Summer 2009 WILL Be Different Challenge!



  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    Hi belldandy1, everyone is welcome to join anytime! You have a lovely plan, but I would recommend getting moving as soon as possible. Specifically, a 30 minute walk at lunch or after dinner (whenever is convenient for you) everyday. I loved reading "You-The Owner's Manual", and one of the best ways you can prepare yourself for starting an exercise program is for one to two weeks prior, do the thirty minute a day walk thing. That way your muscle cells can start making more mitochondria (which are the energy converters of the cells). With more mitochondria, your muscles don't get so darned fatigued when you start "working out". So you can avoid a lot of that - I worked out yesterday, and now I can't walk right - soreness.

    Best of luck, and don't forget to drink your 8 glasses of water everyday - it really helps!

    (sweating it off in Atlanta too)
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Today my daughter and son have been keeping me very busy. I barelly had time to eat. I had maybe 1 cup cherios and 1 tortilla with melted cheese on top. Now I'm gonna eat healthier for supper but I'm still worried that I might eat too many calories for supper. My calories should be devided equally through the day. Do you think it makes a difference? I was thinking I could maybe make my own healthy trail mix so I can snack when I'm too busy. What are your tips?
  • xbonbonx
    xbonbonx Posts: 170
    Is it okay if I join? I know this challenge started like a month ago or something.

    welcome to the challenge! good luck with your weight loss, weigh in is next thursday :flowerforyou:

    thanks :) I weigh on Thursdays already, so this is good.
  • Sounds like a great idea. Fiber One bars are also great things to keep handy. They are very satisfying and taste great!
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    i found that if i dont eat all my calories then i dont loose weight. I think its better to get in as many calories as you can as long as its not to late and before bed time and not high in carbs. You body will start storing as fat if eats burning more than it gets.
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    i find the same thing, i was being way to strict and over excersing and not eating enough calories and my weight just stayed the same. I think ive found a good balance though, but of course weekends are difficult
    but on a good note when home to visit my mom and they had brought home some lobster for me. sooo good (my dad fishes)
    hope everyone has a good day
  • 1. stay within your caloires every day this week, so whatever you have your calories set to, try to stay within that limit, then at the end of the week, we can report back as to how many of the 7 days we stayed on track, does this sound manageable?

    Will since Friday I haven't been on this site (no recording of calories or water intake) I know two things:
    I went over my calorie intake everyday during the weekend and I may have drank 1/2 cup water this whole weekend.

    Saturday was my sons 6th brithday...we had a pirate party for, cake, chips, icecream, candy and soft drink was my meals for the day...had an upset belly all night :sick:

    Sunday was my childrens ice dogs, chips, soft drink and more birthday cake....:sad:

    I'm going to start fresh again today...hopefully the next four days I can stick with challenge 1, as for challenge 2, I usually don't eat after 8pm
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    So. Weekend. Thumbs down.

    Saturday I had a friends birthday. Before we went out to the club we went to her house for a little pre-party. Her father came up to me and said some pretty brutal comments about my weight. To summarize I have "potential" but I just need to "work on my body". His final comment to me was "Have some birthday cake...don't worry its low-cal" :explode: :mad: :noway:

    So needless to say the night was pretty much ruined for me there. Some people just don't think. So the rest of the weekend I was feeling down and when I feel down I eat and don't exercise. Which is weird because you'd think comments like that would motivate me to work-out and eat well...but just the opposite.

    I'm trying to forget it and put it in the past....start fresh this morning and stay on track the rest of the week.

    Hope everyone had a better weekend than me! :heart:


    Summer 2009 WILL Be Different!

  • ashaner
    ashaner Posts: 14 Member
    So. Weekend. Thumbs down.

    Saturday I had a friends birthday. Before we went out to the club we went to her house for a little pre-party. Her father came up to me and said some pretty brutal comments about my weight. To summarize I have "potential" but I just need to "work on my body". His final comment to me was "Have some birthday cake...don't worry its low-cal"

    So needless to say the night was pretty much ruined for me there. Some people just don't think. So the rest of the weekend I was feeling down and when I feel down I eat and don't exercise. Which is weird because you'd think comments like that would motivate me to work-out and eat well...but just the opposite.

