Summer 2009 WILL Be Different Challenge!



  • yeahbuddy
    yeahbuddy Posts: 409
    just got done eating supper, and off to the gym in a couple minutes. then i cant wait to watch biggest loser. :)

    Yay, biggest loser:love:
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    So today I was so hungry for some reason...I actually had two separate at 12 and one around 2:30 :blushing: I am hoping its a sign my metabolism is increasing or maybe it's from all the strength training i've been doing....or it was just me being a little piggie today:laugh:

    either way...i worked out after work and burnt off most of my double lunch....i am over about 150 calories...not terrible considering :wink:

    Hope everyone had a better day than me! :flowerforyou:
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    I'm back... after a horrible few days of being sick.

    Of course my calories this week were very low due to being sick and not keeping much down but soup. I also havenb't worked out AT ALL but tonight I am gonna hit the elliptical for a little bit on an easy level. I'm just hoping I make it through. I'm nervous about the weigh in on Thursday. Anyone else?
  • Hello Everyone,

    Today I was very bad, I almost double my calorie intake in one sitting. I can't seem to get all my water in this week as will. I got kinda of pissed in work again, but this time at a coworker...she was going through one of her hot spills and I was cold, my fingertips were even turning blue. My mood tonight wasn't great (thanks to TOM and work) so I pigged out trying to make myself feel better.....but it didn't.

    Had good intentions on exercising tonight but I'm feeling to tired...I wonder what tomorrow brings...One thing for won't be exercise. I have a busy night ahead of me....and it will be late t before I get home tomorrow. Hopefully things will start to look up tomorrow so that I can get back on track for Thursday night weigh in. I'm guessing I will have a weight gain this week.

    Good luck to everyone on Thursday weigh in....see you then.
  • tooFAT2
    tooFAT2 Posts: 29
    Hello Everyone,

    Today I was very bad, I almost double my calorie intake in one sitting. I can't seem to get all my water in this week as will. I got kinda of pissed in work again, but this time at a coworker...she was going through one of her hot spills and I was cold, my fingertips were even turning blue. My mood tonight wasn't great (thanks to TOM and work) so I pigged out trying to make myself feel better.....but it didn't.

    Had good intentions on exercising tonight but I'm feeling to tired...I wonder what tomorrow brings...One thing for won't be exercise. I have a busy night ahead of me....and it will be late t before I get home tomorrow. Hopefully things will start to look up tomorrow so that I can get back on track for Thursday night weigh in. I'm guessing I will have a weight gain this week.

    Good luck to everyone on Thursday weigh in....see you then.

    HI...sorry to read that you had bad day....but just shake it off and move foward...tomorrow is a NEW day!
  • tooFAT2
    tooFAT2 Posts: 29
    Hi everyone!!! I didnt check in yesterday which turned into bad food choices BUT today is much much, I still have to log my food for today...i guess i better get to that, huh?

    anyhoo, the doc was NOT happy with me for not losing my ten pounds...this time he has given me three months. He told me to do any exercises but to stop if my back hurt...DUH, right???

    SO, this evening I got on the treadmill and could only walk three minutes at a speed of 1.0!!! UGH!!
    I then broke down in tears....I just cannot believe it not even 5 minutes.:ohwell: So I reallllly need to watch the foods I eat...calories calories calories...I am really upset with myself.

    ok ok I need to quit griping...sorry. Tomorrow is another day and maybe I can make it to 4 minutes:wink: That is my goal! YES I need to to think positive...right?

    well, it is late SO I wish you all a great Tuesday night!

  • SO, this evening I got on the treadmill and could only walk three minutes at a speed of 1.0!!! UGH!!
    I then broke down in tears....I just cannot believe it not even 5 minutes.:ohwell: So I reallllly need to watch the foods I eat...calories calories calories...I am really upset with myself.

    ok ok I need to quit griping...sorry. Tomorrow is another day and maybe I can make it to 4 minutes:wink: That is my goal! YES I need to to think positive...right?


    Hello Melissa

    Thanks for the tip, hopefully today will start off on the right track and that my coworker and I can put what happen yesturday behind us as if it never happened.

    In regards to you only being able to do three minutes on the treadmill, GIRL AT LEAST YOU ARE MOVING and you are setting shortterm goals for yourself. All you need to do is TAKE ONE STEP AT A TIME. You don't need to push yourself to hard at first. Just move enough so that you are comfortable, why risk pushing yourself over the limit and hurting yourself. Even losing an ounce is better then gaining. You have to do what you feel is right.

    Take care
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    hi, i was wondering what the benefits of drinking so much water are, and if you guys have any tricks to actual drink that much water. other then working out i never really feel thirsty.
    Today i actually ate breakfast,i never eat it cuz im never hungry at that time. i also have a chicken in the slow cooker, so im excited for supper. hope everyone has a good day today
  • ashaner
    ashaner Posts: 14 Member
    SOoo, I am really, really not happy! Worked out yesterday and I thought ate VERY well! Went to a meeting last night and only drank water - stayed away from the cookies and the nuts - and i GAINED 2.5 pounds from yesterday! What is the deal!?! ARRGH!!! So, so far - I'm up 4.5# this week and I've been watching what I eat and working out - :mad: I even worked myself through a terrible craving for a Dr. Pepper yesterday afternoon and avoided it!

    So, I'm going to make sure today to drink PLENTY of water - even though I normally do that, and try to work out double tonight - hopefully that will help!

    So, tomorrow at weigh-in might not be good but we'll see how it goes I guess!
  • Happy Wednesday to all. Hope it is going well. Couple of things to address....

