

  • I'm glad u got a good butt kickn. I'll have to check our library to see if they have something like butt kickn Bob video. Glad you finished way to stay strong!
  • M-O-T-I-V-A-T-E if that's not enough may I suggest that after family disaster calms down and you have ample time to think before you speak, you should in a loving way not critical tell her how she acted and how that affected you personally. I know it's scary to confront someone or issues, but if we just keep feeling all…
  • Sorry didn't read right you said winter, I love to ice-scate, down hill ski, sledding, snow shoeing, hiking, Exercise out doors just bundle up. I know when trudging through snow or cold weather you burn more calories.
  • Anything out doors is usually good. You say hiking trails are around and the first one up or down the trail is the winner. Swimming it's summer and the kids love to play in water usually, laps, treading water for the longest. Pulling weeds together is believe it or not exercise. Washing the car together.
  • YES, YES, YES!!!! Let's get it started! Keep me posted, and one day at a time
  • No worries I'll just keep on keepin on! Some day I'll look back on this post and say wow, I know this too shall pass. Some day I'll be posting in the success section! Way to GO!!!!
  • I'm sorry to hear that your job is coming home with you and stress is high. The field your in is very stressful, and there is no easy miracle to clean up this mess alot of people are in. But it takes loving kind and compassionate people to deal with these kinds of things, It's not for everyone. I believe although you went…
  • This is my fave Lentil Chili 1.5 cup of Lentil Beans Vegetable broth (low sodium)box full or 8cubes Onion (however much) Garlic (however much) Celery (however much) Diced tomato (low sodium organic) 1 lrg can Tomato sauce (low sodium organic) 1 lrg can Chili Powder (6 heaping Tbs.) Cayenne powder (2 heaping Tbs.) if like…
  • Aloha from Hawaii, I was addicted to soda and 11 years ago I had a kidney stone and I quit caffeine, that was huge but about 4 years ago I finally quit even non-caffienated sodas. It was hard but I just had to now I drink way more water then I ever have in my life. Once you quit it's hard because of the caffeine head…
  • Yes I'm considered Morbid Obese and I tried hiking 2 miles up hill and my body hurt so bad and breathing hard even going slow, had to go back down sooner then wanted to. 3 days later I had a swollen gland and a fever blister on my lip and this has happened to my body 3 times from over extending myself on hikes, results…
  • I love steaming them or boiling them for 2-4 min. Drain sprinkle some pepper, sea salt, and dill weed on and just eat!!!! just had some last night!! MMMMGooooD!
  • knowing is half the battle just go on a sodium diet and eat small amounts more times in a day, must try this Tnks for the shout out!