Summer 2009 WILL Be Different Challenge!



  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    I think this sounds fabulous! I forgot to post mine last week but it was 210# - up 3 from when I started on Monday! Next week will definitely be better! My mind is made up - I am GOING TO LOSE WEIGHT and get healthy!! :wink: I love checking in here and seeing what everyone is doing and how they are doing it - you guys are awesome!!

    glad to have you back on track :heart:
  • Ugg....yesterday was HORRIBLE!!! So did not follow my plan and totally pigged out! And I am so paying for it as a result! I woke up this morning with sharpe stomach pains and they will not stop! Regardless, I am going to push through them and go to the gym. This is what I get for being so bad....Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!
  • I'd like to join too! I have my 40th high school class reunion coming up in july and I haven't seen most of my classmates since the 10 year reunion. My summer goal is to show up there looking and feeling fit. But my main goal is to get and stay as healthy as I can for the rest of my life, so I can enjoy life to the fullest and have the energy to continue to contribute to a variety of causes I'm involved in. Starting weight 158 (down 9 lbs since starting in MFP in January). July reunion goal: 148.

    Can someone tell recap for me what some of the challenges are? I think I saw that drinking our water was one of them. I'm up for that challenge. It is really hard for me to do but I know I need to focus on that.

    Thanks everyone!
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    Thanks for the welcome! My starting weight was 134 which is what I was on Thursday. I hope to lose at least a pound this week. We'll see. I'm definitely on for the water challenge. And I want to work out 3 days this week.
  • eri1mani
    eri1mani Posts: 42
    Count me in pls?? Im kinda late but , better late than never right:happy:

    sw: 210( have not been on scale for 2 weeks)
    won't weigh my self until Thrus. Really struggling with getting the water in me, But crossing fingers for 3/30, (walked this moring for 45min)
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    Count me in pls?? Im kinda late but , better late than never right:happy:

    sw: 210( have not been on scale for 2 weeks)
    won't weigh my self until Thrus. Really struggling with getting the water in me, But crossing fingers for 3/30, (walked this moring for 45min)

    welcome to the challenge, we want to get fit and healthy for Summer 09, if you have any questions just ask, we are all here to help each other

  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    hey guys!

    so how are you all doing after our second weigh in, are you where you want to be or do you have a little bit more work to do? we are all here together with the one goal, so lets stick with it :wink:

    some more challenges, some old, some new, some easy, some not so much!

    if you want to change/suggest new challenges just jump straight in, i was thinking for week 3, these could be the challenges . . . .

    1. drink 2 litres / 64 oz of water EVERY DAY! drinker
    (some people have this down to a fine art, some are still struggling with it, so lets try real hard to do it for a whole week again :blushing: )

    2. set your goal for April 30th (see previous posts) :flowerforyou:
    (set any kind of a goal you like, be it weight loss, fitness, exercise minutes, fitting into those jeans (we all have a pair like that! lol) or something that you think will motivate you, and when you have decided on a goal, work out realistically what you need to do in order to meet that goal, i think sometimes if we have a plan in our heads it can be easier to stick to and see where we are going with it)
    (oh and i think JoJo is going to keep a track of our progress and report back on 30th April, is that right JoJo hun? thanks so much for the great idea :flowerforyou: )

    3. get moving
    i want everyone to try to add 10% more exercise into their week this week!
    (can you all look back at how your exercise went last week, and try to add 10% more exercise to it? so if you did 5x 30 mins, that would be 150 minutes exercise done, so then you would add another 15 minutes into your week? does this make sense? if anyone needs help calculating your percentage just ask, im a maths nerd! lol if we can increase our exercise we can be healthier, fitter, and lose more weight! yippee!

    WELL DONE OVER THE LAST WEEK, JoJo calculated that we have lost a total of 43.6 POUNDS! :drinker: that is amazing, really well done everyone, keep up the hard work

    *** our 3rd official weigh in will be next THURSDAY! *** lets stay motivated! :drinker:


    SUMMER 2009 WILL BE DIFFERENT!!! :heart:

    here ya go phetzgetfit, these were this weeks challenges

  • My knee hardly hurt at all when I got out of bed this mornining. Yeah me!!!!

