Summer 2009 WILL Be Different Challenge!



  • I havent done Chalean Extreme yet, but my daughter has and she absolutely loves it... she just gave me my first grandson just about a year ago now... and she has gone from a little bit over 200 to now being 145 with that program... My wife and I do p90x ... Im a Team BeachBody Coach, so ask any questions you would like... Jason
  • Hey guys, hope everyone is having a good week. I'm having some serious motivation issues the last couple of days. Sunday we went to the gym and I half-heartedly did my cardio. Yesterday I completely skipped the gym for no good reason except that I was being lazy. Today forced myself to go. I felt great once I started working out but it was a struggle.

    The gym is replacing some old machines with new ones, which is nice, but they didn't have one of my favorite arm machines out. And it was insanely busy this morning for some reason, so I didn't get a chance to use the butterfly chest press. Sad day. I did all of my arm strength training minus those two machines and I went to get on MY bike. Some meanie had broken the foot straps off of it, so I couldn't use it and had to move down a few bikes. Don't you hate that? And the dog got a hold of my earbuds last night for my ipod (completely my fault; I left them on the floor and my bedroom door was left open) so I used an extra pair out of our "junk drawer" but they wouldn't stay in my ears at all and one side didn't work.

    Anyhow. Sorry about all of the griping. Just getting it out of my system! Today is going to be good and I'm gonna kick my own butt at the gym tomorrow morning! Good luck to everyone. It's almost weigh-in time again!
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    Jason - could you please explain what p90x is? I saw all the threads - and most of the comments about it are scary - "brutally difficult", "my body hurts all over, but man it is effective", and "I sound like a commercial". Is it a machine, program, video, what?

  • I havent done Chalean Extreme yet, but my daughter has and she absolutely loves it... she just gave me my first grandson just about a year ago now... and she has gone from a little bit over 200 to now being 145 with that program... My wife and I do p90x ... Im a Team BeachBody Coach, so ask any questions you would like... Jason

    I'm with Kathryn on this too Jason.

    I've been seeing all the postings about p90x, could you give us the readers digest version of what it's all about??? :bigsmile:
  • smithiekat
    smithiekat Posts: 112 Member
    Yesterday I completely skipped the gym for no good reason except that I was being lazy.

    Ugh-- i skipped yoga this morning too! (Phetzgetfit is amazing and goes every single day!) My bed was just so darn comfy. :yawn: :blushing: :wink:

    And now my bf is making a big steak dinner (yum) but I won't have enough exercise calories to really enjoy it :sad: because i'll either (a) eat it anyway and then be blue. . . or (b) skip it, and still be blue.

    I'm going to start calculating how long a walk i need to take the dogs on to make up for this morning (and eat my steak!). And then tomorrow morning YOGA for SURE! (If I tell you guys I'm going I'm more likely to go, right?) :ohwell:
  • I haven't been doing so will all week with challenge #1, I have been eating over my calorie intake and I haven't been able to go the gym to exercise. I have been having a pain in my right side of my neck...I'm thinking its from video taping my childrens Ice Show this weekend. Hopefully the pain goes away soon, so that I can get back at the gym again.
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    doing so bad this week, im home visiting and whenever i come home to visit i do not exercise and just eat digusting amounts. im happy to get back in the city tomorrow. starting completly new in the morning so maybe before my weigh in i can unbloat to a small extent, i kno it was a gain this week but i think i need it to kick me back in healthy mode.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    I have been moving for going on 2 weeks now so I'm not really getting any exercise in as far as my elliptical machine or anything but I have been doing tons of walking and lifting and cleaning and all that. Plus now I live downstairs so I am running the stairs all day long! Especially a lot until I get everything situated here. I hope you are all doing great!!
  • hi everyone.

    went to bikram yoga early today so i'd be home to watch biggest loser tonight. i LOVE that show.

    we had a kid (well someone around 20 who is a kid to me) in class today who is relatively new and was having a reeeealllllly hard time with the heat. They had to take him outside the class and have him lay down because he got so sick. I was talking to him after class, while he was recovering, and he waswondering why he was having such a hard time in class.

    I mentioned I have to make sure I eat enough a few hours before class and not right before class in order to make it through and not get sick. He said, oh..maybe that it's....i haven't eaten since last night. (???!!!! that was about 18 hours without food and then trying to do a 90 minute torture chamber class in 105 degree temp and wondering why you're not feeling so great! crazyyyyyy!)

    I think i've reached a plateau in weight goes up a lb. then i lose that lb. then i get it back. etc. you all know what i'm talking about. This has gone on for almost a month, since i lost the first 9 lbs.
    I'd be more bummed about it but I was looking at my reflection in the mirror in the yoga class and wow, i can see the changes!!! There's less of a roll around my waist, my arms are starting to look toned (maybe for the first time in my life) and I'm getting stronger and stronger and able to do more and more of the poses. I'm so happy about that I'm just going to trust the weight will come down again when it's time for it to do so.

    good luck to everyone this week.
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Hey guys, hope everyone is having a good week. I'm having some serious motivation issues the last couple of days. Sunday we went to the gym and I half-heartedly did my cardio. Yesterday I completely skipped the gym for no good reason except that I was being lazy. Today forced myself to go. I felt great once I started working out but it was a struggle.

