Help for someone who HATES to run

I go to classes at the YMCA 4 days a week, but they are closed on Sunday and only offer morning classes on Friday and Saturday (which I can't do). Any advice on what other things to do at the gym or at home that doesn't involve running?


  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    1. Lift weights!
    2. Try the elliptical or the stationary bike!
    3. Are you sure you don't like running? :laugh: Seriously, though, you might just hate it because you tried to go into it too hard/too fast at a previous date. You might want to check out the Couch to 5K--I hated running before I finished that program, and now I'm a half-marathoner. Life is full of surprises.
  • kristenlees122
    i used to hate running too.. now its a love/hate relationship lol. i dont push myself when i dont want to run, i love the feeling after a good run, i certainly love the impact its had on my body.

    otherwise, what about swimming? cycling? i love a good spin class. elliptical is good too. i just find i burn the most calories running, and its a great stress reliever.
  • KLaurean
    KLaurean Posts: 112
    I really do love the elliptical, I just started to get discouraged over the calorie burn with that vs. the calorie burn with Zumba. But I guess doing it a few days a week wouldn't be too bad....and it sure as hell is better than doing nothing at all.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    jump rope. I detest running also.
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    I really do love the elliptical, I just started to get discouraged over the calorie burn with that vs. the calorie burn with Zumba. But I guess doing it a few days a week wouldn't be too bad....and it sure as hell is better than doing nothing at all.

    Try doing intervals with the elliptical--crank up the resistance for a minute at a time and then do two minutes of easy recovery. Huge calorie burn that way!
  • Raeca89
    Raeca89 Posts: 18 Member
    I HATE running too. I have been focusing on the Elliptical to try to get the same type of workout. I got great tips from 2 different people since telling them about my Elliptical preference.
    1) One friend mentioned that I should crank up the incline on the Elliptical to up my calories burned. TOTALLY works. Now I can burn about 100calories/10 minutes, or a little more if I really go at it.
    2) My sis-in-law mentioned that the muscles that get worked out during running or on the treadmill aren't getting worked out on the Elliptical since I'm not having to work to pick up my feet. Really good point. She suggested upping the incline on the treadmill and then just doing a moderate pace. I've found that I feel my muscles getting stretched and burned WAY more on the intense incline. She also said that the steep incline helps keep your heart rate up to the right levels, which I've found to be true.
    3) Because I am trying to improve my overall health, I also try running on the treadmill at a low incline. While I can only do a few minutes of running at a time, I figure every little bit is a step in the right direction :P I just run then speed-walk then run then speed-walk, repeat as long as you can.