

  • sooooo........ my balsamic vinegarette is not a good choice.. heh! this whole time i was thinking i was doing good.. (well, compared to burger and fries) But its sooooo good!
  • Well Hellooooo there Scotch!!! heh heh
  • ok.. so how about doing abs? i know im burning calories but i dont know where or how to input it coz its under strength training.. would i just consider it that?
  • :grumble: HAHA!! now i know what you'll be ordering!! tee hee... my co-worker said she orders citrus flavored vodka and water with lemon.. she says it tastes like lemonade.. i personally drink a lot of beer (hence the beer belly :grumble: ) but i guess i would go with bud select.
  • i was just at target today and they were like 16.99.. but im cheap so i wait till they are on clearance.. sometimes i can get two for 9.95.. WooHoo!! :drinker: I looooooove my underarmour shirts!! but why do they have to be so damm expensive??!! :grumble: but then i look through the clearance rack and sometimes you can get…
  • I weigh myself every time i go to the gym before i start my workout and sometimes right after i work out. Thinking or more like hoping that i lose a little bit. but nope.. anywhoo, i don't own a scale (yet) but i read that the best time to weigh yourself is in the morning.. and i definitely feel a lot thinner in the…
  • ABS diet? where would i find it or one
  • i feel like im getting toned and my shape is better but i have that annoying layer of fat sticking around. ive put myself on a 1300 cal/day diet and do cardio atleast 4 times a week. any other suggestions?
  • i usually do weights first then cardio then abs... should i do abs first then cardio?
  • ok so i think thats whats going on with me right now... i woke up today, had my breakfast and a few other snacks.. i had my lunch early too and couldnt stop thinking of what else to eat.. sheesh well, i wish i have the answer to that but nope.. nothing here. but hey, ill join the PMS munchies club with yah!! heh heh
  • yes.. i think i will try it! i like the feeling of being sore next day.. feels like my workout was effective even if it means limping around the next day.. :drinker:
    in P90X Comment by oodesireoo March 2009
  • coz im new here and the other thread was super long..... my brother briefly showed me the P90X and im actually thinking of trying it out... anyone tried it?
    in P90X Comment by oodesireoo March 2009
  • thank you! :happy: i do love this site already!! everyone seems so supportive and helpful :heart:
  • :flowerforyou: Thanks everyone!!! this is definitely a great site! im so glad i joined!
  • yes yes... i agree!! and i'll take bags of those!!! tee hee:love:
  • hey! i stared at two bags of kisses and had to put it away because i would have.. tee hee
  • i was trying to stay away from the sweets but i broke down and had the 9 kisses hugs (one serving) and i feel horrible, well, more like guilty... *sigh* i guess this is more of a confession...
  • so.... time to go get a measuring tape.. i hate stepping on the scale! its very discouraging!
  • good idea.... i brush my teeth to stop any cravings
  • OMG!!! me tooooo!!!!! i bought two bags of kisses (almond and hugs) i looked at the nutriton facts and dropped the bags like a hot potato! two servings would be dinner for me:cry: But im trying to be strong! *sigh*
  • a trainer once told me to take a 3 lbs dumbell and do wrist curls. that should help with the strengthening. i never did it but i really should. PS reflexology is awesome for carpal tunnel.. keeps you from getting the shots
  • i try to do 3-5 days a week at the gym. mondays upper body and weds lower along with 40 min cardio and abs. and the rest are cardio and abs. i try to squeeze in a day of hiking and scrambling on the rock.. definitely way better than cardio.. great full body workout! i just hate cardio... i try to do a little more than…
  • i will be at the red rock station pool. its off the strip but really nice. they even throw concerts there. hit me up when you come down to vegas. and yes! its definitely a huge motivation and fire up my butt to get in shape.. no excuses!
  • HI!!! i'll be woking at a pool as a beverage server in vegas this summer and uniforms are itty bitty bikinis. last time i was in a bikini was 5 years ago (willingly) so im in panic-mode to get in shape. i have been consistent with working out but i definitely enjoy my beer nights and sweets. ive cut them out for a few…
  • i tried the depo shots for a whole year when i was 22 and it definitely made me gain weight and i think im still carrying some of that weight. sheesh. ive tried other pills like ortho-low it was ok but i still feel flabby. i finally switched to Yaz and i love it. i dont feel as bloated and it didnt seem like i gained any…