Raeca89 Member


  • I'm pretty sure your exercise and weight loss can impact your cycle. Especially since you've lost a whole 15 pounds in a month (Congrats, btw!). Also, you're dieting and exercising sounds somewhat intense. Just curious, is that what MFP has recommended by default or are you going on your own program? I've heard that…
  • Smart! Hey! Don't know if you've already vacationed in the Valley of the Sun (Phoenix :P) yet or not but hopefully I can still be of some help! If you want cheap grocers, stick with Fry's or Walmart. If you're comfortable shopping in predominantly Spanish speaking stores, you could try Food City or Ranch Market, just don't…
  • Heya! I'm from East Phx. Think the just Southeast of the Biltmore area. Hey all! :P Yea, evenings are the best times to workout here :P
  • Everyone is SO right! YOU should be the ultimate voice when it comes to your weight loss journey. I know that it can be hard when people around you are not supportive. You have lost a great amount of weight and more importantly than that, your head is in the right place. You're in it for the health. You have lost nearly…
  • I saw a similar message post to yours last week. There were some excellent suggestions on that thread if you wanna take a look through. The best advice I heard was from a woman who said, "1. I schedule in 1-2 cheat meals a week. I don't try to stay in my typical calorie range for an average meal. So far I have only…
  • There are several ways to incorporate exercise into a busy worker's day :P - First and foremost, you should search online for office workouts or the short 5, 10 and 15 minute workouts. Depending on the magazines you read, they sometimes have mini-workout features too (I read Cosmo and I get at least one feature a month…
  • This is AWESOME advice and (almost) exactly what I was going to say! :P The only one I don't do is #1. The one thing I do do though is be aware that MFP is more a set of calorie guidelines versus set in stone. I don't let myself feel bad if I go over 100 or so calories in a day. I become more aware the following days…
  • I weigh myself first thing in the morning and use that as a guide. To consider my "current" weight, I'll take 2-3 days of weights into consideration and take an average or so.
  • - I love hot teas when I wanna have a ton of flavor. And there are TONS of flavors so you can have everything from lemon to berry to green to black teas. - I've recently discovered the flavored waters and sports drinks are amazing. Try Activate Vitamin Water, VitaminWaterZero, or other "Zero" type drinks. (Think Powerade,…
  • This is HILARIOUS! I JUST noticed this the other day when I whipped out my ID at a bar. I initially put my goal weight, which was 20 pounds lighter than I was at the time and now I'm actually 2 pounds under my DL with plans to lost another 10 pounds :D !
  • I am in the exact same situation. I have lost 20 lbs in the past 3 months and have plateaued a bit even though I want to lose 10 more lbs :P You mentioned studying abroad next year so I gather you're a student. Just curious, have you moved back home for the summer after the completion of the school year? I know for me, I…
  • Very nice. I like that guy. Its true! I had always thought that I was an okay eater and didn't go overboard with food so I was confused as to how I was gaining weight over the years. Turns out, I wasn't paying ANY attention to portion sizes and eating a ton of high calorie foods. It was only in the past month or so that I…
  • I HATE running too. I have been focusing on the Elliptical to try to get the same type of workout. I got great tips from 2 different people since telling them about my Elliptical preference. 1) One friend mentioned that I should crank up the incline on the Elliptical to up my calories burned. TOTALLY works. Now I can burn…
  • I had a similar problem when I wanted to find out how many calories I burn while playing Dance Dance Revolution. 1) Luckily, at least for DDR, there is a Workout mode that I can go into and the game calculates my calories burned by asking for my weight then tracking how hard and how long I play. I don't think these videos…
  • Wow, I really hear you guys! I'm Rae and my fiance Seth and I have been dating for 4 1/2 years! High School Sweethearts <3 Our wedding will be on December 1, 2012, our 5th anniversary :D I'm a full-time student so I know exactly what it's like to try to lose weight while keeping up with schoolwork AND wedding planning!…
  • December 1, 2012! Our Anniversary :D