    I'm trying to forget it and put it in the past....start fresh this morning and stay on track the rest of the week.

    Hope everyone had a better weekend than me!

    wow - I hope you told him to stick it!! Who is he to judge you and what you have accoplished?! I think it's awesome that you have lost 16# - i still haven't lost 1# so you're waaaay ahead of me - but I still try every single day and some days are better than others! You have so much to be proud of and every morning when you get up you can say - today is going to be a great day - i am going to exercise and I'm gonna show that SOB just what I can - potential? potential? I'm gonna blow you outta the water buddy! :devil: hehe!! use it, use it, use it!! You will do AWESOME!!
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    So. Weekend. Thumbs down.

    Saturday I had a friends birthday. Before we went out to the club we went to her house for a little pre-party. Her father came up to me and said some pretty brutal comments about my weight. To summarize I have "potential" but I just need to "work on my body". His final comment to me was "Have some birthday cake...don't worry its low-cal" :explode: :mad: :noway:

    So needless to say the night was pretty much ruined for me there. Some people just don't think. So the rest of the weekend I was feeling down and when I feel down I eat and don't exercise. Which is weird because you'd think comments like that would motivate me to work-out and eat well...but just the opposite.

    I'm trying to forget it and put it in the past....start fresh this morning and stay on track the rest of the week.

    Hope everyone had a better weekend than me! :heart:


    Summer 2009 WILL Be Different!


    he is obviously jealous or something, that is such a horrible thing to say, im sorry you felt so down, some people say horrible things, i have been there, and i know they are just jealous, they do not feel confident in themselves if they have to put other people down

    you know you can do this, we are all here to help, the next time you feel like a bad snack or not exercising, jump on here and we can motivate each other

  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    This weekend wasn't the best because I got some visit at home and they brought the meal which is super nice of them but then I couldn't choose what I was gonna eat. It was lasagna, brocolli salad with bacon and mayo, and a triffle which I now know that I don't like. I just feel too bad to let people know that what they made wasn't to my taste I feel like I would be hurting their feelings. And also I din't get to workout. And now on top of it all this morning my motivation is running low. Hope the rest of the week will be better cause I really need to see the numbers go down.

    Good luck to all.
  • Hello all! Sorry to hear about those crazy comments! I honestly don't understand what goes through some peoples heads sometimes. It's like they don't know how to think before they open their mouths! Keep your chin up! Today is a new day and the weekend is long gone! You have accomplished so much all ready!

    This weekend was pretty good for me. Went to the gym both Saturday and Sunday. Sticked to my food plan and tried hard to eat all my fruits and veggies. Going to the gym after work today. I really need to see the scale drop this week. My motivation is kinda running a little low too....:cry: . Thankfully I have a very wonderful bf who gave me a great pep talk on Sunday and I am going to focus hard on exercising and eating right this week! Not to mention getting in all my water! :drinker:

    Check in later!
  • jeweljeans
    jeweljeans Posts: 109 Member
    I've gone to the gym... thursday.. saturday.. and today! yay! :) even without my partner... Been doing well with food.. except yesterday... went to buffet.. :( but it was so yummy... haven't been to one in ages.. and after yesterday.. probably won't go for ages again.

    I jumped on the scale at the gym.. and I don't think I'm going to base everything strictly on numbers... but it said I was 5 pounds heavier than my wii fit board... and 3 pounds heavier than our home scale... so I'm going to go off of it from now on... probably more accurate. But it put me back in the 160's! :(
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    People can be so rude! Dont let them get to you. Your making sucess just by commiting to a healthier life style. And dont worry about the little upset binge as long as you realized you did and it didnt happen for as long as the last one :smile: Just get and smile and know you look great and your doing your best and as for him he can stick it where the sun dont shine!

    And a great week to everyone!
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    :heart: Thanks for the support everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I really needed the kind words!

    Some people just put their foot in their mouths sometimes and just don't realize the impact of their words. Oh well. Moving forward!

    Today I am back on track. Ate very well and exercised today.

    I'm considering ordering ChaLean by beachbody..has anyone ever tried the program?


    Summer 2009 WILL Be Different!

