Summer 2009 WILL Be Different Challenge!



  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    I burned 653 cal. today. Just had to tell someone cause I'm just so proud of myself. I did just 6 min of jump rope and I was totaly out of breath.

    Good luck everyone!
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    :happy: Way to go!:flowerforyou:
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Hey everyone ! Today was not a good day everything and everything that could go wrong did. i started tracking my food and activities again and im really under calories but theres just not to much right now that i can eat. Ughh anyways happy st.pattys to all!
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    Happy St Paddy's Day from Ireland!

    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    such a bad day, i had class until 4 today, then i didnt feel like working out, on break i had a mcflurry, a good 550 calories, plus im really sore from working out yesterday but i still could of probly worked through it, and then of course i went n bought some candy from the bulk barn cuz i felt bad about myself. stupid cycle. im exaclty at 1200 calories, but the food i ate today was not good at all.
    hope other ppl had a better day
    a positive i did buy a good scale that keeps track of weight loss and gain :)
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've actually had a good day. This is my second day in a row that I managed to drink all my water. And step class at lunchtime did not result in my . Things are looking up!

    It did result in a nice tomato-like face for about 45 minutes afterwards. But hey, that's the small price you pay for a smaller *kitten*.

    Why are the weekends so much harder? Is it just being at home, where all your food is, so it's easier to grab at? And I usually clean and do laundry on the weekends, so it's not like I'm being a total slug all day, camped out with a bag of potato chips and the remote.

    Can't wait until Thursday! Tomorrow I'm going to the gym to take a Centergy Class (Gold's Gym) which is tai chi slash yoga slash pilates. It's my favorite.
  • Hello Everyone,

    Today was ok.....Bought a new pedometer, brand name GOWalking by sportline. Worn it tonight at kickboxing. I also did 10 minutes on the arc trainer burning 100 calories plus 30 minutes of strength training. The Pedometer read that I only burned off calories the whole entire time at gym. This doesn't seem right to me. :indifferent: I am puzzled into what amount of calories I should record in my exercise tab. I found a website at you enter you weight , the number of minutes that you did at a certain type exercise, and it tells you how many calories you could of burned...and that website tells me that I should of burned off at least 700 calories just for the kickboxing alone.

    Not sure on what I should enter...:grumble: Any suggestions????
  • suprjewels
    suprjewels Posts: 507
    I just finished burning 440 calories in 45 minutes doing my fitness coach this morning. Can't wait for the weigh in tomorrow. been working hard!
  • ashaner
    ashaner Posts: 14 Member
    Well, I've done great with the water! That's really easy to do at my work because I'm at a desk all day and I just put it right there next to my phone - if I talk on the phone, I take a drink! The eating - not so much - although did very well until late afternoon and then dinner - MENTAL!! Did run 3 miles yesterday morning and walk 3 miles last night but had too many carbs and puffed up like a blowfish! Was really tired and sluggish this morning too - I know I shouldn't eat that!! So I have a meeting tonight but plan to run 5 miles afterward and am definitely going to watch what I eat today - I want a GREAT weigh-in tomorrow!! Good luck to everyone and have a great "last chance workout!!" hehe I :heart: the Biggest Loser!
  • hey guys, I am back after a really bad couple of weeks. I totally fell off the wagon, had a lot going on in my personal life and school and work. But I wanted to get back on track again. Luckily I have not gained back anything I lost but I have not been eating great and have not been to the gym in 2 weeks. I am going to a step-muscle fusion class tonight [something new].

    What are the challenges for this week?
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    i think this week the feeling has been a little down with the group, myself included :noway:

    one more day until weigh in, so make it count! :drinker:

    im off to do an hour on the elliptical, god knows i need to after the week ive had, well tomorrow is the start of a new week, and im looking forward to a fresh start of sorts!

    good luck everyone :flowerforyou:
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    i think this week the feeling has been a little down with the group, myself included :noway:

    one more day until weigh in, so make it count! :drinker:

    im off to do an hour on the elliptical, god knows i need to after the week ive had, well tomorrow is the start of a new week, and im looking forward to a fresh start of sorts!

    good luck everyone :flowerforyou:

    I thought I was the only one but This next week will be GREAT for everyone! :bigsmile:
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    so i just woke up and am super excited. i weighed in at 128.8 :), so down 3.2 pounds. i think my 1000 calories burned at the gym yesterday might of helped a
  • I am down one pound this week. :happy:

    I am super excited because that takes me down into the 150s :bigsmile: I weigh 159 now.
    I'm also pleased because with my knee injury I'm not doing the cardio I used to do.

    good luck to everyone with their weigh-ins today!!!!! :wink:
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    I am glad someone had positive results this week. I am totally bummed to have only lost 0.5 pounds. Now I'm going to whine: I worked out 6 of 7 days, and have looser clothes, so I thought the weigh in today would be fabulous. I am quite disappointed. I think you really do have to work extremely hard for every pound lost. I do hope next week is better.

    To the good side, drinking 2L of water everyday is getting much easier, and the classes at the gym are fun.

    Good luck everyone, hopefully you'll have better results than me!
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    I'm back from my 4 day road trip to visit my grandmother :happy:

    I weighed myself this morning fearing the worst but i am exactly the same as last week. 156.4 lbs.

    YAY!!! :happy:

    I was so worried since I had to eat out at every meal and had no exercise AND its my TOM. I tried to eat the best I could, but did cave into pizza one day...:blushing:

    I'm looking forward to getting back into my normal routine....i hated not exercising at all..

  • My sister came to visit on Saturday and while I went to the gym that morning, I knew ther stay would be hard. I tried to go to the gym Sunday but that didn't happen. Nor did I stick to my diet on Sunday either. Totally blew it in the worst kind of way. Teacher work day on Monday and Joseph and I went to the gym to do some strength training and that felt good. Still didn't stick to the deit very well. It was his brother's bday and I caved on cake and ice cream. Tuesday I planned on going to the gym in the morning but I so desired sleep more and caved to that as well. Then I went to the beach and got massively sunburned and now it hurts to move. Yesterday (Wednesday) I stuck to my diet but did no exercise because it hurts too bad to move. Today I weighed in and I gain a pound. :sad: Much sadness. I knew it would happen and I am very thankful that it was only one pound. Time to get back on track. I don't know if I will be able to make it to the gym today seeing as it I still hurt but maybe I will go for a walk. I know I need's just getting the motivation to do so. Especially when I am smack in the middle of Breaking Dawn!!! I just want to spend the day reading! Anyway, by this weekend I will be good to go back to the gym and hopefully I will see more results next week! Great job to all of you who showed progress this week!!
  • weighed in today and no change for me yet: 158. But, I'm going to consider that a success as it's no weight gain either! Plus, I did better on water intake, got plenty of exercise, and felt good. (also it's starting to feel like spring outside).

    thanks everyone for being here and best wishes.
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    hey everyone!

    so i had a bad week too, but i tried to make up for it last night by doing 60 minutes on my elliptical so i think that saved me! :blushing:

    wk 0 - 177
    wk 1 - 176
    wk 2 - 174.8
    wk 3 - 174.2

    so, im down just over a half a pound, ill take that anyday! :drinker:

    when everyone has weighed in, i will post about our challenges for next week tomorrow morning

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    No gain ~~~~~~no lost either ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One of these days~~~~~~~~I will lose~~~~~~~~~~~

    doing the Tai Chi for seniors~~~~~~~~very relaxing ~~~~~~~~love it~~~~~~~~~~~
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