ashaner Member


  • I'm late but would love to join! I went 2.2 miles today - hoping for 40 total yet for the month of January. I'm signed up for a half marathon May 1 and would like to actually train for it this time instead of just going and running it!! :) This is a great way to stay accountable! 2.2 (my miles) + 183.22 (group miles) =…
  • checking in - forgot on Friday - was 228.0 - only a half pound but I'll take it!!
  • Can I join? I need some motivation - Just starting again this week! Gotta get my butt going or it's gonna take up the whole road!! My weight yesterday was 228.5 and my goal weight is 180 - I know it's a good weight because I was there not too long ago! Too many beers and late nights with good friends in the past few…
  • This is perfect!! I just decided this morning that I was going to just see what I could do in 6 weeks and that coincides perfectly with your group!! I can do anything for 6 weeks right? So my starting weight this morning is 216 - yikes! so my weight will be 196 by August 31! I am sooo excited!! I know I can do this, not…
  • Yay! I'm so excited!! I finally LOST!! it was only .5# but i feel so much better. I have run 4 miles every day this week and really watched my calories - as per my other post - sometimes too much! But I am feeling great with a ton of energy and I finally seem to not be so crabby with my kids - get those refined carbs out…
  • So I'm not quite sure what's happening but all of a sudden - I'm not hungry anymore. Now this is not a good thing I don't think. It's 5:30 in the evening and I still have 1000 calories to eat - I'm pretty sure i don't want to do this! I ate lunch today - a grilled chicken breast in a whole wheat wrap with Fat free honey…
  • So. Weekend. Thumbs down. Saturday I had a friends birthday. Before we went out to the club we went to her house for a little pre-party. Her father came up to me and said some pretty brutal comments about my weight. To summarize I have "potential" but I just need to "work on my body". His final comment to me was "Have some…
  • Well, I've done great with the water! That's really easy to do at my work because I'm at a desk all day and I just put it right there next to my phone - if I talk on the phone, I take a drink! The eating - not so much - although did very well until late afternoon and then dinner - MENTAL!! Did run 3 miles yesterday morning…
  • Well, I've already made my water goal for the day! I changed my goals to have it read 1# per week weight loss instead of 2# and I think just mentally seeing those calories go up has made it easier for me to stick with this. I am very competitive and just try to stay under my calories so every day when I was going over…
  • Hi all, I have gone through everyones posts again and did some math.... As of right now we have 47 members....out of these 47 members there are 23 who have reported their progress sometime during the last two weeks...WE HAVE LOST A TOTAL OF 43.6 POUNDS TOGETHER So now, I'm Doing a poll: Would you guys and girls like for me…
  • SOoo, I am really, really not happy! Worked out yesterday and I thought ate VERY well! Went to a meeting last night and only drank water - stayed away from the cookies and the nuts - and i GAINED 2.5 pounds from yesterday! What is the deal!?! ARRGH!!! So, so far - I'm up 4.5# this week and I've been watching what I eat and…
  • Well, I felt pretty good - got up and ran 3 miles - even though it was -1 winchill! YIKES!! Started snowing at the last of my run but it was still nice! Have a meeting tonight so I'm hoping I can stay on track. Last night took my kids to the movie and was so bad - having both a buttered popcorn and a regular pop!! So this…
  • So I'm hoping I can get in on this yet - I know you started several weeks ago but I just happened upon this site today and am loving it! My starting weight is 207# and my goal weight is 170#. I have a ton of new bikinis for the lake this summer and want to look smokin' hot! So I hope you'll let me join and keep myself…