Summer 2009 WILL Be Different Challenge!



  • tooFAT2
    tooFAT2 Posts: 29
    i dont know about if you are suppose to feel hungry but i know i always do! it is a bummer but as these past couple of weeks have ticked by my body is getting more and more use to my routine. for example, i have coffee on my way to work/school (im a teacher), a banana before 1st block begins and then a muffin during second block. when i first started that muffin did not tide me over as much as i would have liked between when i eat (app. 10am) to when my lunch time is (11:16). however, now, about 11 days into my lifestyle change, once i eat that muffin, i dont even have hunger pains when lunch comes. its a nice feeling but it certainly took a while to get there!

    Thanks for your input...I guess I need to wait a week or so to really FEEL and understand what is going on with my body...patience is NOT my best virtue:bigsmile:
  • ha! understandable. not really one of mine, especially when it comes to weight loss. just stick with it. it DOES get easier. :flowerforyou: make sure you drink all your water too! that helps me stay full! :drinker: but requires a lot of running to the bathroom!!! :laugh:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    :flowerforyou: i think some people can survive on 1200 and others need more, if you want to stick with 1200, drink lots of water, stock up on your fruit and veggies, they will fill you up, and i eat little and often to keep me full longer
  • tooFAT2
    tooFAT2 Posts: 29
    yes thank you for your far I am doing okay....the water intake is not too bad either...I just need to take it one day at time...I will see on Thursday if I made a difference with my calorie counting...that is when I weigh-in.

    as for fruits and veggies...YES I eat of oranges/apples/bananas/spinach but maybe TOO much:indifferent: I have heard that eating too much fruit is eating too many carbs and that is NOT good...IDK...I will keep tracking my calories...I am really enjoying all of the input and guys are awesome and it is very encouraging to see the progress you all have made...Keep up the great work!!! I am so motivated!!
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    Having a great Sunday so far (very unusual for me...usually Sunday is the day I stuff my face with loads of junk)

    Did a work out in the morning...then decided to try a new recipe so I went to the store to pick up missing ingredients...parked far away :happy: On the way home I was driving down my street behind another car...the other car ended up taking a parking spot right in front of my house...the ONLY spot in front of my I was forced to park really far away....which was the universes way of telling me not to be lazy I think!!! :tongue:

    Just finished eating dinner...and I still have a lot of calories I may treat myself to a fancier coffee when I go out with friends later.....:drinker:

  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    So I am doing pretty good, hopefully I meet the 2 lb mark by weight in on thursday. I need to drink more water though, usally I do good but this week i keep realizing at night before bed that I have only had 20 and 24 oz.
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    Hi, I would love to join this group, im new to myfitnesspal or i would of joined earlier
    My starting weight is 133
    My goal weight is 125
    Im more looking into tonning up and losing inches
    This group is awsome, im glad i came across it
  • I went a little off track on Firday...I had some chips and pepsi...but I made up for it on Saturday (or I hope so) I worked out at the gym for almost two hours. I made a low fat banana bread yesturday and the family loves it.....They will have it ate before I can even have enough calories leftover to have a slice. I did some cardio on the Wii Fit system tonight. Planning on going to the gym tomorrow, so maybe I'll of a slice of my banana bread tomorrow.

    Oh, I going to try to do all 3 challenges this week, I'm also including 10 minutes of abs every second week I would like to aim for 10 minutes of abs every night.

    Have a great week......Keep up the good work :)
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Fruits are good sugars for the body just remember that. Its been to feel up on fruit then pasta carbs :smile: Happy monday to all and a good week to everyone.
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    how is everyone doing this week?

    i had a good day with calories/water :drinker:

    not doing so good for looking up my three products, as i am crazy busy this week, i am normally in college full time and usually work on saturdays, but this week is our busiest week of the year, so i took it off college to work, and now im wrecked tired from work, and stressing about getting all my college work done too, only slept for 2 hours last night, and am running on pure stress at the moment! :cry:

    need a little moan i think, sorry guys :noway:
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    soooooo lazy tonight...skipped my normal workout right after work....and ate more calories than I'm supposed to.....BUT now feel so guilty after reading everyone's posts again........soooooo I'm gonna do a work out after I log off.

