Summer Challenge- 20 lbs by Aug. 31st



  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    Hello Everyone

    Happy Friday

    I didn't loose any weight this week.

    Sw 145
    CW 140.5
    My goal is to loose another 10 pounds by August 30 i know its hard but my motto Be positive.

    Goat weight : 120 lbs

    By the way can someone suggest me good Calorie count monitor look for good will buy this weekend.

  • Good morning,

    I have updated my signature block to reflect this weeks weigh in at 175 lbs. :tongue: Getting there.

    Have a great day,

  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    Checking in:

    257 Challange SW
    255 July 3
    252 July 10
    252 July 17
    239 Challange GW

    Well I am still down 5 lbs, no change this week, but that's ok :) I have gotten my workouts in and kept within my calories. It will come off eventually :)

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Hello all you skinny minnies :happy:
    Here we go for today's check in- 184 lbs down 2 from last week :tongue:
    It's not what I hoped for but it is progress right

    My work outs were not great however I plan on hitting the gym today going and hardcore next week.
    Good luck to everyone today.... that August deadline is creeping up on us. Time to get super serious
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    OK.... So, I'm not really sure if I lost or gained.... haha I'm going with the lose! LOL

    I bought a new scale last weekend. On Friday when I weighed in on my old scale, I was 157. I bought the new scale the next day, and weighed myself Sunday morning. The new scale said I was 161.6. Today it reads 160.0.... So I'm going w/ a 1.6 loss...... But my ticker says I gained. :grumble: Oh well, I know I'm good now that I have the new one instead of the old school one I had!

    Good job everyone! Keep it uuup! :happy: :bigsmile:
  • bettame32
    bettame32 Posts: 17
    just wanted to check in. I have lost all motivation!!!!!!!!!! I don't know whats wrong with me. I do know my iron is very low (dr. said so). I have little to no energy. After working 8 hrs and coming home cooking dinner I have no will to do much more than to get in bed. And far as food goes, if its not junk food cakes and candy it doesnt taste right. Good healthy food makes my stomach upset. And my tasting buds arent having it. What do i do? I'm not giving up!!!! I am sooooooooo determined to have my skinny on the outside where it belong. Can I get some feed back on some sample diets and execrise work outs you all do? Thanks for listening!!!!!!!!

    cleaned up missed place my scale. I will weigh myself and post it asap
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Ugh. I gained weight.
    CW 156
    GW 140

    It might be from TOM....*crosses fingers* Hopefully I'm back down to my normal weight next week
  • Bett... I so hear you but listen to me! No matter what you are not allowed to fail or to give up :flowerforyou: . You are one of a handful of a couple of hundred who said "I want in on this challenge" that is still HERE! That speaks volumes about you! Look...take it from me, I look at those numbers on the scale each and every day and it sucks that any given read will determine my outlook for the next 24 hours. Is it gonna feel like a skinny day or a "hey loser, got no self control so you may as well blow it again today" day! Make sense?
    I look at my stats from 8 weeks ago and was actually down 6 fat ones, as of today, I'm down 2 but I'm still here AND SO ARE YOU!
    There are no easy fixes really, I mean weight loss is difficult. It requires about as much if not more devotion than most relationships, careers etc!
    Creating that lifestyle is the toughest. Some days I feel like I'm hanging off a cliff with my little finger, others I feel unstoppable. This ebb and flow of emotions are the problem We have to find a happy and safe balance. So... how do we do that? #1. We do not give up- EVER!

    I do have one heads up for you that may work. First, go buy a womens health mag called Oxygen... it rocks like no other fitness one on the market. Tosca Reno is a columnist in the mag and is soooo inspirational. She's 50 years young and a total stud. Her personal journey will crank up the waterworks :cry: , so inspirational. She has also written a book on Eating Clean (by the same title I believe) that just makes sense. Will you try it and let me know how it goes?
    I wait for your check in each and every week. You were doing so well on the personal challenges. No matter what, tomorrow is a fresh start for you. Forget the deadline on this challenge.
    Let's take it a day at a time ok?
  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184
    Sorry, I'm late for my check in again.

    CW 193.4, same as last week, but the inches are going so I am happy about that. Stupid scale, stupid scale, wish I wasn't so obsessed with the numbers on the scale and just went by how I am losing the inches!! Stupid scale!!!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    ugh I hear ya.
    I stepped on the scale and gained so much weight back. it's so disappointing and it def doesn't help with my motivation, that's for sure.

    Advice to you..when I was losing weight, I exercised in the morning before work. I'm extremely tired after I get home from work and I would always talk myself out of exercising. If you go to bed a little earlier and then wake up early enough, you can get in your exercises then. The plus side of it, you don't have to worry about squeezing it in later or being afraid you won't get it done.

