

  • When it comes to food, it sounds like your portions will need to be more important than what you are making. If you eat the same food as the rest of your family measure out one serving. Also, if you make vegetables, give yourself a big serving of veggies and a smaller serving of the other foods. You don't need to buy extra…
  • When I lived a dorm I used a pilates dvd. It was 10 minute workouts, but you can combine them to do more or less depending on how much time you have. It wasn't a huge calorie burn, but it did help with strength and tone. Plus, I was self-conscious about noise since I had neighbors in every direction, and with pilates I…
  • Do you like smoothies? It might be an easy way for you to get fruit and veggies in without the texture. You can mix whatever fruit you want with milk or yogurt and some ice, or use frozen fruit. You can put in some spinach and if there's a lot of fruit you can't taste the vegetable. If you eat spaghetti sauce, blend…
  • Love my Polar FT4. I've had it for over a year and never had a problem. It tracks everything I need it to, easy to use, chest strap is not uncomfortable.
  • I love the lasagna idea! I'll have to try that with ground turkey.
  • I agree with Meg_78. It will be more accurate if you set your activity level to "active" then don't count the calories from work. Walking burns fewer calories than running, though not by much. But if you are walking for 7 hours and MFP says you burned 800 calories doing that, to be accurate you'd need to subtract the…
  • Right now I weigh in first thing Monday morning. I used to weigh in daily and I actually liked that because I came to understand how dramatically my weight tends to fluctuate. So this Monday I was up 1 pound, but I know that it may be a natural fluctuation and not a fat gain, since I was right on track with calories and…
  • If you're with a group of people they may not even notice that you don't take any. When I had housemates they all knew when I was trying to eat healthy (and for the most part they were too). Since you live with this person, it might be worth making it more clear to them what you food boundaries are. So when the bag of mix…
  • I'm doing 30 Day Shred right now, but I've done Ripped in the past and really liked it. I think I'll do that when I finish Shred in a few weeks.
  • The best suggestion I can give you is to establish some healthy patterns during the summer and make a plan for maintaining them in college. College life, especially if you are on campus, can be rough on fitness and nutrition. I highly recommend registering for an athletic class and participating in intramurals. I wish I…
  • I used to live in a tiny dorm, and I did find some simple things I could do with very little space. There's a pilates video I used to have that I only needed a strip of floor about the size of a towel. It's low impact, no jumping around or anything so you are less likely to injure yourself is a space-related way. Walking…
  • Hummus!!! Or a little balmamic vinegar, especially with cucumber or red peppers.
  • Right now I eat egg whites almost every morning. It takes about 1min in the microwave and I add veggies if I have them on hand. This is my favorite though: About 1/2 cup of instant oats, about 1/2 cup of vanilla greek yogurt, spoonful of peanut butter (you can add some milk if you like it thinner, but I like it thick). Mix…
  • I'm a pear, and even when I lost 20 pounds last year I only went down 1 pants size. My weight comes off the top first, so I'll be really thin waist up - like rib cage protusion thin - and still have plenty of junk in the trunk. I just accept that the basic shape won't change, but running and resistance training slim it…
  • Great info. Must return once I have NROLFW and my dietbet is over.
  • I only pay attention to my sugar if I've been having unhealthy sweets. If its all from fruit, don't worry about it. Protein is good, it would be very difficult to get too much of it, especially if you are balancing it with carbs and fats. Don't overthink it or get bogged down in details. What you're doing is obviously…
  • From the information you gave your TDEE including 3-5 days of exercise is 2163. If you want to add muscle and not lose more weight you'll need to eat more than that amount. I'm also 5'8", but built differently (carry weight in my hips, goal is to lose 30lbs), and you are eating less than I am.
  • Been there, done that. Back at it. Friend request coming at you :)
  • There's nothing wrong with pushing yourself. Level 2 is definitely more challenging, and I haven't done 3 yet, but there's no reason not to try. Go ahead and mix it up.
  • I've never liked regular pop, only diet even as a kid. But in an effort to drink more water I limit my pop intake to dinner. I don't drink it throughout the day or go to the machine at work. If I really want one I have it with my dinner and that's it. If you want to quit completely that's even better (like I said, I drink…
  • I don't live in WA, but I went to college in Spokane and would love to end up back in the PacNW eventually. I'm happy and nice :) Friend request coming at you.
  • I've lost/gained the same 15-30 pounds several times since college. The big thing for me is not establishing new routines quickly when I go through a transition. I lost college weight, then gained during grad school, lost that weight while I was a nanny, then gained when I moved to Texas and started my PhD, lost again,…
  • If these songs come on I'm guaranteed to pick up the pace: What Doesn't Kill You by Kelly Clarkson Dog Days are Over by Florence and the Machine Firework by Katy Perry I don't tend to listen to much pop music, but it makes me feel like a badass on the treadmill. I also like swing and bluegrass for the pace.
  • It's possible he just doesn't know HOW to be supportive. Culture and media teach guys that if they say anything about weight/food/exercise/fitness/etc. to a female we will be hurt or offended. Maybe he just doesn't know how to show support without saying something inadvertently offensive. My husband doesn't "support" me by…
  • Just sent you a friend request :)
  • Sounds like you eat the same way my husband does. His favorites are not healthy stuff and the only things he knows how to cook involve ground beef and velveeta. I'm really intimidated by cooking, but I've learned some really easy things. Like defrost a chicken breast and grill it on the foreman grill with some seasonings.…
  • 1-2 cups of coffee every morning with almond milk, lots of water, diet soda a few times/week, some crystal light with dinner if I want something other than water.
  • That's pretty much the same story I have. Last last year, gained back after I stopped logging, now I'm at it again. Friend request sent :)
  • Mentally it helps me because there are high calorie foods I love, and if I thought I could never have them again I'd probably just throw in the towel completely. I plan around that meal so it fits in my calories for the week. This is truly just 1 meal per week where I get whatever I want. I still log it, and I don't trick…
  • If I take a big bite of something high calorie and I'm close to my limit for the day I log it. If it's really just a nibble, like if I have one or two m'n'ms or a tiny taste of my husband's desert, I don't. If I become too obsessive I'm actually more likely to fall away from logging altogether. If you really only do this…