  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    Hello all! Sorry to hear about those crazy comments! I honestly don't understand what goes through some peoples heads sometimes. It's like they don't know how to think before they open their mouths! Keep your chin up! Today is a new day and the weekend is long gone! You have accomplished so much all ready!

    This weekend was pretty good for me. Went to the gym both Saturday and Sunday. Sticked to my food plan and tried hard to eat all my fruits and veggies. Going to the gym after work today. I really need to see the scale drop this week. My motivation is kinda running a little low too....:cry: . Thankfully I have a very wonderful bf who gave me a great pep talk on Sunday and I am going to focus hard on exercising and eating right this week! Not to mention getting in all my water! :drinker:

    Check in later!

    Great job sticking to your healthy lifestyle this weekend! Are you keeping track of your measurements as well? I know for me I lose inches before I lose pounds....its nice to see some inches down even though the scale is being stubborn. :wink:


    Summer 2009 WILL Be Different!

  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who hit a motivation low this weekend. :sad: I missed my kickboxing class on Saturday, and I missed being able to balance my eating with those 700 exercise calories! I kept meaning to do Jillian Michael's shred workout routine, because it's free on my cable tv service, but never did .:ohwell:

    So today I went to the gym at lunchtime, and did circuit training with my arms, shoulders, and back, lots of crunches, a couple of push ups, and 20 minutes of walking on the treadmill, with four 1 minute intervals of jogging. I REALLY, REALLY JOGGING! But I got some good advice about putting the treadmill at an incline so that it won't hurt the front of my shins so much - and it worked! MFP rocks.

    The rest of my week is set with my favorite classes at the gym: Step Aerobics tomorrow, Yoga Wednesday, Spinning Thursday - got to buy a seat pad - ouchy on the tush. So I'm still hopeful for progress on Thursday's weigh in.

    Anyway - motivation doldrums completely stomped by working out today. :bigsmile: Take that stupid little inner voices that are so paranoid about finally making serious weight loss progress!

    And I can't believe how non-supportive people can be, just from not really thinking about what they are saying. I was reading another post about a woman who eats 5 small meals a day, instead of 3, and her coworkers say to her - "you're eating again? I thought you were trying to lose weight?". Can you imagine?

    Anyway, Chin Up, and Keep on Truckin' - THIS SUMMER WILL BE DIFFERENT!
  • smithiekat
    smithiekat Posts: 112 Member
    hello everyone!

    i did OK this weekend. i stayed within my calories just fine, but i didn't exercise AT ALL.

    As for this weeks challenges:

    # 1. sounds good!

    # 2. hmmmm. . . i teach dance until varying hours of the evening-i get home at 9:00pm at the earliest and i usually need to eat afterwards so i may just gracefully bow out of this one.

    # 3. i will do my best!!! especially at work, where i tend to sit down when there's nothing to do. maybe i'll reorganize the supply closet.

    Here's to our best week yet, everyone!!!
  • buskwhi2
    buskwhi2 Posts: 1
    Hi guys

    New to the site and hoping i can take part in this challenge;

    every summer i tell myself that i'll get myself slimmer for the next year and this is the year i'm finally going to keep to my promise! I want to get the confidence back that i used to have when i was slimmer and fitter.

    i'm a 27 year old male from Liverpool, England

    my starting weight is 182 lbs (my target to lose 2lbs a week for the next 8 wks if possible)

    i'm especially looking forward to showing off my newly toned body off to you in a bikini shot when i lose the weight :wink:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    Hi guys

    New to the site and hoping i can take part in this challenge;

    every summer i tell myself that i'll get myself slimmer for the next year and this is the year i'm finally going to keep to my promise! I want to get the confidence back that i used to have when i was slimmer and fitter.

    i'm a 27 year old male from Liverpool, England

    my starting weight is 182 lbs (my target to lose 2lbs a week for the next 8 wks if possible)

    i'm especially looking forward to showing off my newly toned body off to you in a bikini shot when i lose the weight :wink:

    welcome to the site, and welcome to the challenge! :flowerforyou:
    our weigh in day is every thursday, and we post challenges to keep each other motivated and any tips too

    good luck on your weight loss journey


    ps big liverpool fan! lol
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