out!
  • Jennyryan21
    Jennyryan21 Posts: 69 Member
    Doing well here. I have 30 day shred too & started to loathe Jillian's voice while I was doing it regularly. It made me feel much better to yell back at her :) It did work though, then I slid off the daily program. About to hit the gym tonight and figure out what machine to play with while I'm there... leaning toward the bike because the eliptical still openly mocks me :)
  • It's great to have you guys join!! And hopefully we will work well together and stay on track :D So far I was thinking weigh in's on friday, does that work for you guys?

    Works fine for me :)
  • corena
    corena Posts: 141 Member
    Good morning, I am new to this site and am over 200 lbs also. I started on Monday at 220 and am down to 216 so far, sure most of it is water weight, but would love to join and help support others and be supported. I would love to end up around 155, I know it will not be easy but I know it will be worth it. My husband is in full support and has even decided to lose a few pounds himself, even though he does not need to. Also have my 2 childern on board the lets eat healthier train so lets hope this works this time. Weigh in on Fridays is good with me. Thank you for the support.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Welcome aboard!

    Its always so much easier when your whole family is on board. And if you are the main cook in your family, you husband will lose just by nature of what you serve. My bf (who isnt worried about his weight) lost his 10 pounds of happy-relationship weight in the 3 months I have been losing weight.

    <3 to all!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    mornin' everyone! so last night i went out to dinner with one of my friends and cheated a bit. :blushing: i weighed myself this morning and my weight has stayed the same, which is good, but back on the wagon i go! i want to lose!

    hope everyone is doing good! i'm gonna kick my own butt working out tonight to burn off some extra cals from last night's dinner. :wink:
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Hey guys! Today's not going to be the best day cause it's a birthday for my nephew
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    enjoy yourself but just remember moderation! Have fun though!
  • claud10
    claud10 Posts: 9
    hi im a little over 200 im 208 would it be fine if i still joined u guys??? im kinda new to this:D
  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I'd really like to join this group, you all seem fabulous!! My highest weight has been 285 and I have since lost 10lbs! I have been overweight my whole life and am tired of feeling like I don't fit in with my group of friends too. It's always been so depressing to have to shop with my girlfriends and not be able to try anything on cause I'm not in a plus size store. I'm hoping to get down to under 200 by spring next year, and I know that with a lot of work and some support that I can do it! I'll do weigh-ins on Friday too, maybe with all of the encouragement we can all reach our goals and stay healthy :o)
  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    aaand please feel free to add me if you need the support. I'm trying to get on this every day and enjoy hearing about everyone's success!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    hi im a little over 200 im 208 would it be fine if i still joined u guys??? im kinda new to this:D
    Yes that is fine! Everyone needs support :D welcome
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    aaand please feel free to add me if you need the support. I'm trying to get on this every day and enjoy hearing about everyone's success!
    Hello! welcome to the group, i hate shopping with some of my friends that are skinny cause they can go try just about anything in the store on where I just look and say "oh yeah I'm not really into anything here" type of thing
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    (sorry if you think what i say is weird) dont you just hate it when you sit down and your fat just stacks up, it just makes me feel like a whale! Today I did pretty good about the cake i didnt even eat it all, though i did have pizza and chips :ohwell: How did everyone elses day go??
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