    I went for 2 walks and did a 20 minute 'tank top arms' workout on
  • I'd like to join too! I have my 40th high school class reunion coming up in july and I haven't seen most of my classmates since the 10 year reunion. My summer goal is to show up there looking and feeling fit.

    phetzgetfit, I know what you mean...I have my 25th high school class reunion & it's our first reunion since high school graduation :noway:

    I too would like to show up looking & feeling fit. :bigsmile:
  • ashaner
    ashaner Posts: 14 Member
    Well, I've already made my water goal for the day! I changed my goals to have it read 1# per week weight loss instead of 2# and I think just mentally seeing those calories go up has made it easier for me to stick with this. I am very competitive and just try to stay under my calories so every day when I was going over really got into my head! Besides - who can eat 1200 calories and not be starving? Yikes!! Not when I work out 2 hours/day! So this will definitely help!!

    My goal for April 30 is to have lost 12#, which will finally put me under 200#!! I think once I get there I will be all the more motivated to keep going better and faster, plus the weather will be much nicer and I will be outside more! And if I lose more - well then, all the better! So wish me luck and off I go!
  • smithiekat
    smithiekat Posts: 112 Member
    hello everyone! we're about halfway through this week. . . so keep pushing! :drinker: :drinker:

    so, like many i did not have the best weekend ever. I went out on Saturday night and drank 4 beers even though I had already eaten all my calories for the day :blushing: And then on Sunday I woke up to go to yoga and discovered i had pinkeye so I stayed inside in the dark all day like a hermit.

    but today i'm back. . . full force!!! i went to yoga today for my lunch break (it's 90 minutes and a million degrees so i'm definitely meeting the weeks goal of upping my exercise by 10%:smile::smile: ) and i'm very tight on my calories today. tomorrow i plan to do yoga in the morning and then a nice hike with my bf because we have the day off. so lots of moving for me this week. i need to get some sort of measurer bc i haven't taken my measurements yet, but i can alreay feel a positive difference!

    back to work for me (and :drinker: water drinking:drinker: ). just wanted to check in (ohhhhhhhhhhh we're halfway theee-eeere. ohh-oohhhhh livin' on a prayerrrrr---sorry i had to). :bigsmile:
  • thank you!
    my april 30th goal is another 2 lb loss and I'm going to get back to walking an hour a day at least 4 times a week til then, drinking water all the while!
  • smithiekat, do you do bikram yoga too? sounds like it. i just discovered it a couple of months ago and i'm hooked.
  • smithiekat
    smithiekat Posts: 112 Member
    smithiekat, do you do bikram yoga too? sounds like it. i just discovered it a couple of months ago and i'm hooked.

    i do! i just started (last thursday to be exact!!!:smile: ) and i'm SO hooked. MFP and this group helped motivate me to start. i've been three times so far and i would do it every single day if it fit into my schedule. i love it. its nice to have someone else in this group who loves it too! :flowerforyou:
  • i took the 60 day bikram yoga challenge and I'm about 3 weeks into it. it's a stretch to go that much everyday but, hey, the promise is my life will be transformed. It already is becoming so. I'm soooooo much more energetic and just feel ALIVE. I normally have trouble doing exercise classes and workouts because of pain but the heat really loosens me up and, aside from thinking i was going to die in the heat initially, I haven't had any physical discomfort. And I LOVE getting to eat so much more. A bonus is that after all that sweating, I don't really feel like putting junk in my body. i hope that lasts! Glad to find someone else who does bikram here too.
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello everyone I was on vacation last week so didin't weigh in but will this thursday. I love the challenges and will try and meet them all starting today. Well I must go do cardio now.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So in regards to our challenges and increasing our exercise time. I am doing great!! I didn't exercise at all the week before and so far I have done 2 days on the bike and 2 days running a mile. I jumped on the scale and am already seeing a difference. I can't wait until the weigh in!!!

    How is everyone else doing?

    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    recipe just made-sih

    shread chicken breast, cut up tomatoes and green peppers, cook them together in a pan with taco seasoning and a little water
    take a weight wathcers tortilla wrap and put in a toaster oven, after cooking for a few minutes it will blow up ish, and puff up. break the top
    put chicken mix in the hole of the wrap and add 2 table of fat free sour cream.
    so good!
  • Hello everyone,

    :sad: I, too, had a bad weekend...and today wasn't that much better. I wanted to start today out fresh but I went over my calories again today....wanted so badly to exercise to burn off those extra calories...but things happened and I never got my full workout in. :ohwell:

    I heard on the radio that the third week into a exercise or dieting routine is the hardest and if you make it through that week... you will continue to better.... I hope so. :huh:

    Congrats to everyone WHO had GOOD a weekend and stuck with their healthly eating habits and their challenges.:flowerforyou:
  • NanaDebby
    NanaDebby Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all,

    Just re-joined after a much too long hiatus.....I noticed this challenge and wondered if it was too late to get in on it??
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