PMS Binge Stories Please



  • okinmaine
    okinmaine Posts: 101 Member
    On Tuesday, I ate an entire box of Caramel Delight Girl Scout cookies in about 30 minutes. I felt sooooo gross after...physically and emotionally.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Normally pints of ice cream. Literally pints.
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Your not alone here. Past couple of days have been a nightmare for me cause im due in a couple of days.

    Tuesday i did really well up untill 5.30pm. I'd been fighting the cravings all day and wanted chocolate SOOOOO bad. When i gave in and bought crisps and choc i scoffed it like a mad woman that hadnt eaten for days. I felt really bad afterwards but i did make up for it. Then yesterday i gave into 3 cookies :( Luckily they were still in my cal goal.

    End of the day, its extra hard that week before being due and we can't help it. Any other time its not as bad.
  • Emagali74
    Emagali74 Posts: 132 Member
    omg -that is so me.

    Chocolate, any type of chocolate. Just lots of it.

    And toast with jam. And I hardly ever eat bread these days ut on my PMS Days- I want it sooooo bad. And carrot cake.

    But most of all chocolate.....
  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    I work at a grocery store 4 days a week...not a great place to be when the muchies hit! getting out at noon leaves a lot of time to sit an eat, and being able to pick up just about anything i want on my way out makes it even worse! ice cream is high on my list (last month i made a special trip to a regular grocery store...i work at trader joes so we didn't have what i wanted...when i saw an ad for Bonnaroo ben&jerry's!! ate the whole pint). I also tend to crave meat, not surprisingly, and that is when i 'treat' myself to the best burgers we have in our town...with cheese, onions, mushrooms, bbq sauce. And of course there are the times when nothing will do the trick like a cake...well, not a whole cake, though if I often think about eating a whole cake.
    It happens to MOST of us (i know there are people out there who have freakish will-power) and we do what we 'have to do' and then get back on track when the craziness subsides!
    gotta love those hormones! :grumble:
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    chocolate and alcohol i crave brandy & coke. I try and keep it healthy this time i got choc philly spread on a ryvita I use GF brownies as I'm trying to stay wheat free and have GF toast when I get bread cravings, use corn tortilla instead of wheat and use them as chapattis too if I fancy a curry, replace rice with cauli, then I don't feel bad about eating so much.

    I try and restrict brandy & coke to not more than one a day with my dinner for a binge treat PMT week and try stay off it the rest of the month!.. usually end up with coco pops mixed in with my rice krispies sometimes for breakfast and supper! .. so i got some appetite suppressants to take that week to help me stick to my diet better!

    I buy crisps in that are less than 100cals a bag and only allow one bag, I also got to burn 1,000 extra cals if I want my 'treats'. I find adding up the cals on calculator of all the things I want to eat usually makes me think twice cos I still like to have a 500cal deficit... so I usually reduce it to one.. choc OR crisps and eat them whilst I'm burning off the calories on the pedals.. lol!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Last month 3 days before mine my mom and I went out to supper. I got steaktips.....I was just going to have a bite of the baked potato.....yeah right I gobbled that up and then my mom said "I can't finish my potato skins" Before she said my that plate was over on my side of the table. However the rest of that week I ate well and stuck to m workouts so when I measured that week I was down half an inch anyway :-)
  • charmedlife78
    I am so glad i came across this- here i am this morning feeling terrible about yesterday! My son got an award at school yesterday and the school had cupcakes and strawberries and cheetos and this sherbet sprite pineapple juice punch and I let myself have fruit and the punch but omg i wanted a cupcake sooo bad. i told myself no - im not gonna eat that cupcake and the rest of my afternoon went downhill from there. I am on my period and I had dental work done a few days ago so i was taking ibuprofen which i think made my period heavier. (tmi, sorry) anyway, i was feeling sooooo hungry yesterday all day and i should of just ate the cupcake, i got home and had a chocolate pure protein bar for my snack and i was okay for a while, then i went for some animal crackers that didnt hit the spot, then i ate half a little debbie brownie that didnt hit the spot. what i really wanted was a dang cupcake! so then we went to pizza hut cause not only was i craving decadent cupcake sweets, i also wanted something bready and gooey. and it was a celebration dinner for my son - he wanted pizza hut. It was just one of those days and Im so so so glad im not alone. Lesson learned from this is, if i want a cupcake, im gonna have a cupcake!!!!! Oh and then after pizza hut i made chocolate chip cookies.
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    I did the same thing a few days ago! I got right back on track the next day. I wish I could give you some advice. Other than this one really bad day I had, I've been able to pass food up and control myself, just telling myself it isn't worth all the hard work I've done so far.
  • michelledusik
    michelledusik Posts: 63 Member
    I feel like godzilla ripping thru the city looking for food my cravings and emotions get so bad! Im going thru this now and what makes me mad is i feel like it derails my progress. I do my best not to go overboard but I also know there are times when someone might lose an eye if i dont get something my body is screaming for! I had asked one of my weight watcher leaders her opinion and she suggested a nice healthy dose of carrots and hummus..bc afterall who doesnt crave that during PMS?!