    The gym is replacing some old machines with new ones, which is nice, but they didn't have one of my favorite arm machines out. And it was insanely busy this morning for some reason, so I didn't get a chance to use the butterfly chest press. Sad day. I did all of my arm strength training minus those two machines and I went to get on MY bike. Some meanie had broken the foot straps off of it, so I couldn't use it and had to move down a few bikes. Don't you hate that? And the dog got a hold of my earbuds last night for my ipod (completely my fault; I left them on the floor and my bedroom door was left open) so I used an extra pair out of our "junk drawer" but they wouldn't stay in my ears at all and one side didn't work.

    Anyhow. Sorry about all of the griping. Just getting it out of my system! Today is going to be good and I'm gonna kick my own butt at the gym tomorrow morning! Good luck to everyone. It's almost weigh-in time again!

    That's why we're here!! Plus...then we know we aren't the only ones :bigsmile: Look at all you have accomplished so far. We all have set backs but we have to move foward. Good luck and I hope you have a better week :flowerforyou:
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    Good Morning!

    I do wish MFP had the capability to log more than neck, waist and hip measurements, because I see the changes in my body too, but don't have the willpower to create yet ANOTHER log :noway: to keep track of the changes in my arms, my thighs, bust, ribcage, etc.

    So, I take a lot of different classes at the gym, and the yoga class has some poses that you are supposed to look in the mirror to check your alignment on. I dislike intensely that part of the class, because the only thing I see is a girl with a pooch belly, sweating profusely, which is not what I look like in my head. In my head I look more like Angelina Jolie. So I'm in step class yesterday, I glance over - and I just see a girl. No gianormous pooch belly, just a girl. Still sweating profusely, but the red face kinda went with the pink shirt - and blended right in.

    It was a good day.

    Keep on doing the best you can, and know that some weeks are going to be better than others.

    ps - where did Jason go? random commercial posting?

  • ps - where did Jason go? random commercial posting?

    I know!!!

    Jason, Kathryn & I want to know what p90x is.

    Please don't keep us in suspense :laugh:
  • Hey guys, hope everyone is having a good week. I'm having some serious motivation issues the last couple of days. Sunday we went to the gym and I half-heartedly did my cardio. Yesterday I completely skipped the gym for no good reason except that I was being lazy. Today forced myself to go. I felt great once I started working out but it was a struggle.

    The gym is replacing some old machines with new ones, which is nice, but they didn't have one of my favorite arm machines out. And it was insanely busy this morning for some reason, so I didn't get a chance to use the butterfly chest press. Sad day. I did all of my arm strength training minus those two machines and I went to get on MY bike. Some meanie had broken the foot straps off of it, so I couldn't use it and had to move down a few bikes. Don't you hate that? And the dog got a hold of my earbuds last night for my ipod (completely my fault; I left them on the floor and my bedroom door was left open) so I used an extra pair out of our "junk drawer" but they wouldn't stay in my ears at all and one side didn't work.

    Anyhow. Sorry about all of the griping. Just getting it out of my system! Today is going to be good and I'm gonna kick my own butt at the gym tomorrow morning! Good luck to everyone. It's almost weigh-in time again!

    That's why we're here!! Plus...then we know we aren't the only ones :bigsmile: Look at all you have accomplished so far. We all have set backs but we have to move foward. Good luck and I hope you have a better week :flowerforyou:

    Thank you! It does help a lot to come on this site and see that I'm not the only one who struggles sometimes!
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Just have to say it...I'm dreading the weigh-in.

    Now off to work my butt off today :bigsmile:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    i was good with food, but wasnt great with exericse, just did yesterday and today, had assignments due in all week, totally abandoned the exercise, feel SO much better today after exercising :flowerforyou:
  • Feeling great! Didn't workout yesterday, but I did on Monday and the bf and I are going again this evening! I'm hopeful about tomorrow! :bigsmile:
  • ashaner
    ashaner Posts: 14 Member
    So I'm not quite sure what's happening but all of a sudden - I'm not hungry anymore. Now this is not a good thing I don't think. It's 5:30 in the evening and I still have 1000 calories to eat - I'm pretty sure i don't want to do this! I ate lunch today - a grilled chicken breast in a whole wheat wrap with Fat free honey dijon and tomatoes and onions along with a little one serving bag of Baked Lays and I was so full I wanted to die! Usually I have 1-2 snacks in the afternoon - today I wanted nothing. i am really not even real hungy now - but I'm going to run five miles later and I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing.

    So do i just force myself to eat - fuel for the car - so to speak? What's up????

    And let me tell you - I love food - that's what got me on here to begin with - yikes!!!!

    Any thoughts?
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    today was an okay day.....

    not sure what to expect tomorrow for weigh-in.....the scale could go either way :ohwell:

    guess we'll see.........


    Summer 2009 WILL Be Different!

  • Weigh in day - I stayed the least it's not a gain.

    I know I have to up my cardio. My knee is feeling better so I did an aerobic workout yesterday and today.

    I want to see the scale move next week! :bigsmile:
  • my weigh in: At least the lb that showed up last week is now gone, which puts me back where i've been for a month wiithout it. 158. I feel good that I've at least maintained my 9 lb weight loss (since joining in january) but it's time to move that scale down a tad. I think i need to change something up.

    Doing good:

    • making it to 90=minute yoga workout everyday
    • eating mostly healthy

    need improvement:

    • need to double my water intake...i do good for a day and then I just forget...or something...once again that's my challenge this next drink it all!

    •I still need to prepare food ahead more so I don't make a poor decision when i get hungry.

    it's been rainy and cold here. I KNOW my exercise level will increase if and when the sun ever comes out again.

    • take the bike to the shop NOW and get the tire fixed so i'm ready to roll when it quits being so darn cold.

    good luck to everyone.
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