Malinsfeet Member


  • HDL levels are increased through exercise esp. cardio intense exercise. I suggest running, biking and swimming!
  • Yes when I first started I would not eat my excercise calories and it worked for a while.. but to lose those last few pounds ive had to eat all my excercise calories and its working slowly but surely! Goodluck!
  • I agree! I ran 5 miles Tuesday - no stopping - at a pace of 10min 09s/mile and today during my 3 mile run I had to walk four times lol. Its just one of those days. Tomorrow will be better esp. after you conquer today!
  • You could always try swimming and pilates (not a ton of knee movement or pressure on the knee).
  • I would also suggest complete proteins (quinoa etc).. or mixing your proteins up so they are complimentary. Protein is key but the breakdown of what amino acids is also important.
  • Your on! I'll take your challenge. I just did my first half marathon in Nov and Im still running. This challenge will help me stay motivated and help me with my final weight loss for my wedding in May. I probablly wont run everyday but I'll certainly do 52 miles in 51 days.
  • If your friends are really walk/running I think your fine. Just start increasing your mileage as feels comfortable. Then when you set a goal say 8 miles for the day, just try to finish no matter if you have to walk some and go from there. Then just have fun, it sounds like they are not too competitive. Good luck. Oh also…
  • No its not silly. It is important to feed your body enough every day and if you have spare calories (if you are under 1200 food calories) and want chocolate then go for it.
  • I like making smoothies post/pre workout. Usually I'll throw 1 cup of ice, 1/2 cup of milk, 1 scoop of chocolate slim fast powder, 1/2 banana, and 1/2 tbsp of peanut butter in the blender for a very tasty and filling snack at around 270 cal. You could always make half of this too for a smaller snack. It makes about 2 cups…
  • For the past few days it looks like you havent been eating enough protein (which keeps you full longer) and have been way over on your sugar (which makes me crave more sugar likes breads etc). Id would try eating more protein for dinner and slowing down on the sugar throughout the day. Good luck!