Well, dug up my old website...I really need to update it.
When I was 12 and my sister was 14 she was a horrible child. Drinking (HEAVILY)-lying-cheating-stealing-sex... My mom KNEW it was going on, couldn't prove it and didn't know how to combat it. (Never kicked her out though). However, it was NOT uncommon for her to not show up until midnight or later...or just sneaking out…
If it were adults vs adults (running man) would you feel the same way? It's hard to really be upset over a fictional story about non-existant characters doing something that isn't real. Its no more heart wrenching or disturbing than Watership Down about rabbits that murder each other in a land battle over equal rights, or…
That's where I was about a month and a half ago. My fiance and I started our weight loss plan back at the beginning of February. We've slipped up a few times, but have kept on track! BTW-I used to live in Michigan, which part are you at?
^^ This I don't sweat (except minor perspiration...but simply put, my body doesn't really produce sweat..never has) so I overheat incredibly easy. I'll drink a lot of water, and come back from the gym weighing more than when I left. If I've lost weight, I'll see it the next morning.
OMG! I have some amazing internet dating stories!!!! Date 1-Meet up with guy, we go out to play pool and hang out....afterwards we go get something to eat. He starts hitting on the waitress, RIGHT in front of me. Then proceeds to ask for her number. We finish the meal, I feign "Oooo, forgot my wallet" and he says "No…
Oh and jello pudding helps too.
I understand this completely! I <3 my fiancee, but he was raised in a pig sty! I've heard the horror stories...and he's REALLY good at trying. We have sort of an unwritten agreement, where I cook and he cleans...(however, my big dinners are mostly on me...) but lately I've been doing everything for our upcoming…
Yep, getting my left outer thigh done...Ganesh in a clover field at night
I need to get some new pics of mine...but I think I'm going to wait until I lose more weight to do so
If I have time to cook- Poached egg on a pile of wilted spinach with a tomato. If not (Which before work during the week, usually not) A glass of non fat milk-followed up around 10 AM by a banana or apple. However, today we grabbed panera bread for breakfast (fiance with the power breakfast sandwhich) and me with the fruit…
I actually have a quite extensive working vintage collection. (Minus a few cameras here or there) My babies are my 4x5 press camera, my hasselblad 501cm, a beautiful rolleiflex I've got somewhere around 30-40 of them now, most on display in my new office.
This is a pretty typical day for me before adding in any excercise. We tend to eat a lot of fish/shellfish (salmon 2-3 times a week). Most of our fat does come from fattier fish/olive oil/etc. I DO have to watch my intake (per dr's orders) since heart disease runs rampant in my family. She doesn't want me really going…
Love this! I'm a huge fan of Asian inspired art
Absolutely love these!
Hey! I'm also a gamer (Xbox 360 and PC)! I actually met my fiance through an MMO-which is weird to most people, but made perfect sense to us. Adding you!
31 year old female from Indiana here... BA In Photography/Communications Decent camera collection-(My favorites are medium format, with my prize piece being a cherry red Hasselblad 501CM with chrome accents...) Really looking to re-motivate myself to get back out and shoot...been missing it severely, but my weight got the…
Yeah... We spent years at the allergists/doctors trying to figure out what was wrong... Finally, it's been narrowed down to yeast/lettuce. (Which, is A LOT of herbs/and a LOT of foods...bacons/alcohols/breads/some cheeses...etc.) We stir fry a lot and george forman it up quite a bit. I've also come to love the steamer…
I definitely need to find some fitness to the site here myself. I'll see if I can figure out how to add you
So, anyone want to post anything they're proud of? Its a slow Monday here and I'd love to see some creative stuff!
About 4 years ago I was in a dead end job as inside sales/office/tech support/marketing....(SMALL company). The pay was horrible..(my ONE raise in 5 years was 10 cents...) No vacation, no benefits...I had to work part time at a school in the late afternoons to make up for it. The manager was a *****-we fought constantly.…
I am glad there's others out there..being a big of an "art geek", it's nice to know I can come on here and post!
Joined recently and have to say, that for the price (we got the 10$ a month membership) it's a great deal. The staff seems really knowledgeable, but mostly there are A LOT of machines/equipment. (I'm not at the stage where I'll be taking a class....) but they do have some circuit ab training, and did I say A LOT of…
I've got 143 lbs to go! Female from Indiana here, looking for friends/support as well.