

  • I am so glad i came across this- here i am this morning feeling terrible about yesterday! My son got an award at school yesterday and the school had cupcakes and strawberries and cheetos and this sherbet sprite pineapple juice punch and I let myself have fruit and the punch but omg i wanted a cupcake sooo bad. i told…
  • oh wow never thought of that idea! and yes those sugar free candies will do that! lol, last night i was so proud of myself i made some hot cinnamon apple tea and because its sweet and i put some vanilla zero calorie syrup in it, that did the trick. i will try your trick though! thanks soo much for that
  • I hope that p90x is going well for you! Ive never done it but ive got a few friends that have- ive got one friend who has done 2 rounds of p90x and is now doing p90x2. not sure how its going, but im pretty sure he is loving it. He also runs in the evenings. He's also kidless and not married so he has tons of time for his…
  • I bet the girl at the daycare got 5 dollars cause it was all the change her mom had on her. The last tooth my son lost put me or the *toothfairy* back 5 dollars. i had no change! i do usually give a dollar per tooth.
  • In the adam sandler movie *billy madison* there is this part where billy and his friends are all watching tv and this dog on the tv says *speak for yourself, moron* and then billy laughs ha ha ha ha and says that was funny! then a news brief comes on talking about some adult man cheating his way through elementary school…
  • I cant really wear strong perfumes so my fave scents right now are coconut lime breeze and be enchanted at bath and body works and my other favorite since i was a teenager Love Spell at Victoria Secret.
  • yummyyy i wish usa had cadbury hot chocolate! oh no... now im thinkin about cadbury eggs
  • My nutrition for the most part is pretty healthy. 1530 is my calorie goals every day. Breakfast is usually between 350-400. Mid Morning snack 100-180. Lunch varies greatly, sometimes 200- to around 400, Afternoon snack is usually 100-170. and then supper is my downfall. I usually slack on portioning out, even though i eat…
  • I meant to say this in my last post, i do apologize but you should go to and preview some of the workouts. When im not doing a beachbody program, I am ordering from collage. I love how you can preview the workouts before you buy them and then you have 30 days to send it back if it wasnt for you. and…
  • I agree with everyone about chalene, i dont care too much for jillian but i do have a few of her dvds. I also like christi taylor dance fit dvd- she changes things up every 5 minutes so its always fun. Patrick Goudeau (sp?) Lean Hot Body, The Firm Get Chisel'd was one i used to enjoy and it comes with a 15 minute workout…
  • yay! i started insanity feb 19th! we can be insanity buds!
  • Good luck with your P90xing tomorrow! Im excited for you. I always cant sleep good the night before i start a new program!
  • I hope im posting in the right place. I am about to start my 2nd week of insanity and thought it would be fun to join a group of people that are doing beachbody programs too. I got hooked on turbo jam in 2005 and have also done 1 previous round of insanity, turbo fire, insanity asylum. i was 225 in 2007- got to 152 in…
  • I have a friend that has continued to tell me that if i lose anymore weight, it wont be flattering on my body. Ill look funny! and then my mom when we go out to eat or something and i have in my mind what im going to order she will say *cant you cheat just a little?* i DO have days I indulge in something but not ALL the…
  • They have this caribbean salad and it has pineapples, dried cranberries, a few other veggies and fruit and your choice of chicken or shrimp. I always get the shrimp and the honey lime dressing on the side. its like 480 calories and yummy especially in the summer
  • I hated it, it kept me binded up with belly aches all the time,and that was even with not eating a lot of fatty things, i could eat oatmeal and id go to hurting. I was 225 then and thought it would give me an extra edge. i ended up not using anything but good ol' willpower, exercise, and eating right. Now the only things i…
  • december 31, 2007 i had bronchitis and went to the doctor and stepped on the scale and she had to move the thing into the 200s and the lil thing almost to 30. that very day i decided whoa- time to change.
  • i didnt notice any weight loss with turbo fire the first month either but i was soo surprised when i did my measurments after the first month. ive been at a standstill with my weight since september 2009- ill fluctuate between 149-155 usually. hang in there!