    Thanks goodness for this group and MFP :heart:

    off I go to workout...
  • Today was a OK day. I never drank all my water today, Work was busy again...which was a good thing or I would have been picking at junk food all day..TOM is here for a visit and I normally eat to much of the BAD things. I was also tired into work today.:yawn: ..I'm guessing with the clocks going ahead during this past weekend. I forced myself to the gym tonight..(even when I got there and realized that I had packed two shirts and no pants) I decided to wear my work pants..HAHA I was there and I wasn't going to walk out with no workout at all...JUST OVERDESSED :laugh: .

    Its only 9:42 pm and I think I should get ready for bed :yawn: not sure how much longer I can stay up.


    Has anyone else been feeling a little tired since cuting back on the calories? Any suggestions?

  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    Today was good, I work at the mall so i had a oven grilled chicken twister from kfc and mashed potatoes without gravey for supper. It was around 550 calories, but i didnt wake up till 11:30 so i didnt really have breakfast. I still have alot of calories left over though due to my workout today and such
  • ashaner
    ashaner Posts: 14 Member
    So I'm hoping I can get in on this yet - I know you started several weeks ago but I just happened upon this site today and am loving it! My starting weight is 207# and my goal weight is 170#. I have a ton of new bikinis for the lake this summer and want to look smokin' hot! So I hope you'll let me join and keep myself accountable!! Thanks!!:tongue:
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    At this rate i swear i wont be able to wear my new bikini. I just want to feel better already! Going to make an appointment for doc i was thinking that maybe i have a food allergy. I dont know what else to think it still cant be Gastritis? Glad to hear everyone else is on the right track to the new summer, im here just cant get going the way i want. :angry:
  • smithiekat
    smithiekat Posts: 112 Member
    Hey everyone.

    I've only been doing OK I guess with this week's challenges. Where I work the parking lot is small, so there's not really anywhere FAR AWAY to park. But I have been using the stairs in my house more often which is good I guess.

    I've been really good about my calories (always under all week! even sunday when i got to have a little chocolate malt yum!) and drinking tons of water (i potty every 40 minutes at work i swear)

    I haven't been to the store this week so I haven't been able to compare anything, but I think last time I was there I was comparing yogurts =/

    I just finished breakfast (frosted mini-wheats with 1/2% milk) and my tummy is not taking it too well so here's hoping to a good rest of the day for my tummy and for all my fellow challengers!
  • Good Tuesday morning to everyone. It's graduation exam here in Mobile and for the teachers that means a whole lot of sitting and waiting. You have a spot and you are to stay there. As for me, I was suppose to be working with seniors to prepare those who still need to pass their history test but they assigned me to a room that doesn't exist and didn't tell the students that remediation is going on. :grumble: So, I am in the general area as to where the room would be if it actually existed. I am sitting in a hallway monitoring making sure no one passes through unless they have the proper permission. It's a big waste of time, but that is the joys of being a teacher!

    Didn't work out yesterday because I had a midterm in one og my graduate classes so I studied for that after school. Think I did pretty well. Once the bf got out of class we went out to eat at Applebees but I made smart choices and was well within my range! Yeay! Got most of the water in....but not all.

    Today I will be going to the store after work to pick up some more fruits and veggies, since we are running low. Need to keep that well stocked!! Don't know if I will make it to the gym tonight or not. Monday and Tuesday seem to be the nights we take off becauce of school Monday and a religious class we go to on Tuesday. However, if there is enough time from when I get home from the store till when we have to leave for class I may take a stroll around the block a couple of times just to burn some calories.

    Sorry for the long post! Just lots on my mind today! Have a great day everyone!!

    :heart: hj
  • ashaner
    ashaner Posts: 14 Member
    Well, I felt pretty good - got up and ran 3 miles - even though it was -1 winchill! YIKES!! Started snowing at the last of my run but it was still nice! Have a meeting tonight so I'm hoping I can stay on track. Last night took my kids to the movie and was so bad - having both a buttered popcorn and a regular pop!! So this morning the scale didn't look too nice! So I probably won't get in my second workout today but I'll just hit it hard again tomorrow!:sad:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    how are you all doing today, i have had a great week with calories, not so much with exercise

    felling better and more motivated today, so thats good! lol

    2 more days until weigh in, so lets make those workouts extra hard today! :wink:

    good luck guys, chat to you all tomorrow

  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    just got done eating supper, and off to the gym in a couple minutes. then i cant wait to watch biggest loser. :)
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