I need motivation!!!!

So have been doing this for about 3 weeks and I feel amazing! I have lost 11.8 pounds and really want to see myself at a healthy weight. Right now I am under so much stress it has taken all the energy I usually have out of me. I am dealing with the sister in law from hell that makes snide comments and doesnt really know when its a good time to keep her mouth shut. She has caused a family disaster this week and I just feel like buying a bunch of ice cream and ho hos and eating until i cry and then crying myself to sleep! PLEASE HELP KEEP ME MOTIVATED!!!!


  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    One, I've been there in dealing with a sister-in-law from hell. I can somewhat relate. Two, exercise is a great stress reliever. Just something as simple as going for a walk (if you're able to) can do wonders....

    Keep your head up and don't let her get to you. My (now) ex-sister-in-law was the same way with me--making snide comments to me and also being very verbally abusive to anyone she thought she could be to. Try not to let her get to you.
  • allieg1
    allieg1 Posts: 6
    I have been going thru similar things. , Yesterday i was about to call it quits! I ended eating a very healthy burrito with 100 cal wrap, beans, chicken salsa and lettuce. I was so full I couldn't even eat the binge foods i went out and actually bought. I am proud to say I haven't eaten any of them today either! So if you fee the need to have a full stomach find something healthy and filling and only eat until comfortably full. I found it relieved stressed and I was back on track today.

    I feel sometimes we can't deprive ourselves too much, or beat our selves up too much or we won't meet our goals. We all have very stressful hard days and we want to default to our old stress eating habits. set up a new go to food for those times you just can't resist, but make it very healthy.

    I hope this helps.

  • quiltrunner
    quiltrunner Posts: 2 Member
    Do NOT give her that power over you. You just said how successful and wonderful you have felt. Why would you allow someone to undo that? You have the control.... not her. Good luck.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    It is so hard to stick to healthy eating when you are stressed out. I am diffinately a stress eater. Try to replace what you would normally eat with a good choice. If you would normally eat something salty, go for popcorn you can eat alot of it so it really helps with munching, if it is usually chips replace it with baked chips, if it is ice cream replace it with skinny cow or the 1/3 less fat stuff, it really does taste good. If it is candy replace it with hard candies or suckers. this way you can have a semi binge and you will feel better. Dont let her get the best of you and erase all your hard work.
  • AlekiaH
    AlekiaH Posts: 15
    M-O-T-I-V-A-T-E if that's not enough may I suggest that after family disaster calms down and you have ample time to think before you speak, you should in a loving way not critical tell her how she acted and how that affected you personally. I know it's scary to confront someone or issues, but if we just keep feeling all bad on the inside the unnatural reaction is to eat HO HO's, I'm not perfect and I've been confronted with dealing with my feelings with being quiet for awhile until I figure the right wording on which I will tell that certain person. Hope this helps if not I've been going for walks and praying that these people and issues in my life will resolve. And pray for strength!!!
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    I motivate myself by clothes shopping. There are a lot of nice clothes that I want to wear when I get out of plus sizes. Plus size clothing has improved, I can find nice stuff at Dillards, but there is a lot more selection for slim people.
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    i often find when im stressed i clean, great way to burn off some extra calories and you get housework done in the process.
    exercise is another way of de stressing.
    but if you feel yourself reaching for them high calorie foods try and eat something else that you know will fill you up with much less calories.

    i also find this site really helpful alot of people out there are so selfless and willing to help you even tho they know you.
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    My sister is the disaster causer in my family and I have been where you are many times so know you are not alone. Like others have said, exercise is the best stress reliever on the planet. I suggest trying to remove yourself from the BS for a little while and take a walk, it'll give you time to get your thoughts in order and calm down a bit.

    Best of luck to you, dealing with a situation like this is never easy but I have faith in you and you will make it through without the consolation or ice cream or HoHo's. This too shall pass.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I'm impressed how well your doing. I can REALLY relate to having a SISTER-IN-LAW FROM HELL. :devil: I had one too, and I found just ignoring you the BEST Way of dealing with her. If she says something hurtful, turn your back on her and walk away, even if its just a few steps. It will make you feel better and then YOUR'E in control of that situation. :wink: