

  • Green tea.
  • This was all motivating, want to go for a run now. :)
  • Hey nice to have you here! Good luck.
  • I have the app and I frikkin love it! Don't be discouraged, just stick around here and you'll be fine. :wink:
  • I always start over on Monday. Especially if I go out drinking. Who knows how many calories I'll take in then.
  • I loooove Eat This Not That. There is a lot of hidden bad food out there. But I think it's important to mention that restaurant food CAN be a part of a healthy lifestyle if you are educated and know what you're eating.
  • You know what is awesome and super salty? Sunflower seeds. With the shells on. I spend hours eating one bag because it takes forever to break open the shell and eat them. And they come in all kinds of good flavors. I love the ranch ones :)
  • Awesome job! You've got momentum now, nothing can stop you.
  • I just want to say eating two servings of cereal for breakfast is no big deal, will probably only cost you about 200-250 calories depending on the cereal. Also, should be eating at least 7 (to 12) grains a day, so as long as it's not a sugary bad for you cereal, it should be ok. Have you ever measured your cereal out?…
  • Congrats, it always feels good when people notice your hard work. :smile: But I totally understand what you mean about people asking you about the diet, I hate that. I feel like some people are negative about it, at least people that I've dealt with in past, and then if you aren't losing weight fast enough I feel like…
  • Vegetarian here. I eat dairy though, and I always eat too much cheese.
  • Yes, I watched it last week, made me rethink my way of eating. One thing I didn't know is that the body doesn't "like" cooked food and reacts negatively to it. They were saying at least 51% of your food should be raw.
  • I also ran my first 5K a few weeks ago. There is no reason to be nervous as long as you train and run at least five miles or more several times before the race so you know you can do it!
  • You look amazing!!! You really are an inspiration to everyone on this site.
  • I keep hearing such different opinions on cleansing. I tried the master cleanse for a day but I gave up because honestly, drinking maple syrup for seven days? Common sense dictates that this is insane. What I saw and liked as a detox was a diet that entailed waking up, drinking lots of water with lemon, eating a serving of…
  • Are you talking about eating organic? I try to eat "clean" and eat things without preservatives and stuff, but I think that's pretty much common sense right now. But clean doesn't mean less calories/fat, so I would suggest you still watch what you're making.
  • Veggie delites are amazing! But I'm a vegetarian so yeah. Veggie delight foot long, honey oat bread (only ten more calories than wheat), no cheese, every veggie except olives and onions, vinegar, salt and pepper, sweet onion sauce, all for five dollars!
    in Subway Comment by mtizy October 2010
  • I'm a vegetarian, but I eat dairy and stuff like that so that's a good way to get a lot protein. I'm sure everyone already said this, but nuts, yogurt, cheese, eggs are all good ways to get protein. That's funny because I always go over my proteins, so I can't really say I've had the same problem. Also, whole grains…
  • Choosing mozarella was a good decision, it definitely is the best option when it comes to cheese. Especially the kind that comes in a ball, because it holds the most water and is less dense. As far as it being "processed", I think you're fine as long as you avoid the cheeses you already mentioned, like American, etc. Sorry…
    in Cheese Comment by mtizy September 2010
  • I'm a closet eater too, but I've been working on it as well. Congrats on your success so far. These are all great tips. The definition of a diet is what you eat, a diet shouldn't be about restraining calories or cutting out foods you love. Your diet is something you will have with you for the rest of your life. Thanks for…
  • Not really, but even if it make the number on the scale lower, it most certainly will not make you thinner.
  • this place is awesome. logging the food really helps because before you eat something bad you have to think about logging it! good luck on your journey back to healthy.
  • I think logging it once a week is more accurate in your weight loss. It can be disappointing if you weigh everyday and see you might have gained pounds from morning to night.
  • I've been a vegetarian for only about four months now, and I always eat the same stuff so I'd love it if someone had some good ideas or anything.
  • Actually, I work at a Chinese place, and I always eat the chow mein, or I think some places call it chop suey. It's basically satueed celery, lettuce, bok choy, and other veggies and it tastes awesome and since its mostly veggies, and protein like chick or shrimp if you want. I eat it all the time.
  • Well, fruit definitely has more calories than vegetables, and you're supposed to have about 2-3 servings of fruit a day compared to 5 or more veggies servings. An apple is only about 80 calories, so by all means eat fruit if you're hungry and want to eat something. Fruit is always a good choice, but holds a lot of…
    in Fruit Comment by mtizy August 2010
  • Eating breakfast in the morning is always so important. I fall into a circle where I eat so much at night that I wake up and don't want to eat, until the afternoon and then I get so hungry I binge, and it's a never ending cycle. But as long as I eat breakfast I can control myself the next day.
  • That is awesome! Congrats. Keep going!
  • I'm pretty new, been on here four days now, and could definitely use some friends to keep me motivated.
  • I would definitely try some classes, but as you go to the gym more you really shouldn't be sore from a normal workout. Especially if you stretch, there really isn't any reason you should be sore unless you did something really intense. I would recommend kickboxing definitely though, if you have some of those classes. I am…