    I believe you can eat whatever you want (as long as it's not chips chips cake fast food doughnuts and more chips each and every day etc). You can have that stuff, just in smaller amounts and not for every meal. This is a "lifestyle" change, not a diet. We have to learn that we can eat anything...we just have to watch how much we eat. It's def all about portion control. If you're doing great with exercising and logging your food (following the correct amounts), save a certain amount of cals for the end of the day and treat yourself with something yummy:smile:
    Split your meals up, so you have 5 small meals a day (every 2-3 hours). This way you wont be so incredibly hungry and you won't over eat. If you don't have time for a small meal, grab a protein bar (pure protein bars and south beach bars are absolutely delicious, check them out) or take a banana and some yogurt to wherever you're going (work, whatever).

    Make sure you're drinking your water too. It def helps.

    I gained weight back because I wasn't logging and exercising. It's my own fault and I'm a little disappointed in myself. I know you can do this! You seem like a strong woman! :flowerforyou: Keep up the good work and before you know it, you'll be at your goal weight!
  • bettame32
    bettame32 Posts: 17
    Ok here goes- I was sooooooooo down yesterday about my poor eating habits and not putting any effect towards my workouts.I was so ready to give up. Then on top of that I misplaced my scale, I thought that was a sign from the FAT Fairy telling me I wouldnt want to know how much I have gained. Well I just located my scale, WHOOOOOOOOOOOO I lost 2lbs. I was so excited cause i thought I had gained all that I lost and some more. Thank you for letting me vent and Thank you StJohnspark for your continued help, support and motivation. I back on track.
  • fvoice313
    fvoice313 Posts: 7 Member
    I'd like to start this, i just joined this site and i have alot of baby weight to get off.
  • sw 183 (for this challenge)
    cw 174 July 11
    gw 163 August 22nd (my cousin's wedding!)
    11 lbs to go!

    I wanted to post to this thread because my plateau of 4 weeks is finally over, the scale has started moving down again! The key for me was drink, drink, drink and stick to my meal/exercise plan with fresh eyes. After a while things get "boring" and you just don't care so much. I totally agree with kidvicious-portion control and logging every bite.

    It can be done. :drinker:
  • mouser79
    mouser79 Posts: 68
    i'm in-do we just check in weekly?
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Checking in.
    SW: 205
    5/29: 207 exercise: 335 min/ 3 days
    6/5: 203.6 exercise: 845 min/ 4 days
    6/12: 203.4 exercise: 650 min/ 5 days
    6/19: NA exercise: 0 min
    6/26: NA exercise: 0 min
    7/3: NA exercise:0 min
    7/10: 207.6 exercise: 30 min/ 1 day
    7/18: 209 exercise: 500 min/ 5 days
  • mouser79
    mouser79 Posts: 68
    Checking in-
    starting weight -165 on July 11
    July18th- 162.5
    Goal 145 by Aug 31
  • CandaceW
    CandaceW Posts: 73
    sorry so late...left my laptop at home while going to work for 3 days :ohwell: ...had 3 days of mfp withdrawl :bigsmile:

    Age: 26
    Starting Weight (5/22/09): 238.6
    Current Weight (7/3/09):224 (-0.8 lbs this week and -14.6 since start of challenge)
    Goal Weight (8/31/09): 214
    Workouts this week (6/26-7/2): 1122 min (4621 cal burned)
  • ashaner
    ashaner Posts: 14 Member
    This is perfect!! I just decided this morning that I was going to just see what I could do in 6 weeks and that coincides perfectly with your group!! I can do anything for 6 weeks right?

    So my starting weight this morning is 216 - yikes! so my weight will be 196 by August 31! I am sooo excited!! I know I can do this, not only for myself, but for my children - so they have a happy, healthy mama that can do anything with them!! (plus fit into a lot of the clothes I have hanging in my closet) hehe

    I am very good about drinking my water - and my biggest challenge right now is NOT drinking regular pop - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Dr. Pepper!! So that's my first goal - is to kick that habit!
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Hola Summer Challengers.
    I trust today is weigh in day so here are my numbers. I am down 6 lbs since starting.

    Start Date- 7/14/09
    Age -33
    Start Weight- 175 lbs
    7/17/09-172 lbs
    7/24/09-169 lbs

    Goal weight by 8/30/09-155
    Days/minutes of exercise=90minutes (3 days)

    I hope everyone else is doing well and still keeping up. You guys are motivating meeeeeee. Thank you:flowerforyou:
  • Good Morning Summer Challengers,

    I am excited today! On so many different levels, but the first being my lb loss since yesterday. I had to weigh in for the Red High Heels Group yesterday and had no change since last week and today, I am down a lb. YAY me!!! As well, it's Friday... bonus for all! And it's my last day at work before my Annual Leave... YAY for me! It is a good good day!

    Check my profile later today. We took updated photos this morning. I am feeling GOOD!!! :tongue:
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