Summer 2009 WILL Be Different Challenge!

hi guys!

i am starting a new challenge! every summer i get really upset about my weight and wonder why i am the only one in long trousers and covered up all the time, so . . . .


by the summer i will

1. look fab in my new bikini/tankini (or swimwear for all the guys!)
2. buy new shorts/skirts and look fab in them
3. feel great about myself and not compare myself to other girls

there are about 10 weeks until the 1st of May, but i would like to continue the challenge all summer for help and support :heart:

we can make 2009 the best summer ever, by losing weight, getting healthy and feeling better about ourselves, which i think is just as important

so our weigh in day will be THURSDAY, we can post our updated weights

the first challenge is to drink drink drink our water, its is so important for our health and in helping weight loss :drinker:

i usually get in about 1.5 litres, so looking to up this to 2 litres from today onwards :drinker:

good luck this week guys, if everyone can post their start weight this week that would be great! :flowerforyou:

when we all weigh in next thursday, i will post our total weight loss also

cheers :heart:


  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    hi guys!

    i am starting a new challenge! every summer i get really upset about my weight and wonder why i am the only one in long trousers and covered up all the time, so . . . .


    by the summer i will

    1. look fab in my new bikini/tankini (or swimwear for all the guys!)
    2. buy new shorts/skirts and look fab in them
    3. feel great about myself and not compare myself to other girls

    there are about 10 weeks until the 1st of May, but i would like to continue the challenge all summer for help and support :heart:

    we can make 2009 the best summer ever, by losing weight, getting healthy and feeling better about ourselves, which i think is just as important

    so our weigh in day will be THURSDAY, we can post our updated weights

    the first challenge is to drink drink drink our water, its is so important for our health and in helping weight loss :drinker:

    i usually get in about 1.5 litres, so looking to up this to 2 litres from today onwards :drinker:

    good luck this week guys, if everyone can post their start weight this week that would be great! :flowerforyou:

    when we all weigh in next thursday, i will post our total weight loss also

    cheers :heart:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    just bumping in case anyone wants to join :blushing:
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Im in i need to loose some for the summer.
  • suprjewels
    I'm in! the more places to be accountable the better! my SW is203.4
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    hi girls,

    so, we are weighing in tomorrow, so you can post your start weight and weight tomorrow, dont worry if they are the same, i posted the thread last week

    we will weigh in every thursday :flowerforyou:

    we need some motivation to keep on track and can help each other out to get looking HOT this summer! lol :laugh:

    will post again tomorrow with our first challenge :blushing:

    oh and my start weight last week was 178! :grumble: LOL
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Ok I think I may want in on this one too. I need something else to get my butt going. My other 2 team mates are in too so that is good for me too!! Ok so my starting weight is 177.4.
  • 4real
    4real Posts: 72 Member
    I would like to join.:smile: my starting weight is 157lbs
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Start weight 144.6, hey girls frm purple glad to see some people i know. :smile:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Its good to see our Purples are still trying everywhere we can! So what is going to be our challenge?? I'm ready to get this thang started!!
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Awesome! Need all the motivation I can get right now!

    I just started the running program. Almost done with the first week and my lower legs are sore..ughh!

    Current weight is 163

    Good luck everybody! :happy:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I didn't see this yesterday but I want to join!

    Current weight: 148
    Goal for summer: 140

    I also think we should choose a day in summer to end this, and allllll post a pic in our swimwear to celebrate :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    hi guys!

    i am starting a new challenge! every summer i get really upset about my weight and wonder why i am the only one in long trousers and covered up all the time, so . . . .


    by the summer i will

    1. look fab in my new bikini/tankini (or swimwear for all the guys!)
    2. buy new shorts/skirts and look fab in them
    3. feel great about myself and not compare myself to other girls

    there are about 10 weeks until the 1st of May, but i would like to continue the challenge all summer for help and support :heart:

    we can make 2009 the best summer ever, by losing weight, getting healthy and feeling better about ourselves, which i think is just as important

    so our weigh in day will be THURSDAY, we can post our updated weights

    the first challenge is to drink drink drink our water, its is so important for our health and in helping weight loss :drinker:

    i usually get in about 1.5 litres, so looking to up this to 2 litres from today onwards :drinker:

    good luck this week guys, if everyone can post their start weight this week that would be great! :flowerforyou:

    when we all weigh in next thursday, i will post our total weight loss also

    cheers :heart:

    Im game I would like to reach my goal by summer.
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    hey guys! :smooched:

    today is our official weigh in day! most of you have weighed in already! well done :flowerforyou: i am starting off at 177 today!

    so i was thinking if we did say 3 challenges each week and everyone can pick one, or if we are feeling extra motivated we can do ALL 3! :laugh:

    if you want to change/suggest new challenges just jump straight in, i was thinking for week 1, these could be the challenges . . . .

    1. drink 2 litres / 64 oz of water EVERY DAY! :drinker:
    (some people have this down to a fine art, some are still struggling with it, so lets try real hard to do it for a whole week)

    2. do 3 x 30 MINUTES EXERCISE of something you wouldnt normally do, if you are a swimmer, you could try aerobics or jogging/walking/dance/hula hoop! and vice versa

    3. try 2 new healthy foods this week that you have never tried before! :smile:

    *** our 1st official weigh in will be next THURSDAY! ***

    i think if we just do one continous thread then we will always know where our fellow challengers are! :happy:

    so lets get started and feel free to moan, shout, laugh, scream, cry, laugh, motivate, and give tips, we are all here for each other with the same purpose in mind


    SUMMER 2009 WILL BE DIFFERENT!!! :heart: :drinker:
  • suprjewels
    I love the challenges. I got the water down. I think I might try a 30 minute yoga session on my fitness coach today instead of the normal core body or cardio. That would definately be new for me. I'm going to have to get to the store to get some new healthy foods. Hmmm anyone have any suggestions of something they eat that isn't "normal" for me to try? I'm drawing a blank. My weight is the same as yesterday.
    Now I must work my butt off if I have to put a pic of me in a bathing suit at the end of this. Talk about motivation Kerri! I think it might just work and keep me moving and not tempted by those sweets! LOL
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    The pic at the end is a good idea. Very motivating aswell! haha...hopefully not embarassing.:blushing:
  • nicolet04
    hey, im in!!! hope its not too late.
    my starting weight is 178
    as for the water, i drink 120 oz a day, so i think im good there. i will try to get some extra workouts in 3x a week, i just started p90x and i normally do 60-90 minutes a day and they r pretty intense workouts!

    im sooo excited about this, i really need it cause i am going to britneys spears' concert and vegas at the end of april and i want to look HOTT!!!
  • jWhit
    jWhit Posts: 15
    I want in! Is it too late? :sad:

    Starting weight: 136
  • melissaag1984
    Can I get in on this group still?

    Starting weight = 205

    current weight = 195

    I am going to try the second 2 challenges b/c I've got the water thing down.

    Good luck everyone!
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    hey guys,

    its never to late! :drinker:

    just remember your start weight today and our 1st weigh in is next Thursday! :heart:

    the picture in my swim wear at the end of the summer is motivating me already! lol great idea! :laugh:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    The challenges sound great! And I have gotten soooo bad about drinking my water. I hardly ever drink 16 oz of water a day anymore. And I also need an idea of something healthy to try that I haven't before. I tried turkey instead of hamburger in 3 different meals and I just don't care for it too much at all. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated! And if I have to post a pic up in my swim suit when we are done, then I better be working my butt off NOW!!! Lol!! Very good challenges ladies! I am stoked to begin this one. I think I am finally getting out of my crappy slump!! Good luck to us all!!