    First, benifits to water...there are TONS! You can google them and find them but promoting weight loss and aiding in healthy skin are bigs ones for me. To help with your water intake, maybe try some of the Crystal Light flavor packets. They are very low calorie and can add a lot of taste to your beverage! Also, warm lemon water helps. Maybe to help with your water intake you should set a time limit for yourself. For instance, say you are going to drink this much water by this time. Make it a challenge for yourself and if you complete the challege, reward yourself in a wonderfully sweet, low calorie way! :happy: I don't know if that will help, but that is what I got! Drinking water for me is normally fine because I talk all day and I need something to keep my throat moist!

    As for the 4 pound weight gain....when are you weighing yourself? Also, remember that you are building muscle and that will weigh more. Make sure that Thursday you weigh yourself when you first get up, after going potty, and with no clothes on! :laugh: Always makes me feel better! Regardless, don't get discouraged. Even if the scale is not where you would like, knowing that you are eating right and working out will help. I know it's hard to think positive in those situations, but that's part of the healthy mindset. And, that's why we are here!! :smooched:

    Today for me has been crazy. Didn't get to eat my breakfast like normal so I was starving at lunch! Hoping to go to the gym tonight....nope, change that....AM going to the gym tonight. Woot! Need a good sweat before weigh in! I'll check back in later! Have a great afternoon everyone!
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    Hi everyone!!! I didnt check in yesterday which turned into bad food choices BUT today is much much, I still have to log my food for today...i guess i better get to that, huh?

    anyhoo, the doc was NOT happy with me for not losing my ten pounds...this time he has given me three months. He told me to do any exercises but to stop if my back hurt...DUH, right???

    SO, this evening I got on the treadmill and could only walk three minutes at a speed of 1.0!!! UGH!!
    I then broke down in tears....I just cannot believe it not even 5 minutes.:ohwell: So I reallllly need to watch the foods I eat...calories calories calories...I am really upset with myself.

    ok ok I need to quit griping...sorry. Tomorrow is another day and maybe I can make it to 4 minutes:wink: That is my goal! YES I need to to think positive...right?

    well, it is late SO I wish you all a great Tuesday night!


    when i started at 218, i couldnt do more than 5 minutes on my elliptical, now at 176 i can do 90 minutes, i did it one evening! i was so amazed, you will be fine hun, just stick with it, and you will be surprised that you can do more next week

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    hi, i was wondering what the benefits of drinking so much water are, and if you guys have any tricks to actual drink that much water. other then working out i never really feel thirsty.
    Today i actually ate breakfast,i never eat it cuz im never hungry at that time. i also have a chicken in the slow cooker, so im excited for supper. hope everyone has a good day today

    hi tamara,

    well i always keep a bottle of water with me where ever i go, and take lots of sips/gulps throughout the day, you will be surprised at how much you can actually drink

    hope you have a great day :flowerforyou:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    SOoo, I am really, really not happy! Worked out yesterday and I thought ate VERY well! Went to a meeting last night and only drank water - stayed away from the cookies and the nuts - and i GAINED 2.5 pounds from yesterday! What is the deal!?! ARRGH!!! So, so far - I'm up 4.5# this week and I've been watching what I eat and working out - :mad: I even worked myself through a terrible craving for a Dr. Pepper yesterday afternoon and avoided it!

    So, I'm going to make sure today to drink PLENTY of water - even though I normally do that, and try to work out double tonight - hopefully that will help!

    So, tomorrow at weigh-in might not be good but we'll see how it goes I guess!

    stick with it, your body can fluctuate in any one day, you could be -/+ 5 any one day, you are doing great, good luck with your weigh in and it weill settle down soon hun, dont worry

  • shea831
    shea831 Posts: 6 Member
    This is such a great group! Starting Weight 132. 10 weeks isn't that long, so it shouldn't be too hard to keep our motivation and will power strong. Let's do this :smile:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member

    i was thinking that we could have our first CHECK IN GOAL on the 30th April, to see if we have met our goals, and adjust, make changes or just keep on truckin!

    so the 30-4-09 is only 8 thusdays away (including tomorrow), so we can think of what we want to have achieved in the next 2 months, then after that i will set another CHECK IN, so we can do the same

    how about it? suggestions? ideas? is this ok with everybody?

    let me know what you think guys!

  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member

    i was thinking that we could have our first CHECK IN GOAL on the 30th April, to see if we have met our goals, and adjust, make changes or just keep on truckin!

    so the 30-4-09 is only 8 thusdays away (including tomorrow), so we can think of what we want to have achieved in the next 2 months, then after that i will set another CHECK IN, so we can do the same

    how about it? suggestions? ideas? is this ok with everybody?

    let me know what you think guys!

    Are you thinking any type of goal? like a weight-goal? or an exercise goal? pant-size? :wink:
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    Sounds good to me, are you thinking a weight amount, fitness goal,clothing size?
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    I think that would be a great idea. I like Tamaras ideas..maybe we could pick one that we want?!?
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I think a check-in goal would be great!! I would definately pick a weight goal for me.

    i was thinking that we could have our first CHECK IN GOAL on the 30th April, to see if we have met our goals, and adjust, make changes or just keep on truckin!

    so the 30-4-09 is only 8 thusdays away (including tomorrow), so we can think of what we want to have achieved in the next 2 months, then after that i will set another CHECK IN, so we can do the same

    how about it? suggestions? ideas? is this ok with everybody?

    let me know what you think guys!


    Sounds great... I would like to set my goal towards fitting into pants one size smaller, and weigh 10 pounds lighter...

    Good Luck to everyone with their weigh in's tonight!
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