    If I eat something salty, not long after I need sweet and vice versa.

    Last night I plowed thru tortillas and salsa like nothing and today i have eaten all my fruit I brought to work and then went for the crackers!
    Ditto! I HATE Aunt Flo!!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    The other day, some friends and I went to O'Charley's for a girl's day out. Not only did I take back about 4 of those hot, buttery rolls, but I also went slap crazy when offered nachos from a friend's appetizer dish. Next, I tore through my own 2 for $20 (split with someone else) sampler of artichoke and spinach dip with tortilla chips...

    THEN, I got my plate.. some Mediterranean Greek wrap that came with---wait for it---fries. I took back the fries the way Garfield takes back lasagna. Oh and to drink? Water
    with wine on the side.

    Later that night, a girlfriend and I also partook in about 3 or 4 beers... truly it was insane... that is until those PMS chocolate woes hit. by that time I was home and relatively safe.. until I recalled a certain untouched box of Russel Stouffers chocolate covered nuts sitting out of plain sight.. and left over from Valentine's day. I woke up the next morning with the taste of shame in my mouth...and yet I enjoyed my one night stand with food. Twas a night to remember... as I punish myself with extra workouts.

    TOM.. you so crayyyyzeh.
  • hopefloatsup
    hopefloatsup Posts: 207 Member
    JUST went through this....I did binge. I went over in calories. I just tried to make some of it a little healthier LOL. Low Sodium Wheat Thins & Almonds were a biggie for me this last time. Both were lower sodium so I patted myself on the back for that at least LOL :laugh:
  • Dawn200321
    Dawn200321 Posts: 64 Member
    Yep I am going through that this week myself. I always want salty chips and Yes I eat just that!!! lol
  • kaaaaaaa
    kaaaaaaa Posts: 29
    I feel like godzilla ripping thru the city looking for food my cravings and emotions get so bad!

    LMFAO! I do too, thankfully my sister keeps an eye on me because she knows how hard I'm trying to lose weight! Lol and I think she hates that I steal her food because she's PMSing too :grumble:
  • hopefloatsup
    hopefloatsup Posts: 207 Member
    If something is a medical condition, calories don't count. I consider this a medical condition LOL (and yes, I will keep telling myself that!) :laugh:
  • Kathleen_Presnell
    Kathleen_Presnell Posts: 38 Member
    Me too! This week is killing me...I wanted chocolate so bad. Today, I was sick to my stomach and couldn't eat all I wanted was chocolate. I didn't give in but I want to! I'm praying that this shall pass. Please God send Aunt Flo away!!!!
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I found out that Reese's chocolate bar is equivalent to almost 1000 calories. I was chocked! Considering last Christmas I ate those like CRAZY!
    Right now I'm having trouble voiding off sweets-- cold sweets; ice cream!!
    I'm going crazy cause I don't know what to do when I'm forced to sit in front of a computer all night. I have my water bottle but it's just not cutting it sometimes.
    Tonight consisted of a Skinny Cow single cup cookies 'n cream, a Lindor choco bar and 6 squares from the aforementioned Reese's chocolate bar... I just want to EAT!!!
  • deethinks
    deethinks Posts: 17
    I once just sat there and ate a jar of nuttlea. I always crave sweets but my face paid for it >.>
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    I go for Cottage Cheese, Bread and Butter Pickles, PB&J, Tortilla Chips, Honey, Beef.

    I did pretty good this last time around. I was very proud. I ate lots of fruit.
  • Missaeriel
    I once ate an entire can of Betty Crocker Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting... and used a Dairy Milk chocolate bar as a spoon....that was a shameful day!